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Improved Quantum Query Algorithms for Triangle Finding and Associativity Testing

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 نشر من قبل Frederic Magniez
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that the quantum query complexity of detecting if an $n$-vertex graph contains a triangle is $O(n^{9/7})$. This improves the previous best algorithm of Belovs making $O(n^{35/27})$ queries. For the problem of determining if an operation $circ : S times S rightarrow S$ is associative, we give an algorithm making $O(|S|^{10/7})$ queries, the first improvement to the trivial $O(|S|^{3/2})$ application of Grover search. Our algorithms are designed using the learning graph framework of Belovs. We give a family of algorithms for detecting constant-sized subgraphs, which can possibly be directed and colored. These algorithms are designed in a simple high-level language; our main theorem shows how this high-level language can be compiled as a learning graph and gives the resulting complexity. The key idea to our improvements is to allow more freedom in the parameters of the database kept by the algorithm. As in our previous work, the edge slots maintained in the database are specified by a graph whose edges are the union of regular bipartite graphs, the overall structure of which mimics that of the graph of the certificate. By allowing these bipartite graphs to be unbalanced and of variable degree we obtain better algorithms.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study the complexity of quantum query algorithms that make p queries in parallel in each timestep. This model is in part motivated by the fact that decoherence times of qubits are typically small, so it makes sense to parallelize quantum algorithm s as much as possible. We show tight bounds for a number of problems, specifically Theta((n/p)^{2/3}) p-parallel queries for element distinctness and Theta((n/p)^{k/(k+1)} for k-sum. Our upper bounds are obtained by parallelized quantum walk algorithms, and our lower bounds are based on a relatively small modification of the adversary lower bound method, combined with recent results of Belovs et al. on learning graphs. We also prove some general bounds, in particular that quantum and classical p-parallel complexity are polynomially related for all total functions f when p is small compared to fs block sensitivity.
The quantum query models is one of the most important models in quantum computing. Several well-known quantum algorithms are captured by this model, including the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, the Simon algorithm, the Grover algorithm and others. In this paper, we characterize the computational power of exact one-query quantum algorithms. It is proved that a total Boolean function $f:{0,1}^n rightarrow {0,1}$ can be exactly computed by a one-query quantum algorithm if and only if $f(x)=x_{i_1}$ or ${x_{i_1} oplus x_{i_2} }$ (up to isomorphism). Note that unlike most work in the literature based on the polynomial method, our proof does not resort to any knowledge about the polynomial degree of $f$.
Quantum span program algorithms for function evaluation commonly have reduced query complexity when promised that the input has a certain structure. We design a modified span program algorithm to show these speed-ups persist even without having a pro mise ahead of time, and we extend this approach to the more general problem of state conversion. For example, there is a span program algorithm that decides whether two vertices are connected in an $n$-vertex graph with $O(n^{3/2})$ queries in general, but with $O(sqrt{k}n)$ queries if promised that, if there is a path, there is one with at most $k$ edges. Our algorithm uses $tilde{O}(sqrt{k}n)$ queries to solve this problem if there is a path with at most $k$ edges, without knowing $k$ ahead of time.
Let $H$ be a fixed $k$-vertex graph with $m$ edges and minimum degree $d >0$. We use the learning graph framework of Belovs to show that the bounded-error quantum query complexity of determining if an $n$-vertex graph contains $H$ as a subgraph is $O (n^{2-2/k-t})$, where $ t = max{frac{k^2- 2(m+1)}{k(k+1)(m+1)}, frac{2k - d - 3}{k(d+1)(m-d+2)}}$. The previous best algorithm of Magniez et al. had complexity $widetilde O(n^{2-2/k})$.
170 - Zekun Ye , Lvzhou Li 2020
The query model (or black-box model) has attracted much attention from the communities of both classical and quantum computing. Usually, quantum advantages are revealed by presenting a quantum algorithm that has a better query complexity than its cla ssical counterpart. For example, the well-known quantum algorithms including Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, Simon algorithm and Grover algorithm all show a considerable advantage of quantum computing from the viewpoint of query complexity. Recently we have considered in (Phys. Rev. A. {bf 101}, 02232 (2020)) the problem: what functions can be computed by an exact one-query quantum algorithm? This problem has been addressed for total Boolean functions but still open for partial Boolean functions. Thus, in this paper we continue to characterize the computational power of exact one-query quantum algorithms for partial Boolean functions by giving several necessary and sufficient conditions. By these conditions, we construct some new functions that can be computed exactly by one-query quantum algorithms but have essential difference from the already known ones. Note that before our work, the known functions that can be computed by exact one-query quantum algorithms are all symmetric functions, whereas the ones constructed in this papers are generally asymmetric.
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