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Measuring Metallicities with HST/WFC3 photometry

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 نشر من قبل Teresa Ross
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We quantified and calibrated the metallicity and temperature sensitivities of colors derived from nine Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) filters aboard the Hubble Space Telescope using Dartmouth isochrones and Kurucz atmospheres models. The theoretical isochrone colors were tested and calibrated against observations of five well studied galactic clusters: M92, NGC 6752, NGC 104, NGC 5927, and NGC 6791, all of which have spectroscopically determined metallicities spanning -2.30 < [Fe/H] < +0.4. We found empirical corrections to the Dartmouth isochrone grid for each of the following color magnitude diagrams (CMD) (F555W--F814W, F814W), (F336W-F555W, F814W), (F390M-F555W, F814W) and (F390W-F555W, F814W). Using the empirical corrections we tested the accuracy and spread of the photometric metallicities assigned from CMDs and color-color diagrams (which are necessary to break the age-metallicity degeneracy). Testing three color-color diagrams [(F336W-F555W),(F390M-F555W),(F390W-F555W), vs (F555W-F814W)], we found the colors (F390M-F555W) and (F390W-F555W), to be the best suited to measure photometric metallicities. The color (F390W-F555W) requires much less integration time, but generally produces wider metallicity distributions, and, at very-low metallicity, the MDF from (F390W-F555W) is ~60% wider than that from (F390M-F555W). Using the calibrated isochrones we recovered the overall cluster metallicity to within ~0.1 dex in [Fe/H] when using CMDs (i.e. when the distance, reddening and ages are approximately known). The measured metallicity distribution function (MDF) from color-color diagrams show this method measures metallicities of stellar clusters of unknown age and metallicity with an accuracy of ~0.2 - 0.5 dex using F336W--F555W, ~0.15 - 0.25 dex using F390M-F555W, and ~0.2 - 0.4 dex with F390W-F555W, with the larger uncertainty pertaining to the lowest metallicity range.

