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The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. IV. Massive companions in the planet-brown dwarf boundary

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 نشر من قبل Rodrigo D\\'iaz Mr.
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف R. F. Diaz

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The mass domain where massive extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs lay is still poorly understood. Indeed, not even a clear dividing line between massive planets and brown dwarfs has been established yet. This is partly due to the paucity of this kind of objects orbiting close to solar-type stars, the so-called brown dwarf desert, that hinders setting up a strong observational base to compare to models and theories of formation and evolution. We search to increase the current sample of massive sub-stellar objects with precise orbital parameters, and to constrain the true mass of detected sub-stellar candidates. The initial identification of sub-stellar candidates is done using precise radial velocity measurements obtained with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the 1.93-m telescope of the Haute-Provence Observatory. Subsequent characterisation of these candidates, with the principal aim of identifying stellar companions in low-inclination orbits, is done by means of different spectroscopic diagnostics, as the measurement of the bisector velocity span and the study of the correlation mask effect. With this objective, we also employed astrometric data from the Hipparcos mission and a novel method of simulating stellar cross-correlation functions. Seven new objects with minimum masses between ~ 10 Mjup and ~90 Mjup are detected. Out of these, two are identified as low-mass stars in low-inclination orbits, and two others have masses below the theoretical deuterium-burning limit, and are therefore planetary candidates. The remaining three are brown dwarf candidates; the current upper limits for their the masses do not allow us to conclude on their nature. Additionally, we have improved on the parameters of an already-known brown dwarf (HD137510b), confirmed by astrometry.

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Long-period brown dwarf companions detected in radial velocity surveys are important targets for direct imaging and astrometry to calibrate the mass-luminosity relation of substellar objects. Through a 20-year radial velocity monitoring of solar-type stars that began with ELODIE and was extended with SOPHIE spectrographs, giant exoplanets and brown dwarfs with orbital periods longer than ten years are discovered. We report the detection of five new potential brown dwarfs with minimum masses between 32 and 83 Jupiter mass orbiting solar-type stars with periods longer than ten years. An upper mass limit of these companions is provided using astrometric Hipparcos data, high-angular resolution imaging made with PUEO, and a deep analysis of the cross-correlation function of the main stellar spectra to search for blend effects or faint secondary components. These objects double the number of known brown dwarf companions with orbital periods longer than ten years and reinforce the conclusion that the occurrence of such objects increases with orbital separation. With a projected separation larger than 100 mas, all these brown dwarf candidates are appropriate targets for high-contrast and high angular resolution imaging.
493 - F. Bouchy , G. Hebrard , S. Udry 2009
We report on the discovery of a substellar companion or a massive Jupiter orbiting the G5V star HD16760 with the spectrograph SOPHIE installed on the OHP 1.93-m telescope. Characteristics and performances of the spectrograph are presented, as well as the SOPHIE exoplanet consortium program. With a minimum mass of 14.3 Mjup, an orbital period of 465 days and an eccentricity of 0.067, HD16760b seems to be located just at the end of the mass distribution of giant planets, close to planet/brown-dwarf transition. Its quite circular orbit supports a formation in a gaseous protoplanetary disk.
148 - C. Moutou , G. Hebrard , F.Bouchy 2013
We present high-precision radial-velocity measurements of three solar-type stars: HD 13908, HD 159243, and HIP 91258. The observations were made with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the 1.93-m telescope of Observatoire de Haute-Provence (France). They sho w that these three bright stars host exoplanetary systems composed of at least two companions. HD 13908 b is a planet with a minimum mass of 0.865+-0.035 Mjup, on a circular orbit with a period of 19.382+-0.006 days. There is an outer massive companion in the system with a period of 931+-17 days, e = 0.12+-0.02, and a minimum mass of 5.13+-0.25 Mjup. The star HD 159243, also has two detected companions with respective masses, periods, and eccentricities of Mp = 1.13+-0.05 and 1.9+-0.13 Mjup, $P$ = 12.620+-0.004 and 248.4+-4.9 days, and e = 0.02+-0.02 and 0.075+-0.05. Finally, the star HIP 91258 has a planetary companion with a minimum mass of 1.068+-0.038 Mjup, an orbital period of 5.0505+-0.0015 days, and a quadratic trend indicating an outer planetary or stellar companion that is as yet uncharacterized. The planet-hosting stars HD 13908, HD 159243, and HIP 91258 are main-sequence stars of spectral types F8V, G0V, and G5V, respectively, with moderate activity levels. HIP 91258 is slightly over-metallic, while the two other stars have solar-like metallicity. The three systems are discussed in the frame of formation and dynamical evolution models of systems composed of several giant planets.
We report the discovery of a planetary system around HD9446, performed from radial velocity measurements secured with the spectrograph SOPHIE at the 193-cm telescope of the Haute-Provence Observatory during more than two years. At least two planets o rbit this G5V, active star: HD9446b has a minimum mass of 0.7 M_Jup and a slightly eccentric orbit with a period of 30 days, whereas HD9446c has a minimum mass of 1.8 M_Jup and a circular orbit with a period of 193 days. As for most of the known multi-planet systems, the HD9446-system presents a hierarchical disposition, with a massive outer planet and a lighter inner planet.
We report the detection of a Jupiter-mass planet discovered with the SOPHIE spectrograph mounted on the 1.93-m telescope at the Haute-Provence Observatory. The new planet orbits HD109246, a G0V star slightly more metallic than the Sun. HD109246b has a minimum mass of 0.77 MJup, an orbital period of 68 days, and an eccentricity of 0.12. It is placed in a sparsely populated region of the period distribution of extrasolar planets. We also present a correction method for the so-called seeing effect that affects the SOPHIE radial velocities. We complement this discovery announcement with a description of some calibrations that are implemented in the SOPHIE automatic reduction pipeline. These calibrations allow the derivation of the photon-noise radial velocity uncertainty and some useful stellar properties (vsini, [Fe/H], logRHK) directly from the SOPHIE data.
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