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Calculus in the ring of Fermat reals Part I: Integral calculus

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 نشر من قبل Enxin Wu
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
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We develop the integral calculus for quasi-standard smooth functions defined on the ring of Fermat reals. The approach is by proving the existence and uniqueness of primitives. Besides the classical integral formulas, we show the flexibility of the Cartesian closed framework of Fermat spaces to deal with infinite dimensional integral operators. The total order relation between scalars permits to prove several classical order properties of these integrals and to study multiple integrals on Peano-Jordan-like integration domains.

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67 - Enxin Wu 2016
This paper contains two topics of Fermat reals, as suggested by the title. In the first part, we study the omega-topology, the order topology and the Euclidean topology on Fermat reals, and their convergence properties, with emphasis on the relations hip with the convergence of sequences of ordinary smooth functions. We show that the Euclidean topology is best for this relationship with respect to pointwise convergence, and Lebesgue dominated convergence does not hold, among all additive Hausdorff topologies on Fermat reals. In the second part, we study the intermediate value property of quasi-standard smooth functions on Fermat reals, together with some easy applications. The paper is written in the language of Fermat reals, and the idea could be extended to other similar situations.
Within the geometrical framework developed in arXiv:0705.2362, the problem of minimality for constrained calculus of variations is analysed among the class of differentiable curves. A fully covariant representation of the second variation of the acti on functional, based on a suitable gauge transformation of the Lagrangian, is explicitly worked out. Both necessary and sufficient conditions for minimality are proved, and are then reinterpreted in terms of Jacobi fields.
When introduced in a 2018 article in the American Mathematical Monthly, the omega integral was shown to be an extension of the Riemann integral. Although results for continuous functions such as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus follow immediately, a much more satisfying approach would be to provide direct proofs not relying on the Riemann integral. This note provides those proofs.
We consider the Cauchy problem $(mathbb D_{(k)} u)(t)=lambda u(t)$, $u(0)=1$, where $mathbb D_{(k)}$ is the general convolutional derivative introduced in the paper (A. N. Kochubei, Integral Equations Oper. Theory {bf 71} (2011), 583--600), $lambda > 0$. The solution is a generalization of the function $tmapsto E_alpha (lambda t^alpha)$ where $0<alpha <1$, $E_alpha$ is the Mittag-Leffler function. The asymptotics of this solution, as $tto infty$, is studied.
68 - Enxin Wu 2016
In this paper, we use some basic quasi-topos theory to study two functors: one adding infinitesimals of Fermat reals to diffeological spaces (which generalize smooth manifolds including singular spaces and infinite dimensional spaces), and the other deleting infinitesimals on Fermat spaces. We study the properties of these functors, and calculate some examples. These serve as fundamentals for developing differential geometry on diffeological spaces using infinitesimals in a future paper.
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