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Host redshifts from gravitational-wave observations of binary neutron star mergers

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 نشر من قبل B. S. Sathyaprakash
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Inspiralling compact binaries as standard sirens will soon become an invaluable tool for cosmology when advanced interferometric gravitational-wave detectors begin their observations in the coming years. However, a degeneracy in the information carried by gravitational waves between the total rest-frame mass $M$ and the redshift $z$ of the source implies that neither can be directly extracted from the signal, but only the combination $M(1+z)$, the redshifted mass. Recent work has shown that for binary neutron star systems, a tidal correction to the gravitational-wave phase in the late-inspiral signal that depends on the rest-frame source mass could be used to break the mass-redshift degeneracy. We propose here to use the signature encoded in the post-merger signal to deduce the redshift to the source. This will allow an accurate extraction of the intrinsic rest-frame mass of the source, in turn permitting the determination of source redshift and luminosity distance solely from gravitational-wave observations. This will herald a new era in precision cosmography and astrophysics. Using numerical simulations of binary neutron star mergers of very slightly different mass, we model gravitational-wave signals at different redshifts and use Bayesian parameter estimation to determine the accuracy with which the redshift can be extracted for a source of known mass. We find that the Einstein Telescope can determine the source redshift to $sim 10$--$20%$ at redshifts of $z<0.04$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We construct new, multivariate empirical relations for measuring neutron star radii and tidal deformabilities from the dominant gravitational wave frequency in the post-merger phase of binary neutron star mergers. The relations determine neutron star radii and tidal deformabilities for specific neutron star masses with consistent accuracy and depend only on two observables: the post-merger peak frequency $f_{rm peak}$ and the chirp mass $M_{rm chirp}$. The former could be measured with good accuracy from gravitational waves emitted in the post-merger phase using next-generation detectors, whereas the latter is already obtained with good accuracy from the inspiral phase with present-day detectors. Our main data set consists of a gravitational wave catalogue obtained with CFC/SPH simulations. We also extract the $f_{rm peak}$ frequency from the publicly available CoRe data set, obtained through grid-based GRHD simulations and find good agreement between the extracted frequencies of the two data sets. As a result, we can construct empirical relations for the combined data sets. Furthermore, we investigate empirical relations for two secondary peaks, $f_{2-0}$ and $f_{rm spiral}$, and show that these relations are distinct in the whole parameter space, in agreement with a previously introduced spectral classification scheme. Finally, we show that the spectral classification scheme can be reproduced using machine-learning techniques.
We study the gravitational-wave peak luminosity and radiated energy of quasicircular neutron star mergers using a large sample of numerical relativity simulations with different binary parameters and input physics. The peak luminosity for all the bin aries can be described in terms of the mass ratio and of the leading-order post-Newtonian tidal parameter solely. The mergers resulting in a prompt collapse to black hole have largest peak luminosities. However, the largest amount of energy per unit mass is radiated by mergers that produce a hypermassive neutron star or a massive neutron star remnant. We quantify the gravitational-wave luminosity of binary neutron star merger events, and set upper limits on the radiated energy and the remnant angular momentum from these events. We find that there is an empirical universal relation connecting the total gravitational radiation and the angular momentum of the remnant. Our results constrain the final spin of the remnant black-hole and also indicate that stable neutron star remnant forms with super-Keplerian angular momentum.
Gravitational waves emitted from the coalescence of neutron star binaries open a new window to probe matter and fundamental physics in unexplored, extreme regimes. To extract information about the supranuclear matter inside neutron stars and the prop erties of the compact binary systems, robust theoretical prescriptions are required. We give an overview about general features of the dynamics and the gravitational wave signal during the binary neutron star coalescence. We briefly describe existing analytical and numerical approaches to investigate the highly dynamical, strong-field region during the merger. We review existing waveform approximants and discuss properties and possible advantages and shortcomings of individual waveform models, and their application for real gravitational-wave data analysis.
Much of the information we hope to extract from the gravitational-waves signatures of compact binaries is only obtainable when we can accurately constrain the inclination of the source. In this paper, we discuss in detail a degeneracy between the mea surement of the binary distance and inclination which limits our ability to accurately measure the inclination using gravitational waves alone. This degeneracy is exacerbated by the expected distribution of events in the universe, which leads us to prefer face-on systems at a greater distance. We use a simplified model that only considers the binary distance and orientation, and show that this gives comparable results to the full parameter estimates obtained from the binary neutron star merger GW170817. For the advanced LIGO-Virgo network, it is only signals which are close to edge-on, with an inclination greater than $sim 75^{circ}$ that will be distinguishable from face-on systems. For extended networks which have good sensitivity to both gravitational wave polarizations, for face-on systems we will only be able to constrain the inclination of a signal with SNR 20 to be $45^{circ}$ or less, and even for loud signals, with SNR of 100, the inclination of a face-on signal will only be constrained to $30^{circ}$. For black hole mergers observed at cosmological distances, in the absence of higher modes or orbital precession, the strong degeneracy between inclination and distance dominates the uncertainty in measurement of redshift and hence the masses of the black holes.
We show how gravitational-wave observations with advanced detectors of tens to several tens of neutron-star binaries can measure the neutron-star radius with an accuracy of several to a few percent, for mass and spatial distributions that are realist ic, and with none of the sources located within 100 Mpc. We achieve such an accuracy by combining measurements of the total mass from the inspiral phase with those of the compactness from the postmerger oscillation frequencies. For estimating the measurement errors of these frequencies we utilize analytical fits to postmerger numerical-relativity waveforms in the time domain, obtained here for the first time, for four nuclear-physics equations of state and a couple of values for the mass. We further exploit quasi-universal relations to derive errors in compactness from those frequencies. Measuring the average radius to well within 10% is possible for a sample of 100 binaries distributed uniformly in volume between 100 and 300 Mpc, so long as the equation of state is not too soft or the binaries are not too heavy.
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