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MAGIC reveals a complex morphology within the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1857+026

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 نشر من قبل Victor Stamatescu
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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HESS J1857+026 is an extended TeV gamma-ray source that was discovered by H.E.S.S. as part of its Galactic plane survey. Given its broadband spectral energy distribution and its spatial coincidence with the young energetic pulsar PSR J1856+0245, the source has been put forward as a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) candidate. MAGIC has performed follow-up observations aimed at mapping the source down to energies approaching 100 GeV in order to better understand its complex morphology. HESS J1857+026 was observed by MAGIC in 2010, yielding 29 hours of good quality stereoscopic data that allowed us to map the source region in two separate ranges of energy. We detected very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from HESS J1857+026 with a significance of $12 sigma$ above $150$ GeV. The differential energy spectrum between $100$ GeV and $13$ TeV is well described by a power law function $dN/dE = N_0(E/1textrm{TeV})^{-Gamma}$ with $N_0 = (5.37 pm0.44_{stat} pm1.5_{sys}) times 10^{-12} (textrm{TeV}^{-1} textrm{cm}^{-2}$ $textrm{ s}^{-1})$ and $Gamma = 2.16pm0.07_{stat} pm0.15_{sys}$, which bridges the gap between the GeV emission measured by Fermi-LAT and the multi-TeV emission measured by H.E.S.S.. In addition, we present a detailed analysis of the energy-dependent morphology of this region. We couple these results with archival multi-wavelength data and outline evidence in favor of a two-source scenario, whereby one source is associated with a PWN, while the other could be linked with a molecular cloud complex containing an HII region and a possible gas cavity.

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We investigate the physical nature and origin of the gamma-ray emission from the extended source HESS J1841-055 observed at TeV and GeV energies. We observed HESS J1841-055 at TeV energies for a total effective time of 43 hours with the MAGIC telesco pes, in 2012 and 2013. Additionally, we analysed the GeV counterpart making use of about 10 years of Fermi-LAT data. Using both Fermi-LAT and MAGIC, we study both the spectral and energy-dependent morphology of the source for almost four decades of energy. The origin of the gamma-ray emission from this region is investigated using multi-waveband information on sources present in this region, suggested to be associated with this unidentified gamma-ray source. We find that the extended emission at GeV-TeV energies is best described by more than one source model. We also perform the first energy-dependent analysis of the HESS J1841-055 region at GeV-TeV. We find that the emission at lower energies comes from a diffuse or extended component, while the major contribution of gamma rays above 1 TeV arises from the southern part of the source. Moreover, we find that a significant curvature is present in the combined observed spectrum of MAGIC and Fermi-LAT. The first multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution of this unidentified source shows that the emission at GeV-TeV energies can be well explained with both leptonic and hadronic models. For the leptonic scenario, bremsstrahlung is the dominant emission compared to inverse Compton. On the other hand, for the hadronic model, gamma-ray resulting from the decay of neutral pions ($pi^0$) can explain the observed spectrum. The presence of dense molecular clouds overlapping with HESS J1841-055 makes both bremsstrahlung and $pi^0$-decay processes the dominant emission mechanisms for the source.
The nature of the gamma-ray source HESS J1507-622 that is located significantly off-set from the Galactic plane is not ascertained to date. Identifying the environment of an enigmatic object may help to constrain its nature. The path of the line of s ight of HESS J1507-622 through the Galaxy is compared to the characteristic length scales of stellar populations of different ages. Furthermore, for this object, the energy density in particles is contrasted to the magnetic field energy density and constraints on the distance based on equipartition between these two components are calculated. The line of sight of HESS J1507-622 reaches a minimum distance to the Galactic center at around a galactocentric distance of 5.3 kpc at about 300 pc off the Galactic disc. This location coincides with the scale length and width of stars with an age of 1.2 Gyr which could in principle be an indication that HESS J1507-622 is connected to a stellar population of similar age. For such a case the source appears to be strongly particle dominated. In a leptonic scenario, if a magnetic field in the source of 1 $mu$G is assumed, equipartition between magnetic field and particles would be realized at a distance of >1 Mpc. This could indicate an extragalactic origin of this object. However, an extragalactic origin is challenged by the extension of the source. The environment of HESS J1507-622 still remains elusive. For the case where this source belongs to a new class of gamma-ray emitters, the distribution of related objects (if existing) may help to settle the respective environment and distance scale.
