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High-precision multi-band time-series photometry of exoplanets Qatar-1b and TrES-5b

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 نشر من قبل Dimitris Mislis
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an analysis of the Qatar-1 and TrES-5 transiting exoplanetary systems, which contain Jupiter-like planets on short-period orbits around K-dwarf stars. Our data comprise a total of 20 transit light curves obtained using five medium-class telescopes, operated using the defocussing technique. The average precision we reach in all our data is $RMS_{Q} = 1.1$ mmag for Qatar-1 ($V = 12.8$) and $RMS_{T} = 1.0$ mmag for TrES-5 ($V = 13.7$). We use these data to refine the orbital ephemeris, photometric parameters, and measured physical properties of the two systems. One transit event for each object was observed simultaneously in three passbands ($gri$) using the BUSCA imager. The QES survey light curve of Qatar-1 has a clear sinusoidal variation on a period of $P_{star} = 23.697 pm 0.123$,d, implying significant starspot activity. We searched for starspot crossing events in our light curves, but did not find clear evidence in any of the new datasets. The planet in the Qatar-1 system did not transit the active latitudes on the surfaces of its host star. Under the assumption that $P_{star}$ corresponds to the rotation period of Qatar-1,A, the rotational velocity of this star is very close to the $v sin i_star$ value found from observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. The low projected orbital obliquity found in this system thus implies a low absolute orbital obliquity, which is also a necessary condition for the transit chord of the planet to avoid active latitudes on the stellar surface.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Previous secondary eclipse observations of the hot Jupiter Qatar-1b in the Ks band suggest that it may have an unusually high day side temperature, indicative of minimal heat redistribution. There have also been indications that the orbit may be slig htly eccentric, possibly forced by another planet in the system. We investigate the day side temperature and orbital eccentricity using secondary eclipse observations with Spitzer. We observed the secondary eclipse with Spitzer/IRAC in subarray mode, in both 3.6 and 4.5 micron wavelengths. We used pixel-level decorrelation to correct for Spitzers intra-pixel sensitivity variations and thereby obtain accurate eclipse depths and central phases. Our 3.6 micron eclipse depth is 0.149 +/- 0.051% and the 4.5 micron depth is 0.273 +/- 0.049%. Fitting a blackbody planet to our data and two recent Ks band eclipse depths indicates a brightness temperature of 1506 +/- 71K. Comparison to model atmospheres for the planet indicates that its degree of longitudinal heat redistribution is intermediate between fully uniform and day side only. The day side temperature of the planet is unlikely to be as high (1885K) as indicated by the ground-based eclipses in the Ks band, unless the planets emergent spectrum deviates strongly from model atmosphere predictions. The average central phase for our Spitzer eclipses is 0.4984 +/- 0.0017, yielding e cos(omega) = -0.0028 +/- 0.0027. Our results are consistent with a circular orbit, and we constrain e cos(omega) much more strongly than has been possible with previous observations.
225 - M. Rabus , H. J. Deeg , R. Alonso 2009
The aim of this work is a detailed analysis of transit light curves from TrES-1 and TrES-2, obtained over a period of three to four years, in order to search for variabilities in observed mid-transit times and to set limits for the presence of additi onal third bodies. Using the IAC 80cm telescope, we observed transits of TrES-1 and TrES-2 over several years. Based on these new data and previously published work, we studied the observed light curves and searched for variations in the difference between observed and calculated (based on a fixed ephemeris) transit times. To model possible transit timing variations, we used polynomials of different orders, simulated O-C diagrams corresponding to a perturbing third mass and sinusoidal fits. For each model we calculated the chi-squared residuals and the False Alarm Probability (FAP). For TrES-1 we can exclude planetary companions (>1 M_earth) in the 3:2 and 2:1 MMRs having high FAPs based on our transit observations from ground. Additionally, the presence of a light time effect caused by e. g. a 0.09 M_sun mass star at a distance of 7.8 AU is possible. As for TrES-2, we found a better ephemeris of Tc = 2,453,957.63512(28) + 2.4706101(18) x Epoch and a good fit for a sine function with a period of 0.2 days, compatible with a moon around TrES-2 and an amplitude of 57 s, but it was not a uniquely low chi-squared value that would indicate a clear signal. In both cases, TrES-1 and TrES-2, we were able to put upper limits on the presence of additional perturbers masses. We also conclude that any sinusoidal variations that might be indicative of exomoons need to be confirmed with higher statistical significance by further observations, noting that TrES-2 is in the field-of-view of the Kepler Space Telescope.
108 - A. M. S. Smith 2014
This paper presents new transit photometry from the Isaac Newton Telescope of two transiting exoplanetary systems, XO-5 and WASP-82. In each case the new transit light curve is more precise than any other of that system previously published. The new data are analysed alongside previously-published photometry and radial velocities, resulting in an improved orbital ephemeris and a refined set of system parameters in each case. The observational baseline of XO-5 is extended by very nearly four years, resulting in a determination of the orbital period of XO-5b to a precision of just 50 ms. The mass and radius of XO-5b are 1.19$pm$0.03 and 1.14$pm$0.03 times those of Jupiter, respectively. The light curve of WASP-82 is only the second published for this system. The planetary mass is 1.25$pm$0.05 $M_{rm Jup}$, and the radius is 1.71$pm$0.08 $M_{rm Jup}$.
172 - M. Zhang , G. A. Bakos (1 , 2 2015
Ground-based exoplanet surveys such as SuperWASP, HATNet and KELT have discovered close to two hundred transiting extrasolar planets in the past several years. The strategy of these surveys is to look at a large field of view and measure the brightne sses of its bright stars to around half a percent per point precision, which is adequate for detecting hot Jupiters. Typically, these surveys use CCD detectors to achieve high precision photometry. These CCDs, however, are expensive relative to other consumer-grade optical imaging devices, such as digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs). We look at the possibility of using a digital single-lens reflex camera for precision photometry. Specifically, we used a Canon EOS 60D camera that records light in 3 colors simultaneously. The DSLR was integrated into the HATNet survey and collected observations for a month, after which photometry was extracted for 6600 stars in a selected stellar field. We found that the DSLR achieves a best-case median absolute deviation (MAD) of 4.6 mmag per 180 s exposure when the DSLR color channels are combined, and 1000 stars are measured to better than 10 mmag (1%). Also, we achieve 10,mmag or better photometry in the individual colors. This is good enough to detect transiting hot Jupiters. We performed a candidate search on all stars and found four candidates, one of which is KELT-3b, the only known transiting hot Jupiter in our selected field. We conclude that the Canon 60D is a cheap, lightweight device capable of useful photometry in multiple colors.
Motivated by the unsettled conclusion on whether there are any transit timing variations (TTVs) for the exoplanet Qatar-1b, 10 new transit light curves are presented and the TTV analysis with a baseline of 1400 epochs are performed. Because the linea r model provides a good fitting with reduced chi-square = 2.59 and the false-alarm probabilities of possible TTV frequencies are as large as 35 %, our results are consistent with a null-TTV model. Nevertheless, a new ephemeris with the reference time T_0 = 2455647.63360pm 0.00008 (BJD) and the period P= 1.4200236pm 0.0000001 (day) is obtained. In addition, the updated orbital semi-major axis and planetary radius in unit of stellar radius are being provided, and the lower limit of modified stellar tidal quality factor is also determined.
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