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Calibrating the {alpha} parameter of convective efficiency using observed stellar properties

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 نشر من قبل Wang Liang Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Context. Synthetic model atmosphere calculations are still the most commonly used tool when determining precise stellar parameters and stellar chemical compositions. Besides three-dimensional models that consistently solve for hydrodynamic processes, one-dimensional models that use an approximation for convective energy transport play the major role. Aims. We use modern Balmer-line formation theory as well as spectral energy distribution (SED) measurements for the Sun and Procyon to calibrate the model parameter {alpha} that describes the efficiency of convection in our 1D models. Convection was calibrated over a significant range in parameter space, reaching from F-K along the main sequence and sampling the turnoff and giant branch over a wide range of metallicities. This calibration was compared to theoretical evaluations and allowed an accurate modeling of stellar atmospheres. Methods. We used Balmer-line fitting and SED fits to determine the convective efficiency parameter {alpha}. Both methods are sensitive to the structure and temperature stratification of the deeper photosphere. Results. While SED fits do not allow a precise determination of the convective parameter for the Sun and Procyon, they both favor values significantly higher than 1.0. Balmer-line fitting, which we find to be more sensitive, suggests that the convective efficiency parameter {alpha} is $approx$ 2.0 for the main sequence and quickly decreases to $approx$ 1.0 for evolved stars. These results are highly consistent with predictions from 3D models. While the values on the main sequence fit predictions very well, measurements suggest that the decrease of convective efficiency as stars evolve to the giant branch is more dramatic than predicted by models.

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As part of a larger program aimed at better quantifying the uncertainties in stellar computations, we attempt to calibrate the extent of convective overshooting in low to intermediate mass stars by means of eclipsing binary systems. We model 12 such systems, with component masses between 1.3 and 6.2 solar masses, using the detailed binary stellar evolution code STARS, producing grids of models in both metallicity and overshooting parameter. From these, we determine the best fit parameters for each of our systems. For three systems, none of our models produce a satisfactory fit. For the remaining systems, no single value for the convective overshooting parameter fits all the systems, but most of our systems can be well described with an overshooting parameter between 0.09 and 0.15, corresponding to an extension of the mixed region above the core of about 0.1-0.3 pressure scale heights. Of the nine systems where we are able to obtain a good fit, seven can be reasonably well fit with a single parameter of 0.15. We find no evidence for a trend of the extent of overshooting with either mass or metallicity, though the data set is of limited size. We repeat our calculations with a second evolution code, MESA, and we find general agreement between the two codes. For the extension of the mixed region above the convective core required by the MESA models is about 0.15-0.4 pressure scale heights. For the system EI Cep, we find that MESA gives an overshooting region that is larger than the STARS one by about 0.1 pressure scale heights for the primary, while for the secondary the difference is only 0.05 pressure scale heights.
The ionizing photon production efficiency, $xi_{ion}$, is a critical parameter that provides a number of physical constraints to the nature of the early Universe, including the contribution of galaxies to the timely completion of the reionization of the Universe. Here we use KECK/MOSFIRE and ZFOURGE multi-band photometric data to explore the $xi_{ion}$ of a population of galaxies at $zsim2$ with $log_{10}(M_*/M_odot)sim9.0-11.5$. Our 130 Halpha detections show a median $log_{10}(xi_{ion}[Hz/erg])$ of $24.8pm0.5$ when dust corrected using a Calzetti et al. (2000) dust prescription. Our values are typical of mass/magnitude selected $xi_{ion}$ values observed in the $zsim2$ Universe. Using BPASSv2.2.1 and Starburst99 stellar population models with simple parametric star-formation-histories (SFH), we find that even with models that account for effects of stellar evolution with binaries/stellar rotation, model galaxies at $log_{10}(xi_{ion}[Hz/erg])lesssim25.0$ have low H$alpha$ equivalent widths (EW) and redder colors compared to our $zsim2$ observed sample. We find that introducing star-bursts to the SFHs resolve the tension with the models, however, due to the rapid time evolution of $xi_{ion}$, H$alpha$ EWs, and rest-frame optical colors, our Monte Carlo simulations of star-bursts show that random distribution of star-bursts in evolutionary time of galaxies are unlikely to explain the observed distribution. Thus, either our observed sample is specially selected based on their past SFH or stellar models require additional mechanisms to reproduce the observed high UV luminosity of galaxies for a given production rate of hydrogen ionizing photons.
