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A Wide-Field Near-Ir H2 2.122$mu$m line survey of the Braid Nebula Star Formation Region in Cygnus OB7

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 نشر من قبل Tigran Khanzadyan
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Context. Outflows and jets are the first signposts of ongoing star formation processes in any molecular cloud, yet their study in optical bands provides limited results due to the large extinction present. Near-infrared unbiased wide-field observations in the H2 1-0 S(1) line at 2.122{mu}m alleviates the problem, enabling us to detect more outflows and trace them closer to their driving sources. Aims. As part of a large-scale multi-waveband study of ongoing star formation in the Braid Nebula Star Formation region, we focus on a one square degree region that includes Lynds Dark Nebula 1003 and 1004. Our goal is to find all of the near-infrared outflows, uncover their driving sources and estimate their evolutionary phase. Methods. We use near-infrared wide-field observations obtained with WFCAM on UKIRT, in conjunction with previously-published optical and archival MM data, to search for outflows and identify their driving sources; we subsequently use colour-colour analysis to determine the evolutionary phase of each source. Results. Within a one square degree field we have identified 37 complex MHOs, most of which are new. After combining our findings with other wide-field, multi-waveband observations of the same region we were able to discern 28 outflows and at least 18 protostars. Our analysis suggests that these protostars are younger and/or more energetic than those of the Taurus-Auriga region. The outflow data enable us to suggest connection between outflow ejection and repetitive FU Ori outburst events. We also find that star formation progresses from W to E across the investigated region.

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231 - Scott J. Wolk , Thomas S. Rice , 2013
We present a subset of the results of a three season, 124 night, near-infrared monitoring campaign of the dark clouds Lynds 1003 and Lynds 1004 in the Cygnus OB7 star forming region. In this paper, we focus on the field star population. Using three s easons of UKIRT J, H and K band observations spanning 1.5 years, we obtained high-quality photometry on 9,200 stars down to J=17 mag, with photometric uncertainty better than 0.04 mag. After excluding known disk bearing stars we identify 149 variables - 1.6% of the sample. Of these, about 60 are strictly periodic, with periods predominantly < 2 days. We conclude this group is dominated by eclipsing binaries. A few stars have long period signals of between 20 and 60 days. About 25 stars have weak modulated signals, but it was not clear if these were periodic. Some of the stars in this group may be diskless young stellar objects with relatively large variability due to cool star spots. The remaining ~60 stars showed variations which appear to be purely stochastic.
253 - Scott J. Wolk 2013
We present an analysis of near-infrared time-series photometry in J, H, and K bands for about 100 epochs of a 1 square degree region of the Lynds 1003/1004 dark cloud in the Cygnus OB7 region. Augmented by data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Exp lorer (WISE), we identify 96 candidate disk bearing young stellar objects (YSOs) in the region. Of these, 30 are clearly Class I or earlier. Using the Wide-Field imaging CAMera (WFCAM) on the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT), we were able to obtain photometry over three observing seasons, with photometric uncertainty better than 0.05 mag down to J ~17. We study detailed light curves and color trajectories of ~50 of the YSOs in the monitored field. We investigate the variability and periodicity of the YSOs and find the data are consistent with all YSOs being variable in these wavelengths on time scales of a few years. We divide the variability into four observational classes: 1) stars with periodic variability stable over long timescales, 2) variables which exhibit short-lived cyclic behavior, 3) long duration variables, and 4) stochastic variables. Some YSO variability defies simple classification. We can explain much of the observed variability as being due to dynamic and rotational changes in the disk, including an asymmetric or changing blocking fraction, changes to the inner disk hole size, as well as changes to the accretion rate. Overall, we find that the Class I:Class II ratio of the cluster is consistent with an age of < 1Myr, with at least one individual, wildly varying, source ~ 100,000 yr old. We have also discovered a Class II eclipsing binary system with a period of 17.87 days.
