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CV1 in the globular cluster M 22: confirming its nature through X-ray observations and optical spectroscopy

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 نشر من قبل Natalie Webb
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Context. Observations of cataclysmic variables in globular clusters appear to show a dearth of outbursts compared to those observed in the field. A number of explanations have been proposed, including low mass-transfer rates and/or moderate magnetic fields implying higher mass white dwarfs than the average observed in the field. Alternatively this apparent dearth may be simply a selection bias. Aims. We examine multi-wavelength data of a new cataclysmic variable, CV1, in the globular cluster M 22 to try to constrain its period and magnetic nature, with an aim at understanding whether globular cluster cataclysmic variables are intrinsically different from those observed in the field. Methods. We use the sub-arcsecond resolution of the Chandra ACIS-S to identify the X-ray counterpart to CV1 and analyse the X-ray spectrum to determine the spectral model that best describes this source. We also examine the low resolution optical spectrum for emission lines typical of cataclysmic variables. Cross correlating the Halpha line in each individual spectrum also allows us to search for orbital motion. Results. The X-ray spectrum reveals a source best-fitted with a high-temperature bremsstrahlung model and an X-ray unabsorbed luminosity of 1.8e32 erg/s (0.3-8.0 keV), which are typical of cataclysmic variables. Optical spectra reveal Balmer emission lines, which are indicative of an accretion disc. Potential radial velocity in the Halpha emission line is detected and a period for CV1 is proposed. Conclusions. These observations support the CV identification. The radial velocity measurements suggest that CV1 may have an orbital period of ~7 hours, but further higher resolution optical spectroscopy of CV1 is needed to unequivocally establish the nature of this CV and its orbital period.

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We present the nature of 50 hard X-ray emitting objects unveiled through an optical spectroscopy campaign performed at seven telescopes in the northern and southern hemispheres. These objects were detected with Swift-BAT and listed as of unidentified nature in the 54-month Palermo BAT catalogue. In detail, 45 sources in our sample are identified as active galactic nuclei of which, 27 are classified as type 1 (with broad and narrow emission lines) and 18 are classified as type 2 (with only narrow emission lines). Among the broad-line emission objects, one is a type 1 high-redshift quasi-stellar object, and among the narrow-line emission objects, one is a starburst galaxy, one is a X-ray bright optically normal galaxy, and one is a low ionization nuclear emission line region. We report 30 new redshift measurements, 13 confirmations and 2 more accurate redshift values. The remaining five objects are galactic sources: three are Cataclismic Variables, one is a X-ray Binary probably with a low mass secondary star, and one is an active star.
137 - Sylvain Chaty 2014
In this review I first describe the nature of the three kinds of High-Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs), accreting through: (i) Be circumstellar disc, (ii) supergiant stellar wind, and (iii) Roche lobe filling supergiants. I then report on the discovery of two new populations of HMXBs hosting supergiant stars, recently revealed by a wealth of new observations, coming from the high energy side (INTEGRAL, Swift, XMM, Chandra satellites), and complemented by multi-wavelength optical/infrared observations (mainly ESO facilities). The first population is constituted of obscured supergiant HMXBs, the second one of supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs), exhibiting short and intense X-ray flares. I finally discuss the formation and evolution of HMXBs, constrain the accretion models (e.g. clumpy winds, transitory accretion disc, magneto-centrifugal barrier), show evidences suggesting the existence of an evolutionary link, include comparisons with population synthesis models, and finally build a consistent scenario explaining the various characteristics of these extreme celestial sources. Because they are the likely progenitors of Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs), and also of neutron star/black hole binary mergers, related to short/hard gamma-ray bursts, the knowledge of the nature, formation and evolution of these HMXB populations is of prime importance.
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GRB 090426 is a short duration burst detected by Swift ($T_{90}sim 1.28$ s in the observer frame, and $T_{90}sim 0.33$ s in the burst frame at $z=2.609$). Its host galaxy properties and some $gamma$-ray related correlations are analogous to those see n in long duration GRBs, which are believed to be of a massive-star origin (so-called Type II GRBs). We present the results of its early optical observations with the 0.8-m TNT telescope at Xinglong observatory, and the 1-m LOAO telescope at Mt. Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona. Our well-sampled optical afterglow lightcurve covers from $sim 90$ seconds to $sim 10^4$ seconds post the GRB trigger. It shows two shallow decay episodes that are likely due to energy injection, which end at $sim 230$ seconds and $sim 7100$ seconds, respectively. The decay slopes post the injection phases are consistent with each other ($alphasimeq 1.22$). The X-ray afterglow lightcurve appears to trace the optical, although the second energy injection phase was missed due to visibility constraints introduced by the {em Swift} orbit. The X-ray spectral index is $beta_Xsim 1.0$ without temporal evolution. Its decay slope is consistent with the prediction of the forward shock model. Both X-ray and optical emission is consistent with being in the same spectral regime above the cooling frequency ($ u_c$). The fact that $ u_c$ is below the optical band from the very early epoch of the observation provides a constraint on the burst environment, which is similar to that seen in classical long duration GRBs. We therefore suggest that death of a massive star is the possible progenitor of this short burst.
SN 2015J was discovered on April 27th 2015 and is classified as a type IIn supernova. At first, it appeared to be an orphan SN candidate, i.e. without any clear identification of its host galaxy. Here, we present the analysis of the observations carr ied out {by the VLT 8-m class telescope with the FORS2 camera in the R band and the Magellan telescope (6.5 m) equipped with the IMACS Short-Camera (V and I filters) and the FourStar camera (Ks filter)}. We show that SN 2015J resides in what appears to be a very compact galaxy establishing a relation between the SN event and its natural host. We also present and discuss archival and new $X$-ray data centred on SN 2015J. At the time of the supernova explosion, Swift/XRT observations were made and a weak X-ray source was detected at the location of SN 2015J. Almost one year later, the same source was unambiguously identified during serendipitous observations by Swift/XRT and $XMM$-Newton, clearly showing an enhancement of the 0.3-10 keV band flux by a factor $simeq 30$ with respect to the initial state. Swift/XRT observations show that the source is still active in the $X$-rays at a level of $simeq 0.05$ counts s$^{-1}$. The unabsorbed X-ray luminosity derived from the {it XMM}-Newton slew and SWIFT observations, $L_{x}simeq 5times10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$, places SN 2015J among the brightest young supernovae in X-rays.
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