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Precision Calibration via Artificial Light Sources Above the Atmophere

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 نشر من قبل Justin Albert
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Deeper understanding of the properties of dark energy via SNIa surveys, and to a large extent other methods as well, will require unprecedented photometric precision. Laboratory and solar photometry and radiometry regularly achieve precisions on the order of parts in ten thousand, but photometric calibration for non-solar astronomy presently remains stuck at the percent or greater level. We discuss our project to erase this discrepancy, and our steps toward achieving laboratory-level photometric precision for surveys late this decade. In particular, we show near-field observations of the balloon-borne light source we are presently testing, in addition to previous work with a calibrated laser source presently in low-Earth orbit. Our technique is additionally applicable to microwave astronomy. Observation of gravitational waves in the polarized CMB will similarly require unprecedented polarimetric and radiometric precision, and we briefly discuss our plans for a calibrated microwave source above the atmosphere as well.

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With the rise of neutrino astronomy using large-volume detector arrays, calibration improvements of optical media and photosensors have emerged as significant means to reduce detector systematics. To improve understanding of the detector volume and i ts instrumentation, we developed an absolutely-calibrated, self-monitoring, isotropic, nanosecond, high-intensity calibration light source called Precision Optical Calibration Module (POCAM). This now third iteration of the instrument was developed for an application in the IceCube Upgrade but, with a modular instrument communications and synchronization backend, can provide a calibration light source standard for any large-volume photodetector array. This work summarizes the functional principle of the POCAM and all related device characteristics as well as its precision calibration procedure. The latter provides fingerprint-characterized instruments with knowledge on absolute and relative behavior of the emitted light pulses as well as their temperature dependencies.
Presented here is list of 50 pairs quasi-evenly spaced over the northern sky, and that have Separations and Position Angles accurate at the milli-arcsec, and milli-degree level. These pairs are suggested as calibration pairs for lucky imaging observa tions. This paper is a follow-up to our previous paper regarding southern sky calibration pairs.
Nighttime images taken with DSLR cameras from the International Space Station (ISS) can provide valuable information on the spatial and temporal variation of artificial nighttime lighting on Earth. In particular, this is the only source of historical and current visible multispectral data across the world (DMSP/OLS and SNPP/VIIRS-DNB data are panchromatic and multispectral in the infrared but not at visible wavelengths). The ISS images require substantial processing and proper calibration to exploit intensities and ratios from the RGB channels. Here we describe the different calibration steps, addressing in turn Decodification, Linearity correction (ISO dependent), Flat field/Vignetting, Spectral characterization of the channels, Astrometric calibration/georeferencing, Photometric calibration (stars)/Radiometric correction (settings correction - by exposure time, ISO, lens transmittance, etc) and Transmittance correction (window transmittance, atmospheric correction). We provide an example of the application of this processing method to an image of Spain.
High-energy phenomena in the cosmos, and in particular processes leading to the emission of gamma- rays in the energy range 10 MeV - 100 GeV, play a very special role in the understanding of our Universe. This energy range is indeed associated with n on-thermal phenomena and challenging particle acceleration processes. The technology involved in detecting gamma-rays is challenging and drives our ability to develop improved instruments for a large variety of applications. GAMMA-LIGHT is a Small Mission which aims at an unprecedented advance of our knowledge in many sectors of astrophysical and Earth studies research. The Mission will open a new observational window in the low-energy gamma-ray range 10-50 MeV, and is configured to make substantial advances compared with the previous and current gamma-ray experiments (AGILE and Fermi). The improvement is based on an exquisite angular resolution achieved by GAMMA-LIGHT using state-of-the-art Silicon technology with innovative data acquisition. GAMMA-LIGHT will address all astrophysics issues left open by the current generation of instruments. In particular, the breakthrough angular resolution in the energy range 100 MeV - 1 GeV is crucial to resolve patchy and complex features of diffuse sources in the Galaxy as well as increasing the point source sensitivity. This proposal addresses scientific topics of great interest to the community, with particular emphasis on multifrequency correlation studies involving radio, optical, IR, X-ray, soft gamma-ray and TeV emission. At the end of this decade several new observatories will be operational including LOFAR, SKA, ALMA, HAWK, CTA. GAMMA-LIGHT will fill the vacuum in the 10 MeV-10 GeV band, and will provide invaluable data for the understanding of cosmic and terrestrial high-energy sources.
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