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The view from K2: Questioning the traditional view of flaring on early dM stars

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 نشر من قبل Gavin Ramsay
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use K2 short cadence data obtained over a duration of 50 days during Campaign 0 to observe two M1V dwarf stars, TYC 1330-879-1 and RXJ 0626+2349. We provide an overview of our data analysis, in particular, making a comparison between using a fixed set of pixels and an aperture which follows the position of the source. We find that this moving aperture approach can give fewer non-astrophysical features compared to a fixed aperture. Both sources shows flares as energetic as observed from several M4V stars using both Kepler and ground based telescopes. We find that the flare energy distribution of the sources shown here are very similar to the less active M3-M5 stars but are ~8 times less likely to produce a flare of a comparable energy to the more active M0--M5 stars. We discuss the biases and sources of systematic errors when comparing the activity of stars derived from different instruments. We conclude that K2 observations will provide an excellent opportunity to perform a census of flare activity across the full range of M dwarf spectral class and hence the physical mechanisms which power them.

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77 - E. Flaccomio 2018
Flares from the Sun and other stars are most prominently observed in the soft X-ray band. Most of the radiated energy, however, is released at optical/UV wavelengths. In spite of decades of investigation, the physics of flares is not fully understood . Even less is known about the powerful flares routinely observed from pre-main sequence stars, which might significantly influence the evolution of circumstellar disks. Observations of the NGC2264 star forming region were obtained in Dec. 2011, simultaneously with three telescopes, Chandra (X-rays), CoRoT (optical), and Spitzer (mIR), as part of the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC2264 (CSI-NGC2264). Shorter Chandra and CoRoT observations were also obtained in March 2008. We analyzed the lightcurves to detect X-ray flares with an optical and/or mIR counterpart. Basic flare properties from the three datasets, such as emitted energies and peak luminosities, were then compared to constrain the spectral energy distribution of the flaring emission and the physical conditions of the emitting regions. Flares from stars with and without circumstellar disks were also compared to establish any difference that might be attributed to the presence of disks. Seventy-eight X-ray flares with an optical and/or mIR counterpart were detected. Their optical emission is found to correlate well with, and to be significantly larger than, the X-ray emission. The slopes of the correlations suggest that the difference becomes smaller for the most powerful flares. The mIR flare emission seems to be strongly affected by the presence of a circumstellar disk: flares from stars with disks have a stronger mIR emission with respect to stars without disks. This might be attributed to the reprocessing of the optical (and X-ray) flare emission by the inner circumstellar disk, providing evidence for flare-induced disk heating.
K2 space observations recently found that three super-Earths transit the nearby M dwarf K2-3. The apparent brightness and the small physical radius of their host star rank these planets amongst the most favourable for follow-up characterisations. The outer planet orbits close to the inner edge of the habitable zone and might become one of the first exoplanets searched for biomarkers using transmission spectroscopy. We used the HARPS velocimeter to measure the mass of the planets. The mass of planet $b$ is $8.4pm2.1$ M$_oplus$, while our determination of those planets $c$ and $d$ are affected by the stellar activity. With a density of $4.32^{+2.0}_{-0.76}$ $mathrm{g;cm^{-3}}$, planet $b$ is probably mostly rocky, but it could contain up to 50% water.
Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) are young low-mass stellar objects accreting mass from their circumstellar disks. They are characterized by high levels of coronal activity as revealed by X-ray observations. This activity may affect the disk stability and the circumstellar environment. Here we investigate if an intense coronal activity due to flares occurring close to the accretion disk may perturb the inner disk stability, disrupt the inner part of the disk and, possibly, trigger accretion phenomena with rates comparable with those observed. We model a magnetized protostar surrounded by an accretion disk through 3D magnetohydrodinamic simulations. We explore cases characterized by a dipole plus an octupole stellar magnetic field configuration and different density of the disk or by different levels of flaring activity. As a result of the simulated intense flaring activity, we observe the formation of several loops that link the star to the disk; all these loops build up a hot extended corona with an X-ray luminosity comparable with typical values observed in CTTSs. The intense flaring activity close to the disk can strongly perturb the disk stability. The flares trigger overpressure waves which travel through the disk and modify its configuration. Accretion funnels may be triggered by the flaring activity, thus contributing to the mass accretion rate of the star. Accretion rates synthesized from the simulations are in a range between 10^-10 and 10^-9M_sun yr^-1 The accretion columns can be perturbed by the flares and they can interact with each other, possibly merging together in larger streams. As a result, the accretion pattern can be rather complex: the streams are highly inhomogeneous, with a complex density structure, and clumped
We have obtained ALMA Band 7 observations of the FU Ori outburst system at 0.6x0.5 resolution to measure the link between the inner disk instability and the outer disk through sub-mm continuum and molecular line observations. Our observations detect continuum emission which can be well modeled by two unresolved sources located at the position of each binary component. The interferometric observations recover the entire flux reported in previous single-dish studies, ruling out the presence of a large envelope. Assuming that the dust is optically thin, we derive disk dust masses of $2times 10^{-4}$M$_{odot}$ and $8times 10^{-5}$M$_{odot}$, for the north and south components respectively. We place limits on the disks radii of $r<$45 AU. We report the detection of molecular emission from $^{12}$CO(3-2), HCO$^{+}$(4-3) and from HCN(4-3). The $^{12}$CO appears widespread across the two binary components, and is slightly more extended than the continuum emission. The denser gas tracer HCO$^{+}$ peaks close to the position of the southern binary component, while HCN appears peaked at the position of the northern component. This suggests that the southern binary component is embedded in denser molecular material, consistent with previous studies that indicate a heavily reddened object. At this angular resolution any interaction between the two unresolved disk components cannot be disentangled. Higher resolution images are vital to understanding the process of star formation via rapid accretion FU Ori-type episodes.
Unlike NASAs original Kepler Discovery Mission, the renewed K2 Mission will stare at the plane of the Ecliptic, observing each field for approximately 75 days. This will bring new opportunities and challenges, in particular the presence of a large nu mber of main-belt asteroids that will contaminate the photometry. The large pixel size makes K2 data susceptible to the effect of apparent minor planet encounters. Here we investigate the effects of asteroid encounters on photometric precision using a sub-sample of the K2 Engineering data taken in February, 2014. We show examples of asteroid contamination to facilitate their recognition and distinguish these events from other error sources. We conclude that main-belt asteroids will have considerable effects on K2 photometry of a large number of photometric targets during the Mission, that will have to be taken into account. These results will be readily applicable for future space photometric missions applying large-format CCDs, such as TESS and PLATO.
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