The nature of the first unidentified VHE gamma-ray source with significant angular offset from the Galactic plane of 3.5 degrees, HESS J1507-622, is explored. Fermi-LAT data in the high-energy (HE, 100 MeV < E < 100 GeV) gamma-ray range collected ove r 34 month are used to describe the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the source. HESS J1507-622 is detected in the Fermi energy range and its spectrum is best described by a power law in energy with Gamma=1.7 +/- 0.1 stat +/- 0.2_sys and integral flux between (0.3-300) GeV of F = (2.0 +/-0.5_stat +/- 1.0_sys) x 10^-9 cm^-2 s^-1. With the available data it is not possible to discriminate between a hadronic and a leptonic scenario for HESS J1507-622. The location and compactness of the source indicate a considerable physical offset from the Galactic plane for this object. In case of a multiple-kpc distance, this challenges a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) origin for HESS J1507-622 since the time of travel for a pulsar born in the Galactic disk to reach such a location would exceed the inverse Compton (IC) cooling time of electrons that are energetic enough to produce VHE gamma-rays. However, an origin of this gamma-ray source connected to a pulsar that was born off the Galactic plane in the explosion of a hypervelocity star cannot be excluded. The nature of HESS J1507-622 is still unknown to date, and a PWN scenario cannot be ruled out in general. On the contrary HESS J1507-622 could be the first discovered representative of a population of spatially extended VHE gamma-ray emitters with HE gamma-ray counterpart that are located at considerable offsets from the Galactic plane. Future surveys in the VHE gamma-ray range are necessary to probe the presence or absence of such a source population.(abridged)
156 - T.Mizukami , H.Kubo , T.Yoshida 2011
We report the detection, with the CANGAROO-III imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope array, of a very high energy gamma-ray signal from the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1614-518, which was discovered in the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey. Di ffuse gamma-ray emission was detected above 760 GeV at the 8.9 sigma level during an effective exposure of 54 hr from 2008 May to August. The spectrum can be represented by a power-law: 8.2+-2.2_{stat}+-2.5_{sys}x10^{-12}x (E/1TeV)^{-Gamma} cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1} with a photon index Gamma of 2.4+-0.3_{stat}+-0.2_{sys}, which is compatible with that of the H.E.S.S. observations. By combining our result with multi-wavelength data, we discuss the possible counterparts for HESS J1614-518 and consider radiation mechanisms based on hadronic and leptonic processes for a supernova remnant, stellar winds from massive stars, and a pulsar wind nebula. Although a leptonic origin from a pulsar wind nebula driven by an unknown pulsar remains possible, hadronic-origin emission from an unknown supernova remnant is preferred.
New generation TeV gamma-ray telescopes have discovered many new sources, including several enigmatic unidentified TeV objects. HESS J0632+057 is a particularly interesting unidentified TeV source since: it is a point source, it has a possible hard-s pectrum X-ray counterpart and a positionally consistent Be star, it has evidence of long-term VHE flux variability, and it is postulated to be a newly detected TeV/X-ray binary. We have obtained Swift X-ray telescope observations of this source from MJD 54857 to 54965, in an attempt to ascertain its nature and to investigate the hypothesis that its a previously unknown X-ray/TeV binary. Variability and spectral properties similar to those of the other 3 known X-ray/TeV binaries have been observed, with measured flux increases by factors of approximately 3. X-ray variability is present on multiple timescales including days to months; however, no clear signature of periodicity is present on the timescales probed by these data. If binary modulation is present and dominating the measured variability, then the period of the orbit is likely to be more than 54 days (half of this campaign), or it has a shorter period with a variable degree of flux modulation on successive high states. If the two high states measured to date are due to binary modulation, then the favored period is approximately 35-40 days. More observations are required to determine if this object is truly a binary system and to determine the extent that the measured variability is due to inter-orbit flaring effects or periodic binary modulation.
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