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Chebyshev polynomials, moment matching, and optimal estimation of the unseen

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 نشر من قبل Yihong Wu
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the problem of estimating the support size of a discrete distribution whose minimum non-zero mass is at least $ frac{1}{k}$. Under the independent sampling model, we show that the sample complexity, i.e., the minimal sample size to achieve an additive error of $epsilon k$ with probability at least 0.1 is within universal constant factors of $ frac{k}{log k}log^2frac{1}{epsilon} $, which improves the state-of-the-art result of $ frac{k}{epsilon^2 log k} $ in cite{VV13}. Similar characterization of the minimax risk is also obtained. Our procedure is a linear estimator based on the Chebyshev polynomial and its approximation-theoretic properties, which can be evaluated in $O(n+log^2 k)$ time and attains the sample complexity within a factor of six asymptotically. The superiority of the proposed estimator in terms of accuracy, computational efficiency and scalability is demonstrated in a variety of synthetic and real datasets.

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192 - Yihong Wu , Pengkun Yang 2018
The Method of Moments [Pea94] is one of the most widely used methods in statistics for parameter estimation, by means of solving the system of equations that match the population and estimated moments. However, in practice and especially for the impo rtant case of mixture models, one frequently needs to contend with the difficulties of non-existence or non-uniqueness of statistically meaningful solutions, as well as the high computational cost of solving large polynomial systems. Moreover, theoretical analysis of the method of moments are mainly confined to asymptotic normality style of results established under strong assumptions. This paper considers estimating a $k$-component Gaussian location mixture with a common (possibly unknown) variance parameter. To overcome the aforementioned theoretic and algorithmic hurdles, a crucial step is to denoise the moment estimates by projecting to the truncated moment space (via semidefinite programming) before solving the method of moments equations. Not only does this regularization ensures existence and uniqueness of solutions, it also yields fast solvers by means of Gauss quadrature. Furthermore, by proving new moment comparison theorems in the Wasserstein distance via polynomial interpolation and majorization techniques, we establish the statistical guarantees and adaptive optimality of the proposed procedure, as well as oracle inequality in misspecified models. These results can also be viewed as provable algorithms for Generalized Method of Moments [Han82] which involves non-convex optimization and lacks theoretical guarantees.
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