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Periodic and Almost Periodic Random Inertial Manifolds for Non-Autonomous Stochastic Equations

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 نشر من قبل Bixiang Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Bixiang Wang

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By the Lyapunov-Perron method,we prove the existence of random inertial manifolds for a class of equations driven simultaneously by non-autonomous deterministic and stochastic forcing. These invariant manifolds contain tempered pullback random attractors if such attractors exist. We also prove pathwise periodicity and almost periodicity of inertial manifolds when non-autonomous deterministic forcing is periodic and almost periodic in time, respectively.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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In this paper, we use the variational approach to investigate recurrent properties of solutions for stochastic partial differential equations, which is in contrast to the previous semigroup framework. Consider stochastic differential equations with m onotone coefficients. Firstly, we establish the continuous dependence on initial values and coefficients for solutions. Secondly, we prove the existence of recurrent solutions, which include periodic, almost periodic and almost automorphic solutions. Then we show that these recurrent solutions are globally asymptotically stable in square-mean sense. Finally, for illustration of our results we give two applications, i.e. stochastic reaction diffusion equations and stochastic porous media equations.
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In this paper, we study the existence, stability and bifurcation of random complete and periodic solutions for stochastic parabolic equations with multiplicative noise. We first prove the existence and uniqueness of tempered random attractors for the stochastic equations and characterize the structures of the attractors by random complete solutions. We then examine the existence and stability of random complete quasi-solutions and establish the relations of these solutions and the structures of tempered attractors. When the stochastic equations are incorporated with periodic forcing, we obtain the existence and stability of random periodic solutions. For the stochastic Chafee-Infante equation, we further establish the multiplicity and stochastic bifurcation of complete and periodic solutions.
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271 - Bixiang Wang 2014
In this paper, we introduce concepts of pathwise random almost periodic and almost automorphic solutions for dynamical systems generated by non-autonomous stochastic equations. These solutions are pathwise stochastic analogues of deterministic dynami cal systems. The existence and bifurcation of random periodic (random almost periodic, random almost automorphic) solutions have been established for a one-dimensional stochastic equation with multiplicative noise.
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