70 - Antonio Claret 2016
Convective core overshooting extends the main-sequence lifetime of a star. Evolutionary tracks computed with overshooting are quite different from those that use the classical Schwarzschild criterion, which leads to rather different predictions for t he stellar properties. Attempts over the last two decades to calibrate the degree of overshooting with stellar mass using detached double-lined eclipsing binaries have been largely inconclusive, mainly due to a lack of suitable observational data. Here we revisit the question of a possible mass dependence of overshooting with a more complete sample of binaries, and examine any additional relation there might be with evolutionary state or metal abundance Z. We use a carefully selected sample of 33 double-lined eclipsing binaries strategically positioned in the H-R diagram, with accurate absolute dimensions and component masses ranging from 1.2 to 4.4 solar masses. We compare their measured properties with stellar evolution calculations to infer semi-empirical values of the overshooting parameter alpha(ov) for each star. Our models use the common prescription for the overshoot distance d(ov) = alpha(ov) Hp, where Hp is the pressure scale height at the edge of the convective core as given by the Schwarzschild criterion, and alpha(ov) is a free parameter. We find a relation between alpha(ov) and mass that is defined much more clearly than in previous work, and indicates a significant rise up to about 2 solar masses followed by little or no change beyond this mass. No appreciable dependence is seen with evolutionary state at a given mass, or with metallicity at a given mass despite the fact that the stars in our sample span a range of a factor of ten in [Fe/H], from -1.01 to +0.01.
A set of long and nearly continuous observations of alpha Centauri A should allow us to derive an accurate set of asteroseismic constraints to compare to models, and make inferences on the internal structure of our closest stellar neighbour. We inten d to improve the knowledge of the interior of alpha Centauri A by determining the nature of its core. We combined the radial velocity time series obtained in May 2001 with three spectrographs in Chile and Australia: CORALIE, UVES, and UCLES. The resulting combined time series has a length of 12.45 days and contains over 10,000 data points and allows to greatly reduce the daily alias peaks in the power spectral window. We detected 44 frequencies that are in good overall agreement with previous studies, and found that 14 of these show possible rotational splittings. New values for the large and small separations have been derived. A comparison with stellar models indicates that the asteroseismic constraints determined in this study allows us to set an upper limit to the amount of convective-core overshooting needed to model stars of mass and metallicity similar to those of alpha Cen A.
Photometric surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) allow us to study stellar populations with high resolution and deep coverage, with estimates of the physical parameters of the constituent stars being typically obtained by comparing the surve y data with adequate stellar evolutionary models. This is a highly non-trivial task due to effects such as differential extinction, photometric errors, low filter coverage, or uncertainties in the stellar evolution calculations. These introduce degeneracies that are difficult to detect and break. To improve this situation, we introduce a novel deep learning approach, called conditional invertible neural network (cINN), to solve the inverse problem of predicting physical parameters from photometry on an individual star basis and to obtain the full posterior distributions. We build a carefully curated synthetic training data set derived from the PARSEC stellar evolution models to predict stellar age, initial/current mass, luminosity, effective temperature and surface gravity. We perform tests on synthetic data from the MIST and Dartmouth models, and benchmark our approach on HST data of two well-studied stellar clusters, Westerlund 2 and NGC 6397. For the synthetic data we find overall excellent performance, and note that age is the most difficult parameter to constrain. For the benchmark clusters we retrieve reasonable results and confirm previous findings for Westerlund 2 on cluster age ($1.04_{-0.90}^{+8.48},mathrm{Myr} $), mass segregation, and the stellar initial mass function. For NGC 6397 we recover plausible estimates for masses, luminosities and temperatures, however, discrepancies between stellar evolution models and observations prevent an acceptable recovery of age for old stars.
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