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اقرأ أيضاً

133 - Joseph B. Jensen 2015
We present new calibrations of the near-infrared surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distance method for the F110W (J) and F160W (H) bandpasses of the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Channel (WFC3/IR) on the Hubble Space Telescope. The calibrations are based on data for 16 early-type galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters observed with WFC3/IR and are provided as functions of both the optical (g-z) and near-infrared (J-H) colors. The scatter about the linear calibration relations for the luminous red galaxies in the sample is approximately 0.10 mag, corresponding to a statistical error of 5% in distance. Our results imply that the distance to any suitably bright elliptical galaxy can be measured with this precision out to about 80 Mpc in a single-orbit observation with WFC3/IR, making this a remarkably powerful instrument for extragalactic distances. The calibration sample also includes much bluer and lower-luminosity galaxies than previously used for IR SBF studies, revealing interesting population differences that cause the calibration scatter to increase for dwarf galaxies.
The 3D-HST and CANDELS programs have provided WFC3 and ACS spectroscopy and photometry over ~900 square arcminutes in five fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, GOODS-North, GOODS-South, and the UKIDSS UDS field. All these fields have a wealth of publicly available imaging datasets in addition to the HST data, which makes it possible to construct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of objects over a wide wavelength range. In this paper we describe a photometric analysis of the CANDELS and 3D-HST HST imaging and the ancillary imaging data at wavelengths 0.3um to 8um. Objects were selected in the WFC3 near-IR bands, and their SEDs were determined by carefully taking the effects of the point spread function in each observation into account. A total of 147 distinct imaging datasets were used in the analysis. The photometry is made available in the form of six catalogs: one for each field, as well as a master catalog containing all objects in the entire survey. We also provide derived data products: photometric redshifts, determined with the EAZY code, and stellar population parameters determined with the FAST code. We make all the imaging data that were used in the analysis available, including our reductions of the WFC3 imaging in all five fields. 3D-HST is a spectroscopic survey with the WFC3 and ACS grisms, and the photometric catalogs presented here constitute a necessary first step in the analysis of these grism data. All the data presented in this paper are available through the 3D-HST website.
We present Wide Field Camera 3 images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope within a single field in the southern grand design star-forming galaxy M83. Based on their size, morphology and photometry in continuum-subtracted H$alpha$, [SII], H$beta$, [ OIII] and [OII] filters, we have identified 60 supernova remnant candidates, as well as a handful of young ejecta-dominated candidates. A catalog of these remnants, their sizes and, where possible their H$alpha$ fluxes are given. Radiative ages and pre-shock densities are derived from those SNR which have good photometry. The ages lie in the range $2.62 < log(tau_{rm rad}/{rm yr}) < 5.0$, and the pre-shock densities at the blast wave range over $0.56 < n_0/{rm cm^{-3}} < 1680$. Two populations of SNR have been discovered. These divide into a nuclear and spiral arm group and an inter-arm population. We infer an arm to inter-arm density contrast of 4. The surface flux in diffuse X-rays is correlated with the inferred pre-shock density, indicating that the warm interstellar medium is pressurised by the hot X-ray plasma. We also find that the interstellar medium in the nuclear region of M83 is characterized by a very high porosity and pressure and infer a SNR rate of one per 70-150 yr for the nuclear ($R<300 $pc) region. On the basis of the number of SNR detected and their radiative ages, we infer that the lower mass of Type II SNe in M83 is $M_{rm min} = 16^{+7}_ {-5}$ M$_{odot}$. Finally we give evidence for the likely detection of the remnant of the historical supernova, SN1968L.
HST is commonly thought of as an optical-IR imaging or UV-spectroscopy observatory. However, the advent of WFC3-IR made it possible to do slitless infrared spectroscopic surveys over an area significant for galaxy evolution studies (~0.15 deg^2). Sli tless infrared spectroscopy is uniquely possible from space due to the reduced background. Redshift surveys with WFC3-IR offer probes of the astrophysics of the galaxy population at z=1-3 from line features, and the true redshift and spatial distribution of galaxies, that cannot be done with photometric surveys alone. While HST slitless spectroscopy is low spectral resolution, its high multiplex advantage makes it competitive with future ground based IR spectrographs, its flux calibration is stable, and its high spatial resolution allows measuring the spatial extent of emission lines, which only HST can do currently for large numbers of objects. A deeper slitless IR spectroscopic survey over hundreds of arcmin^2 (eg one or more GOODS fields) is one of the remaining niches for large galaxy evolution studies with HST, and would produce a sample of thousands of spectroscopically confirmed galaxies at 1<z<3 to H=25 and beyond, of great interest to a large community of investigators. Finally, although JWST multislit spectroscopy will outstrip HST in resolution and sensitivity, I believe it is critical to have a spectroscopic sample in hand before JWST flies. This applies scientifically, to be prepared for the questions we want to answer with JWST, and observationally, because JWSTs lifetime is limited and a classic problem in targeted spectroscopy has been the turn-around time for designing surveys and for deciding which classes of objects to target. This white paper is released publicly to stimulate open discussion of future large HST programs.
Using a spectroscopically confirmed sample of M-giants, M-dwarfs and quasars from the LAMOST survey, we assess how well WISE $&$ 2MASS color-cuts can be used to select M-giant stars. The WISE bands are very efficient at separating M-giants from M-dwa rfs and we present a simple classification that can produce a clean and relatively complete sample of M-giants. We derive a new photometric relation to estimate the metallicity for M-giants, calibrated using data from the APOGEE survey. We find a strong correlation between the $(W1-W2)$ color and $rm [M/H]$, where almost all of the scatter is due to photometric uncertainties. We show that previous photometric distance relations, which are mostly based on stellar models, may be biased and devise a new empirical distance relation, investigating trends with metallicity and star formation history. Given these relations, we investigate the properties of M-giants in the Sagittarius stream. The offset in the orbital plane between the leading and trailing tails is reproduced and, by identifying distant M-giants in the direction of the Galactic anti-center, we confirm that the previously detected debris in the outer halo is the apocenter of the trailing tail. We also find tentative evidence supporting an existing overdensity near the leading tail in the Northern Galactic hemisphere, possibly an extension to the trailing tail (so-called Branch C). We have measured the metallicity distribution along the stream, finding a clear metallicity offset between the leading and trailing tails, in agreement with models for the stream formation. We include an online table of M-giants to facilitate further studies.
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