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Practical Encoders and Decoders for Euclidean Codes from Barnes-Wall Lattices

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 نشر من قبل Harshan Jagadeesh
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we address the design of high spectral-efficiency Barnes-Wall (BW) lattice codes which are amenable to low-complexity decoding in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. We propose a new method of constructing complex BW lattice codes from linear codes over polynomial rings, and show that the proposed construction provides an explicit method of bit-labeling complex BW lattice codes. To decode the code, we adapt the low-complexity sequential BW lattice decoder (SBWD) recently proposed by Micciancio and Nicolosi. First, we study the error performance of SBWD in decoding the infinite lattice, wherein we analyze the noise statistics in the algorithm, and propose a new upper bound on its error performance. We show that the SBWD is powerful in making correct decisions well beyond the packing radius. Subsequently, we use the SBWD to decode lattice codes through a novel noise-trimming technique. This is the first work that showcases the error performance of SBWD in decoding BW lattice codes of large block lengths.

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In this paper we give the generalization of lifted codes over any finite chain ring. This has been done by using the construction of finite chain rings from $p$-adic fields. Further we propose a lattice construction from linear codes over finite chain rings using lifted codes.
SC-Flip (SCF) is a low-complexity polar code decoding algorithm with improved performance, and is an alternative to high-complexity (CRC)-aided SC-List (CA-SCL) decoding. However, the performance improvement of SCF is limited since it can correct up to only one channel error ($omega=1$). Dynamic SCF (DSCF) algorithm tackles this problem by tackling multiple errors ($omega geq 1$), but it requires logarithmic and exponential computations, which make it infeasible for practical applications. In this work, we propose simplifications and approximations to make DSCF practically feasible. First, we reduce the transcendental computations of DSCF decoding to a constant approximation. Then, we show how to incorporate special node decoding techniques into DSCF algorithm, creating the Fast-DSCF decoding. Next, we reduce the search span within the special nodes to further reduce the computational complexity. Following, we describe a hardware architecture for the Fast-DSCF decoder, in which we introduce additional simplifications such as metric normalization and sorter length reduction. All the simplifications and approximations are shown to have minimal impact on the error-correction performance, and the reported Fast-DSCF decoder is the only SCF-based architecture that can correct multiple errors. The Fast-DSCF decoders synthesized using TSMC $65$nm CMOS technology can achieve a $1.25$, $1.06$ and $0.93$ Gbps throughput for $omega in {1,2,3}$, respectively. Compared to the state-of-the-art fast CA-SCL decoders with equivalent FER performance, the proposed decoders are up to $5.8times$ more area-efficient. Finally, observations at energy dissipation indicate that the Fast-DSCF is more energy-efficient than its CA-SCL-based counterparts.
New series of $2^{2m}$-dimensional universally strongly perfect lattices $Lambda_I $ and $Gamma_J $ are constructed with $$2BW_{2m} ^{#} subseteq Gamma _J subseteq BW_{2m} subseteq Lambda _I subseteq BW _{2m}^{#} .$$ The lattices are found by restric ting the spin representations of the automorphism group of the Barnes-Wall lattice to its subgroup ${mathcal U}_m:={mathcal C}_m (4^H_{bf 1}) $. The group ${mathcal U}_m$ is the Clifford-Weil group associated to the Hermitian self-dual codes over ${bf F} _4$ containing ${bf 1}$, so the ring of polynomial invariants of ${mathcal U}_m$ is spanned by the genus-$m$ complete weight enumerators of such codes. This allows us to show that all the ${mathcal U}_m$ invariant lattices are universally strongly perfect. We introduce a new construction, $D^{(cyc)}$ for chains of (extended) cyclic codes to obtain (bounds on) the minimum of the new lattices.
In this paper, we propose a mechanism on the constructions of MDS codes with arbitrary dimensions of Euclidean hulls. Precisely, we construct (extended) generalized Reed-Solomon(GRS) codes with assigned dimensions of Euclidean hulls from self-orthogo nal GRS codes. It turns out that our constructions are more general than previous works on Euclidean hulls of (extended) GRS codes.
In this paper, a criterion of MDS Euclidean self-orthogonal codes is presented. New MDS Euclidean self-dual codes and self-orthogonal codes are constructed via this criterion. In particular, among our constructions, for large square $q$, about $frac{ 1}{8}cdot q$ new MDS Euclidean (almost) self-dual codes over $F_q$ can be produced. Moreover, we can construct about $frac{1}{4}cdot q$ new MDS Euclidean self-orthogonal codes with different even lengths $n$ with dimension $frac{n}{2}-1$.
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