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Mellin transforms with only critical zeros: Chebyshev and Gegenbauer functions

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 نشر من قبل Mark Coffey
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the Mellin transforms of certain Chebyshev functions based upon the Chebyshev polynomials. We show that the transforms have polynomial factors whose zeros lie all on the critical line or on the real line. The polynomials with zeros only on the critical line are identified in terms of certain $_3F_2(1)$ hypergeometric functions. Furthermore, we extend this result to a 1-parameter family of polynomials with zeros only on the critical line. These polynomials possess the functional equation $p_n(s;beta)=(-1)^{lfloor n/2 rfloor} p_n(1-s;beta)$. We then present the generalization to the Mellin transform of certain Gegenbauer functions. The results should be of interest to special function theory, combinatorics, and analytic number theory.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the Mellin transforms of certain Legendre functions based upon the ordinary and associated Legendre polynomials. We show that the transforms have polynomial factors whose zeros lie all on the critical line Re $s=1/2$. The polynomials with zeros only on the critical line are identified in terms of certain $_3F_2(1)$ hypergeometric functions. These polynomials possess the functional equation $p_n(s)=(-1)^{lfloor n/2 rfloor} p_n(1-s)$. Other hypergeometric representations are presented, as well as certain Mellin transforms of fractional part and fractional part-integer part functions. The results should be of interest to special function theory, combinatorial geometry, and analytic number theory.
82 - Mark W. Coffey 2016
The Riemann zeta identity at even integers of Lettington, along with his other Bernoulli and zeta relations, are generalized. Other corresponding recurrences and determinant relations are illustrated. Another consequence is the application to sums of double zeta values. A set of identities for the Ramanujan and generalized Ramanujan polynomials is presented. An alternative proof of Lettingtons identity is provided, together with its generalizations to the Hurwitz and Lerch zeta functions, hence to Dirichlet $L$ series, to Eisenstein series, and to general Mellin transforms. The Hurwitz numbers $tilde{H}_n$ occur in the Laurent expansion about the origin of a certain Weierstrass $wp$ function for a square lattice, and are highly analogous to the Bernoulli numbers. An integral representation of the Laurent coefficients about the origin for general $wp$ functions, and for these numbers in particular, is presented. As a Corollary, the asymptotic form of the Hurwitz numbers is determined. In addition, a series representation of the Hurwitz numbers is given, as well as a new recurrence.
250 - Michel L. Lapidus , 2014
The theory of zeta functions of fractal strings has been initiated by the first author in the early 1990s, and developed jointly with his collaborators during almost two decades of intensive research in numerous articles and several monographs. In 20 09, the same author introduced a new class of zeta functions, called `distance zeta functions, which since then, has enabled us to extend the existing theory of zeta functions of fractal strings and sprays to arbitrary bounded (fractal) sets in Euclidean spaces of any dimension. A natural and closely related tool for the study of distance zeta functions is the class of tube zeta functions, defined using the tube function of a fractal set. These three classes of zeta functions, under the name of fractal zeta functions, exhibit deep connections with Minkowski contents and upper box dimensions, as well as, more generally, with the complex dimensions of fractal sets. Further extensions include zeta functions of relative fractal drums, the box dimension of which can assume negative values, including minus infinity. We also survey some results concerning the existence of the meromorphic extensions of the spectral zeta functions of fractal drums, based in an essential way on earlier results of the first author on the spectral (or eigenvalue) asymptotics of fractal drums. It follows from these results that the associated spectral zeta function has a (nontrivial) meromorphic extension, and we use some of our results about fractal zeta functions to show the new fact according to which the upper bound obtained for the corresponding abscissa of meromorphic convergence is optimal. Finally, we conclude this survey article by proposing several open problems and directions for future research in this area.
177 - Ruiming Zhang 2015
In this work we verify the sufficiency of a Jensens necessary and sufficient condition for a class of genus 0 or 1 entire functions to have only real zeros. They are Fourier transforms of even, positive, indefinitely differentiable, and very fast dec reasing functions. We also apply our result to several important special functions in mathematics, such as modified Bessel function $K_{iz}(a), a>0$ as a function of variable $z$, Riemann Xi function $Xi(z)$, and character Xi function $Xi(z;chi)$ when $chi$ is a real primitive non-principal character satisfying $varphi(u;chi)ge0$ on the real line, we prove these entire functions have only real zeros.
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