We present the first results from a 124 night J, H, K near-infrared monitoring campaign of the dark cloud L 1003 in Cygnus OB7, an active star-forming region. Using 3 seasons of UKIRT observations spanning 1.5 years, we obtained high-quality photomet ry on 9,200 stars down to J=17 mag, with photometric uncertainty better than 0.04 mag. On the basis of near-infrared excesses from disks, we identify 30 pre-main sequence stars, including 24 which are newly discovered. We analyze those stars and find the NIR excesses are significantly variable. All 9,200 stars were monitored for photometric variability; among the field star population, about 160 exhibited near-infrared variability (1.7% of the sample). Of the 30 YSOs (young stellar objects), 28 of them (93%) are variable at a significant level. 25 of the 30 YSOs have near-infrared excess consistent with simple disk-plus-star classical T Tauri models. Nine of these (36%) drift in color space over the course of these observations and/or since 2MASS observations such that they cross the boundary defining the NIR excess criteria; effectively, they have a transient near-infrared excess. About half of the YSOs have color-space variations parallel to either the classical T Tauri star locus or a hybrid track which includes the dust reddening trajectory. This indicates that the NIR variability in YSOs that possess accretion disks arises from a combination of variable extinction and changes in the inner accretion disk: either in accretion rate, central hole size and/or the inclination of the inner disk. While some variability may be due to stellar rotation, the level of variability on the individual stars can exceed a magnitude. This is a strong empirical suggestion that protoplanetary disks are quite dynamic and exhibit more complex activity on short timescales than is attributable to rotation alone or captured in static disk models.
The Great Nebula in Carina is a superb location in which to study the physics of violent massive star-formation and the resulting feedback effects, including cloud dispersal and triggered star-formation. In order to reveal the cold dusty clouds in th e Carina Nebula complex, we used the Large APEX Bolometer Camera LABOCA at the APEX telescope to map a 1.25 deg x 1.25 deg (= 50 x 50 pc^2) region at 870 micrometer. From a comparison to Halpha images we infer that about 6% of the 870 micrometer flux in the observed area is likely free-free emission from the HII region, while about 94% of the flux is very likely thermal dust emission. The total (dust + gas) mass of all clouds for which our map is sensitive is ~ 60 000 Msun, in good agreement with the mass of the compact clouds in this region derived from 13CO line observations. We generally find good agreement in the cloud morphology seen at 870 micrometer and the Spitzer 8 micrometer emission maps, but also identify a prominent infrared dark cloud. Finally, we construct a radiative transfer model for the Carina Nebula complex that reproduces the observed integrated spectral energy distribution reasonably well. Our analysis suggests a total gas + dust mass of about 200000 Msun in the investigated area; most of this material is in the form of molecular clouds, but a widely distributed component of (partly) atomic gas, containing up to ~ 50% of the total mass, may also be present. Currently, only some 10% of the gas is in sufficiently dense clouds to be immediately available for future star formation, but this fraction may increase with time owing to the ongoing compression of the strongly irradiated clouds and the expected shockwaves of the imminent supernova explosions.
The [CII] 157.74 $mu$m transition is the dominant coolant of the neutral interstellar gas, and has great potential as a star formation rate (SFR) tracer. Using the Herschel KINGFISH sample of 46 nearby galaxies, we investigate the relation of [CII] s urface brightness and luminosity with SFR. We conclude that [CII] can be used for measurements of SFR on both global and kiloparsec scales in normal star-forming galaxies in the absence of strong active galactic nuclei (AGN). The uncertainty of the $Sigma_{rm [CII]}-Sigma_{rm SFR}$ calibration is $pm$0.21 dex. The main source of scatter in the correlation is associated with regions that exhibit warm IR colors, and we provide an adjustment based on IR color that reduces the scatter. We show that the color-adjusted $Sigma_{rm[CII]}-Sigma_{rm SFR}$ correlation is valid over almost 5 orders of magnitude in $Sigma_{rm SFR}$, holding for both normal star-forming galaxies and non-AGN luminous infrared galaxies. Using [CII] luminosity instead of surface brightness to estimate SFR suffers from worse systematics, frequently underpredicting SFR in luminous infrared galaxies even after IR color adjustment (although this depends on the SFR measure employed). We suspect that surface brightness relations are better behaved than the luminosity relations because the former are more closely related to the local far-UV field strength, most likely the main parameter controlling the efficiency of the conversion of far-UV radiation into gas heating. A simple model based on Starburst99 population-synthesis code to connect SFR to [CII] finds that heating efficiencies are $1%-3%$ in normal galaxies.
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