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A Star-Forming Shock Front in Radio Galaxy 4C+41.17 Resolved with Laser-Assisted Adaptive Optics Spectroscopy

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 نشر من قبل Eric Steinbring
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Eric Steinbring

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Near-infrared integral-field spectroscopy of redshifted [O III], H-beta and optical continuum emission from z=3.8 radio galaxy 4C+41.17 is presented, obtained with the laser-guide-star adaptive optics facility on the Gemini North telescope. Employing a specialized dithering technique, a spatial resolution of 0.10 arcsec or 0.7 kpc is achieved in each spectral element, with velocity resolution of ~70 km/s. Spectra similar to local starbursts are found for bright knots coincident in archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) restframe-ultraviolet images, which also allows a key line diagnostic to be mapped together with new kinematic information. There emerges a clearer picture of the nebular emission associated with the jet in 8.3 GHz and 15 GHz Very Large Array maps, closely tied to a Ly-alpha-bright shell-shaped structure seen with HST. This supports a previous interpretation of that arc tracing a bow shock, inducing 10^10-11 M_solar star-formation regions that comprise the clumpy broadband optical/ultraviolet morphology near the core.

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129 - M. Brusa , M. Perna , G. Cresci 2016
Outflows are invoked in co-evolutionary models to link the growth of SMBH and galaxies through feedback phenomena, and from the analysis of both galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) samples at z$sim1-3$, it is becoming clear that powerful winds are quite common in AGN hosts. High-resolution and high S/N observations are needed in order to uncover the physical properties of the wind through kinematics analysis. We exploited VIMOS, SINFONI and Subaru/IRCS Adaptive Optics data to study the kinematics properties on the scale the host galaxy of XID5395, a luminous, X-ray obscured Starburst/Quasar merging system at z$sim1.5$ detected in the XMM-COSMOS field, and associated with an extreme [O II] emitter (EW$sim200$ AA). We mapped, for the first time, at high resolution the kinematics of the [O III] and H$alpha$ line complexes and linked them with the [O II] emission. The high spatial resolution achieved allowed us to resolve all the components of the SB-QSO system. Our analysis with a resolution of few kpc reveals complexities and asymmetries in and around the nucleus of XID5395. The velocity field measured via non parametric analysis reveals different kinematic components, with maximum blueshifted and redshifted velocities up to $simeq1300$ km s$^{-1}$, not spatially coincident with the nuclear core. These extreme values of the observed velocities and the spatial location can be explained by the presence of fast moving material. We also spectroscopically confirm the presence of a merging system at the same redshift of the AGN host. We propose that EW as large as $>150$ AA in X-ray selected AGN may be an efficient criterion to isolate objects associated to the short, transition phase of feedback in the AGN-galaxy co-evolutionary path, which will subsequently evolve in an unobscured QSO, as suggested from the different observational evidences we accumulated for XID5395.
Recent studies of the tight scaling relations between the masses of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies have suggested that in the past black holes constituted a larger fraction of their host galaxies mass. However, these arguments are l imited by selection effects and difficulties in determining robust host galaxy masses at high redshifts. Here we report the first results of a new, complementary diagnostic route: we directly determine a dynamical host galaxy mass for the z=1.3 luminous quasar J090543.56+043347.3 through high-spatial-resolution (0.47, 4kpc FWHM) observations of the host galaxy gas kinematics over 30x40 kpc using ESO/VLT/SINFONI with LGS/AO. Combining our result of M_dyn = 2.05+1.68_0.74 x 10^11 M_sun (within a radius 5.25 +- 1.05 kpc) with M_BH,MgII = 9.02 pm 1.43 x 10^8 M_sun, M_BH,Halpha = 2.83 +1.93-1.13 x 10^8 M_sun, we find that the ratio of black hole mass to host galaxy dynamical mass for J090543.56+043347.3 matches the present-day relation for M_BH vs. M_Bulge,Dyn, well within the IR scatter, deviating at most a factor of two from the mean. J090543.56+043347.3 displays clear signs of an ongoing tidal interaction and of spatially extended star formation at a rate of 50-100 M_sun/yr, above the cosmic average for a galaxy of this mass and redshift. We argue that its subsequent evolution may move J090543.56+043347.3 even closer to the z=0 relation for M_BH vs. M_Bulge,Dyn. Our results support the picture where any substantive evolution in these relations must occur prior to z~1.3. Having demonstrated the power of this modelling approach we are currently analyzing similar data on seven further objects to better constrain such evolution.
We present new, spatially resolved [CI]1-0, [CI]2-1, CO(7-6), and dust continuum observations of 4C 41.17 at $z=3.8$ obtained with the IRAM NOEMA interferometer. This is one of the best-studied radio galaxies in this epoch and is arguably the best ca ndidate of jet-triggered star formation at high redshift currently known in the literature. 4C 41.17 shows a narrow ridge of dust continuum extending over 15 kpc near the radio jet axis. Line emission is found within the galaxy in the region with signatures of positive feedback. Using the [CI]1-0 line as a molecular gas tracer, and multifrequency observations of the far-infrared dust heated by star formation, we find a total gas mass of $7.6times 10^{10}$ M$_{odot}$, which is somewhat greater than that previously found from CO(4-3). The gas mass surface density of $10^3$ M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ pc$^{-2}$ and the star formation rate surface density of 10 M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2}$ were derived over the 12 kpc$times$8 kpc area, where signatures of positive feedback have previously been found. These densities are comparable to those in other populations of massive, dusty star-forming galaxies in this redshift range, suggesting that the jet does not currently enhance the efficiency with which stars form from the gas. This is consistent with expectations from simulations, whereby radio jets may facilitate the onset of star formation in galaxies without boosting its efficiency over longer timescales, in particular after the jet has broken out of the interstellar medium, as is the case in 4C 41.17.
319 - G. Cresci 2004
We present adaptive optics assisted spectroscopy of three quasars obtained with NACO at VLT. The high angular resolution achieved with the adaptive optics (~0.08), joined to the diagnostic power of near-IR spectroscopy, allow us to investigate the pr operties of the innermost 100 pc of these quasars. In the quasar with the best adaptive optics correction, PG1126-041, we spatially resolve the Pa-alpha emission within the nuclear 100 pc. The comparison with higher excitation lines suggests that the narrow Pa-alpha emission is due to nuclear star formation. The inferred intensity of the nuclear star formation (13 M(sun)/yr) may account for most of the far-IR luminosity observed in this quasar.
168 - Stuart D. Ryder 2014
Using the latest generation of adaptive optics imaging systems together with laser guide stars on 8m-class telescopes, we are finally revealing the previously-hidden population of supernovae in starburst galaxies. Finding these supernovae and measuri ng the amount of absorption due to dust is crucial to being able to accurately trace the star formation history of our Universe. Our images of the host galaxies are amongst the sharpest ever obtained from the ground, and reveal much about how and why these galaxies are forming massive stars (that become supernovae) at such a prodigious rate.
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