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Clarification as to why alcoholic beverages have the ability to induce superconductivity in Fe_{1+d}Te_{1-x}S_x

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 نشر من قبل Keita Deguchi
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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To elucidate the mechanism as to why alcoholic beverages can induce superconductivity in Fe_{1+d}Te_{1-x}S_x samples, we performed component analysis and found that weak acid such as organic acid has the ability to induce superconductivity. Inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy was performed on weak acid solutions post annealing. We found that the mechanism of inducement of superconductivity in Fe_{1+d}Te_{1-x}S_x is the deintercalation of excess Fe from the interlayer sites.

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We found that hot alcoholic beverages were effective in inducing superconductivity in FeTe$_{0.8}$S0$_{.2}$. Heating FeTe$_{0.8}$S0$_{.2}$ compound in various alcoholic beverages enhances the superconducting properties compared to pure water-ethanol mixture as a control. Heating with red wine for 24 hours leads to the largest shielding volume fraction of 62.4% and the highest zero resistivity temperature of 7.8 K. Some components present in alcoholic beverages, other than water and ethanol, have the ability to induce superconductivity in FeTe$_{0.8}$S0$_{.2}$ compound.
We develop a local spin model to explain the rich magnetic structures in the iron-based superconductors $Fe_{1+y}Te_{1-x}Se_x$. We show that our model exhibits both commensurate antiferromagnetic and incommensurate magnetic order along the crystal a- axis. The transition from the commensurate to the incommensurate phase is induced when the concentration of excess $Fe$ atoms is larger than a critical value. Experimentally measurable spin-wave features are calculated, and the mean-field phase diagram of the model is obtained. Our model also suggests the existence of a large quantum critical region due to strong spin frustration upon increasing $Se$ concentration.
210 - F. Massee , S. de Jong , Y. Huang 2009
We elucidate the termination surface of cleaved single crystals of the BaFe_(2-x)Co_(x)As_(2) and Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) families of the high temperature iron based superconductors. By combining scanning tunneling microscopic data with low energy elect ron diffraction we prove that the termination layer of the Ba122 systems is a remnant of the Ba layer, which exhibits a complex diversity of ordered and disordered structures. The observed surface topographies and their accompanying superstructure reflections in electron diffraction depend on the cleavage temperature. In stark contrast, Fe_(y)Se_(1-x)Te_(x) possesses only a single termination structure - that of the tetragonally ordered Se_(1-x)Te_(x) layer.
The magnetic properties attributed to the hydroxide layer of Li1-xFex(OH)Fe1-ySe have been elucidated by the study of superconducting and nonsuperconducting members of this family. Both ac magnetometry and muon spin relaxation measurements of nonsupe rconductors find a magnetic state existing below approximately 10 K which exhibits slow relaxation of magnetization. This magnetic state is accompanied by a low-temperature heat capacity anomaly present in both superconducting and nonsuperconducting variants suggesting that the magnetism persists into the superconducting state. The estimated value of magnetic moment present within the hydroxide layer supports a picture of a glassy magnetic state, probably comprising clusters of iron ions of varying cluster sizes distributed within the lithium hydroxide layer.
Superconductivity in FeTe0.8S0.2 is successfully induced by an electrochemical reaction using an ionic liquid solution. A clear correlation between the Fe concentration in the solution and the manifestation of superconductivity was confirmed, suggest ing that superconductivity was induced by the deintercalation of excess iron.
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