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Quantum interferometry at zero and finite temperature with two-mode bosonic Josephson junctions

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 نشر من قبل Giovanni Mazzarella
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف G. Mazzarella

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We analyze phase interferometry realized with a bosonic Josephson junction made of trapped dilute and ultracold atoms. By using a suitable phase sensitivity indicator we study the zero temperature junction states useful to achieve sub shot-noise precisions. Sub shot-noise phase shift sensitivities can be reached even at finite temperature under a suitable choice of the junction state. We infer a scaling law in terms of the size system (that is, the number of particles) for the temperature at which the shot-noise limit is not overcome anymore

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اقرأ أيضاً

139 - G. Mazzarella , L. Salasnich , 2012
We analyze the effects of the temperature on a bosonic Josephson junction realized with ultracold and dilute atoms in a double-well potential. Starting from the eigenstates of the two-site Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, we calculate the coherence visibili ty and the fluctuation of the on-site occupation number and study them as functions of the temperature. We show that, contrary to naive expectations, when the boson-boson interaction is suitably chosen thermal effects can increase the coherence visibility and reduce the on-site number fluctuation.
106 - G. Mazzarella , L. DellAnna 2012
We consider a two-mode atomic Josephson junction realized with dilute dipolar bosons confined by a double-well. We employ the two-site extended Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian and characterize the ground-state of this system by the Fisher information, coher ence visibility, and entanglement entropy. These quantities are studied as functions of the interaction between bosons in different wells. The emergence of Schroedinger-cat like state with a loss of coherence is also commented.
We extend a recent method to shortcut the adiabatic following to internal bosonic Josephson junctions in which the control parameter is the linear coupling between the modes. The approach is based on the mapping between the two-site Bose-Hubbard Hami ltonian and a 1D effective Schrodinger-like equation, valid in the large $N$ (number of particles) limit. Our method can be readily implemented in current internal bosonic Josephson junctions and it improves substantially the production of spin-squeezing with respect to usually employed linear rampings.
We use the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian to study quantum fluctuations in canonical equilibrium ensembles of bosonic Josephson junctions at relatively high temperatures, comparing the results for finite particle numbers to the classical limit that is atta ined as $N$ approaches infinity. We consider both attractive and repulsive atom-atom interactions, with especial focus on the behavior near the T=0 quantum phase transition that occurs, for large enough $N$, when attractive interactions surpass a critical level. Differences between Bose-Hubbard results for small $N$ and those of the classical limit are quite small even when $N sim 100$, with deviations from the limit diminishing as 1/N.
We analyze the formation of squeezed states in a condensate of ultracold bosonic atoms confined by a double-well potential. The emphasis is set on the dynamical formation of such states from initially coherent many-body quantum states. Two cases are described: the squeezing formation in the evolution of the system around the stable point, and in the short time evolution in the vicinity of an unstable point. The latter is shown to produce highly squeezed states on very short times. On the basis of a semiclassical approximation to the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, we are able to predict the amount of squeezing, its scaling with $N$ and the speed of coherent spin formation with simple analytical formulas which successfully describe the numerical Bose-Hubbard results. This new method of producing highly squeezed spin states in systems of ultracold atoms is compared to other standard methods in the literature.
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