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Closed form solution of Lindblad master equations without gain

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 نشر من قبل Juan Mauricio Torres
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a closed form solution to the eigenvalue problem of a class of master equations that describe open quantum system with loss and dephasing but without gain. The method relies on the existence of a conserved number of excitation in the Hamiltonian part and that none of the Lindblad operators describe an excitation of the system. In the absence of dephasing Lindblad operators, the eigensystem of the Liouville operator can be constructed from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian used in the quantum jump approach. Op

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اقرأ أيضاً

176 - Yukinao Akamatsu 2014
We derive the quantum master equations for heavy quark systems in a high-temperature quark- gluon plasma in the Lindblad form. The master equations are derived in the influence functional formalism for open quantum systems in perturbation theory. The se master equations have a wide range of applications, such as decoherence of a heavy quarkonium and Langevin dynamics of a heavy quark in the quark-gluon plasma. We also show the equivalence between the quarkonium master equations in the recoilless limit and the Schroedinger equations with stochastic potential.
We consider an open quantum system described by a Lindblad-type master equation with two times-scales. The fast time-scale is strongly dissipative and drives the system towards a low-dimensional decoherence-free space. To perform the adiabatic elimin ation of this fast relaxation, we propose a geometric asymptotic expansion based on the small positive parameter describing the time-scale separation. This expansion exploits geometric singular perturbation theory and center-manifold techniques. We conjecture that, at any order, it provides an effective slow Lindblad master equation and a completely positive parameterization of the slow invariant sub-manifold associated to the low-dimensional decoherence-free space. By preserving complete positivity and trace, two important structural properties attached to open quantum dynamics, we obtain a reduced-order model that directly conveys a physical interpretation since it relies on effective Lindbladian descriptions of the slow evolution. At the first order, we derive simple formulae for the effective Lindblad master equation. For a specific type of fast dissipation, we show how any Hamiltonian perturbation yields Lindbladian second-order corrections to the first-order slow evolution governed by the Zeno-Hamiltonian. These results are illustrated on a composite system made of a strongly dissipative harmonic oscillator, the ancilla, weakly coupled to another quantum system.
Realistic models of quantum systems must include dissipative interactions with an environment. For weakly-damped systems the Lindblad-form Markovian master equation is invaluable for this task due to its tractability and efficiency. This equation onl y applies, however, when the frequencies of any subset of the systems transitions are either equal (degenerate), or their differences are much greater than the transitions linewidths (far-detuned). Outside of these two regimes the only available efficient description has been the Bloch-Redfield (B-R) master equation, the efficacy of which has long been controversial due to its failure to guarantee the positivity of the density matrix. The ability to efficiently simulate weakly-damped systems across all regimes is becoming increasingly important, especially in the area of quantum technologies. Here we solve this long-standing problem. We discover that a condition on the slope of the spectral density is sufficient to derive a Lindblad form master equation that is accurate for all regimes. We further show that this condition is necessary for weakly-damped systems to be described by the B-R equation or indeed any Markovian master equation. We thus obtain a replacement for the B-R equation over its entire domain of applicability that is no less accurate, simpler in structure, completely positive, allows simulation by efficient quantum trajectory methods, and unifies the previous Lindblad master equations. We also show via exact simulations that the new master equation can describe systems in which slowly-varying transition frequencies cross each other during the evolution. System identification tools, developed in systems engineering, play an important role in our analysis. We expect these tools to prove useful in other areas of physics involving complex systems.
52 - I. Kurniawan , M.R. James 2004
In this paper we consider an alternative formulation of a class of stochastic wave and master equations with scalar noise that are used in quantum optics for modelling open systems and continuously monitored systems. The reformulation is obtained by applying J.M.C. Clarks pathwise reformulation technique from the theory of classical nonlinear filtering. The pathwi
We present a general quantum fluctuation theorem for the entropy production of an open quantum system whose evolution is described by a Lindblad master equation. Such theorem holds for both local and global master equations, thus settling the dispute on the thermodynamic consistency of the local quantum master equations. The theorem is genuinely quantum, as it can be expressed in terms of conservation of an Hermitian operator, describing the dynamics of the system state operator and of the entropy change in the baths. The integral fluctuation theorem follows from the properties of such an operator. Furthermore, it is valid for arbitrary number of baths and for time-dependent Hamiltonians. As such, the quantum Jarzynski equality is a particular case of the general result presented here. Moreover, our result can be extended to non-thermal baths, as long as microreversibility is preserved. We finally present some numerical examples to showcase the exact results previously obtained.
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