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Weak lensing analysis of RXC J2248.7-4431

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Gruen
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a weak lensing analysis of the cluster of galaxies RXC J2248.7-4431, a massive system at z=0.3475 with prominent strong lensing features covered by the HST/CLASH survey (Postman et al. 2012). Based on UBVRIZ imaging from the WFI camera at the MPG/ESO-2.2m telescope, we measure photometric redshifts and shapes of background galaxies. The cluster is detected as a mass peak at 5sigma significance. Its density can be parametrised as an NFW profile (Navarro et al. 1996) with two free parameters, the mass M_200m=(33.1+9.6-6.8)x10^14Msol and concentration c_200m=2.6+1.5-1.0. We discover a second cluster inside the field of view at a photometric redshift of z~0.6, with an NFW mass of M_200m=(4.0+3.7-2.6)x10^14Msol.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We perform a comprehensive study of the total mass distribution of the galaxy cluster RXCJ2248 ($z=0.348$) with a set of high-precision strong lensing models, which take advantage of extensive spectroscopic information on many multiply lensed systems . In the effort to understand and quantify inherent systematics in parametric strong lensing modelling, we explore a collection of 22 models where we use different samples of multiple image families, parametrizations of the mass distribution and cosmological parameters. As input information for the strong lensing models, we use the CLASH HST imaging data and spectroscopic follow-up observations, carried out with the VIMOS and MUSE spectrographs, to identify bona-fide multiple images. A total of 16 background sources, over the redshift range $1.0-6.1$, are multiply lensed into 47 images, 24 of which are spectroscopically confirmed and belong to 10 individual sources. The cluster total mass distribution and underlying cosmology in the models are optimized by matching the observed positions of the multiple images on the lens plane. We show that with a careful selection of a sample of spectroscopically confirmed multiple images, the best-fit model reproduces their observed positions with a rms of $0.3$ in a fixed flat $Lambda$CDM cosmology, whereas the lack of spectroscopic information lead to biases in the values of the model parameters. Allowing cosmological parameters to vary together with the cluster parameters, we find (at $68%$ confidence level) $Omega_m=0.25^{+0.13}_{-0.16}$ and $w=-1.07^{+0.16}_{-0.42}$ for a flat $Lambda$CDM model, and $Omega_m=0.31^{+0.12}_{-0.13}$ and $Omega_Lambda=0.38^{+0.38}_{-0.27}$ for a universe with $w=-1$ and free curvature. Using toy models mimicking the overall configuration of RXCJ2248, we estimate the impact of the line of sight mass structure on the positional rms to be $0.3pm 0.1$.(ABRIDGED)
622 - A. Monna , S. Seitz , N. Greisel 2013
We present a quintuply lensed z ~ 6 candidate discovered in the field of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (z ~ 0.348) targeted within the Cluster Lensing and Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH) and selected in the deep HST Frontier Fields survey. Thanks to the CLASH 16-band HST imaging, we identify the quintuply lensed z ~ 6 candidate as an optical dropout in the inner region of the cluster, the brightest image having magAB=24.81+-0.02 in the f105w filter. We perform a detailed photometric analysis to verify its high-z and lensed nature. We get as photometric redshift z_phot ~ 5.9, and given the extended nature and NIR colours of the lensed images, we rule out low-z early type and galactic star contaminants. We perform a strong lensing analysis of the cluster, using 13 families of multiple lensed images identified in the HST images. Our final best model predicts the high-z quintuply lensed system with a position accuracy of 0.8. The magnifications of the five images are between 2.2 and 8.3, which leads to a delensed UV luminosity of L_1600 ~ 0.5L*_1600 at z=6. We also estimate the UV slope from the observed NIR colours, finding a steep beta=-2.89+-0.38. We use singular and composite stellar population SEDs to fit the photometry of the hiz candidate, and we conclude that it is a young (age <300 Myr) galaxy with mass of M ~ 10^8Msol, subsolar metallicity (Z<0.2Zsol) and low dust content (AV ~ 0.2-0.4).
