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Time-delayed Follow-the-Leader model for pedestrians walking in line

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 نشر من قبل Pierre Degond
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use the results of a pedestrian tracking experiment to identify a follow-the-leader model for pedestrians walking-in-line. We demonstrate the existence of a time-delay between a subjects response and the predecessors corresponding behavior. This time-delay induces an instability which can be damped out by a suitable relaxation. By comparisons with the experimental data, we show that the model reproduces well the emergence of large-scale structures such as congestions waves. The resulting model can be used either for modeling pedestrian queuing behavior or can be incorporated into bi-dimensional models of pedestrian traffic. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the french Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR) in the frame of the contract Pedigree (ANR-08-SYSC-015-01). JH acknowledges support of the ANR and the Institut de Math{e}matiques de Toulouse, where he conducted this research. AJ acknowledges support of the ANR and of the Laboratoire de physique t A c orique in Orsay where she conducted this research. PD is on leave from CNRS, Institut de Mat A c matiques de Toulouse, France.

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We calculate masses of the technipions in the walking technicolor model with the anomalous dimension gamma_m =1, based on a holographic model which has a naturally light technidilaton phi as a composite Higgs with mass m_phi simeq 125 GeV. The one-fa mily model (with 4 weak-doublets) is taken as a concrete example in such a framework, with the inputs being F_pi=v/2 simeq 123 GeV and m_phi simeq 125 GeV as well as gamma_m=1. It is shown that technipion masses are enhanced by the large anomalous dimension to typically O(1) TeV. We find a correlation between the technipion masses and S^{(TC)}, the S parameter arising only from the technicolor sector. The current LHC data on the technipion mass limit thus constrains S^{(TC)} to be not as large as O(1), giving a direct constraint on the technicolor model building. This is a new constraint on the technicolor sector alone quite independent of other sector connected by the extended-technicolor-type interactions, in sharp contrast to the conventional S parameter constraint from the precision electroweak measurements.
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