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The doubly eclipsing quintuple low-mass star system 1SWASP J093010.78+533859.5

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 نشر من قبل Marcus Lohr
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M. E. Lohr

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Our discovery of 1SWASP J093010.78+533859.5 as a probable doubly eclipsing quadruple system containing a contact binary with P~0.23 d and a detached binary with P~1.31 d was announced in 2013. Subsequently Koo et al. confirmed the detached binary spectroscopically and identified a fifth set of static spectral lines at its location, corresponding to a further non-eclipsing component of the system. Here we present new spectroscopic and photometric observations, allowing confirmation of the contact binary and improved modelling of all four eclipsing components. The detached binary is found to contain components of masses 0.837(8) and 0.674(7) M_sol, with radii of 0.832(18) and 0.669(18) R_sol and effective temperatures of 5185(-20,+25) and 4325(-15,+20) K respectively, the contact system has masses 0.86(2) and 0.341(11) M_sol, radii of 0.79(4) and 0.52(5) R_sol respectively, and a common T_eff of 4700(50) K. The fifth star is of similar temperature and spectral type to the primaries in the two binaries. Long-term photometric observations indicate the presence of a spot on one component of the detached binary, moving at an apparent rate of approximately one rotation every two years. Both binaries have consistent system velocities around -11 to -12 km/s, which match the average radial velocity of the fifth star, consistent distance estimates for both subsystems of d=78(3) and d=73(4) pc are also found, and (with some further assumptions) of d=83(9) pc for the fifth star. These findings strongly support the claim that both binaries (and very probably all five stars) are gravitationally bound in a single system. The consistent angles of inclination found for the two binaries (88.2(3) and 86(4) degrees) may also indicate that they originally formed by fragmentation (~9-10 Gyr ago) from a single protostellar disk and subsequently remained in the same orbital plane.

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We present a quintuple star system that contains two eclipsing binaries. The unusual architecture includes two stellar images separated by 11 on the sky: EPIC 212651213 and EPIC 212651234. The more easterly image (212651213) actually hosts both eclip sing binaries which are resolved within that image at 0.09, while the westerly image (212651234) appears to be single in adaptive optics (AO), speckle imaging, and radial velocity (RV) studies. The A binary is circular with a 5.1-day period, while the B binary is eccentric with a 13.1-day period. The gamma velocities of the A and B binaries are different by ~10 km/s. That, coupled with their resolved projected separation of 0.09, indicates that the orbital period and separation of the C binary (consisting of A orbiting B) are ~65 years and ~25 AU, respectively, under the simplifying assumption of a circular orbit. Motion within the C orbit should be discernible via future RV, AO, and speckle imaging studies within a couple of years. The C system (i.e., 212651213) has a radial velocity and proper motion that differ from that of 212651234 by only ~1.4 km/s and ~3 mas/yr. This set of similar space velocities in 3 dimensions strongly implies that these two objects are also physically bound, making this at least a quintuple star system.
65 - P. Zasche , Z. Henzl , H. Lehmann 2020
We report the discovery of the relatively bright (V = 10.5 mag), doubly eclipsing 2+2 quadruple system CzeV1731. This is the third known system of its kind, in which the masses are determined for all four stars and both the inner and outer orbits are characterized. The inner eclipsing binaries are well-detached systems moving on circular orbits: pair A with period PA = 4.10843 d and pair B with PB = 4.67552 d. The inner binaries contain very similar components (q = 1.0), making the whole system a so-called double twin. The stars in pair B have slightly larger luminosities and masses and pair A shows deeper eclipses. All four components are main-sequence stars of F/G spectral type. The mutual orbit of the two pairs around the system barycenter has a period of about 34 yr and an eccentricity of about 0.38. However, further observations are needed to reveal the overall architecture of the whole system, including the mutual inclinations of all orbits. This is a promising target for interferometry to detect the double at about 59 mas and dMbol < 1 mag. (The RV and ETV data available via CDS)
Until now, HD 155448 has been known as a post-AGB star and listed as a quadruple system. In this paper, we study the system in depth and reveal that the B component itself is a binary and that the five stars HD 155448 A, B1, B2, C, and D likely form a comoving stellar system. From a spectroscopic analysis we derive the spectral types and find that all components are B dwarfs (A: B1V, B1: B6V, B2: B9V, C: B4Ve, D: B8V). Their stellar ages put them close to the ZAMS, and their distance is estimated to be ~2 kpc. Of particular interest is the C component, which shows strong hydrogen and forbidden emission lines at optical wavelengths. All emission lines are spatially extended in the eastern direction and appear to have a similar velocity shift, except for the [OI] line. In the IR images, we see an arc-like shape to the northeast of HD 155448 C. From the optical up to 10 micron, most circumstellar emission is located at distances between ~1.0 arcsec and 3.0 arcsec from HD 155448 C, while in the Q band the arc-like structure appears to be in contact with HD 155448 C. The Spitzer and VLT/VISIR mid-IR spectra show that the circumstellar material closest to the star consists of silicates, while polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) dominate the emission at distances >1 arcsec with bands at 8.6, 11.3, and 12.7 micron. We consider several scenarios to explain the unusual, asymmetric, arc-shaped geometry of the circumstellar matter. The most likely explanation is an outflow colliding with remnant matter from the star formation process.
135 - Guillermo Torres 2017
We report spectroscopic and differential photometric observations of the A-type system V482 Per that reveal it to be a rare hierarchical quadruple system containing two eclipsing binaries. One has the previously known orbital period of 2.4 days and a circular orbit, and the other a period of 6 days, a slightly eccentric orbit (e = 0.11), and shallow eclipses only 2.3% deep. The two binaries revolve around their common center of mass in a highly elongated orbit (e = 0.85) with a period of 16.67 yr. Radial velocities are measured for all components from our quadruple-lined spectra, and are combined with the light curves and with measurements of times of minimum light for the 2.4 day binary to solve for the elements of the inner and outer orbits simultaneously. The line-of-sight inclination angles of the three orbits are similar, suggesting they may be close to coplanar. The available observations appear to indicate that the 6 day binary experiences significant retrograde apsidal motion in the amount of about 60 degrees per century. We derive absolute masses for the four stars good to better than 1.5%, along with radii with formal errors of 1.1% and 3.5% for the 2.4 day binary and about 9% for the 6 day binary. A comparison of these and other physical properties with current stellar evolution models gives excellent agreement for a metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.15 and an age of 360 Myr.
We found that the known spectroscopic binary and variable BU~CMi = HD65241 ($V$=6.4-6.7 mag, Sp~=~A0~V) is a quadruple doubly eclipsing 2+2 system. Both eclipsing binaries are detached systems moving in an eccentric orbits: pair A with the period $P_ A$~=~$2^{d}.94$($e$=0.20) and pair B with the period $P_B$~=~$3^{d}.26$ ($e$=0.22). All four components have nearly equal sizes, temperatures and masses in the range $M$~=~3.1--3.4 M$_odot$ and $A0$ spectra. We derived the mutual orbit of both pairs around the system barycenter with a period of 6.54 years and eccentricity $e$ = 0.71. We detected in pairs A and B the fast apsidal motion with the periods $U_A$~=~25.0 years and $U_B$~=~25.2 years, respectively. The orbit of each pair shows small nutation-like oscillations in periastron longitude. The age of the system estimated as 200 mln. years. The photometric parallax calculated from the found parameters coincides perfectly with the $GAIA~DR2$ $pi$=$0.00407pm0.00006$.
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