We present VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) observations of a z 6 galaxy quintuply imaged by the Frontier Fields galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (z=0.348). This sub-L^*, high-z galaxy has been recently discovered by Monna et al. (2013) using dropout techniques with the 16-band HST photometry acquired as part of the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Obtained as part of the CLASH-VLT survey, the VIMOS medium-resolution spectra of this source show a very faint continuum between ~8700A and ~9300A and a prominent emission line at 8643A, which can be readily identified with Lyman-alpha at z=6.110. The emission line exhibits an asymmetric profile, with a more pronounced red wing. The rest-frame equivalent width of the line is EW=79+-10A. After correcting for magnification, the star-formation rate (SFR) estimated from the Lya line is SFR(Lya)=11 M_{sol}/yr and that estimated from the UV data is SFR(UV)=3 M_{sol}/yr. We estimate that the effective radius of the source is R_e<~0.4 kpc, which implies a star formation surface mass density Sigma_{SFR}>6 M_{sol}/yr/kpc^2 and, using the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, a gas surface mass density Sigma_{gas}>10^3 M_{sol}/pc^2. Our results support the idea that this magnified, distant galaxy is a young and compact object with 0.4 L^* at z=6, with comparable amount of mass in gas and stars. Future follow-up observations with ALMA will provide valuable insight into the SFR and molecular gas content of this source. In the spirit of the Frontier Fields initiative, we also publish the redshifts of several multiply imaged sources and other background objects which will help improving the strong lensing model of this galaxy cluster.
This paper presents multiwavelength photometric catalogues of the last two Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF), the massive galaxy clusters Abell 370 and RXC J2248.7-4431. The photometry ranges from imaging performed on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to g round based Very Large Telescope (VLT) and Spitzer/IRAC, in collaboration with the ASTRODEEP team, and using the ASTRODEEP pipeline. While the main purpose of this paper is to release the catalogues, we also perform, as a proof of concept, a brief analysis of z > 6 objects selected using drop-out method, as well as spectroscopically confirmed sources and multiple images in both clusters. While dropout methods yield a sample of high-z galaxies, the addition of longer wavelength data reveals that as expected the samples have substantial contamination at the ~30-45% level by dusty galaxies at lower redshifts. Furthermore, we show that spectroscopic redshifts are still required to unambiguously determine redshifts of multiply imaged systems. Finally, the now publicly available ASTRODEEP catalogues were combined for all HFFs and used to explore stellar properties of a large sample of 20,000 galaxies across a large photometric redshift range. The powerful magnification provided by the HFF clusters allows us an exploration of the properties of galaxies with intrinsic stellar masses as low as $M_* gtrsim 10^7M_{odot}$ and intrinsic star formation rates $mbox{SFRs}sim 0.1mbox{-}1M_odot/mbox yr$ at z > 6.
We derive the stellar mass fraction in the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 observed with the Dark Energy Survey (DES) during the Science Verification period. We compare the stellar mass results from DES (five filters) with those from the Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Lensing And Supernova Survey (CLASH; 17 filters). When the cluster spectroscopic redshift is assumed, we show that stellar masses from DES can be estimated within 25% of CLASH values. We compute the stellar mass contribution coming from red and blue galaxies, and study the relation between stellar mass and the underlying dark matter using weak lensing studies with DES and CLASH. An analysis of the radial profiles of the DES total and stellar mass yields a stellar-to-total fraction of f*=(6.8+-1.7)x10^-3 within a radius of r_200c~2 Mpc. Our analysis also includes a comparison of photometric redshifts and star/galaxy separation efficiency for both data sets. We conclude that space-based small field imaging can be used to calibrate the galaxy properties in DES for the much wider field of view. The technique developed to derive the stellar mass fraction in galaxy clusters can be applied to the ~100 000 clusters that will be observed within this survey and yield important information about galaxy evolution.
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