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Generalizations of the PRV conjecture, II

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 نشر من قبل Boris Pasquier
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
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Let $Gsubsethat{G}$ be two complex connected reductive groups. We deals with the hard problem of finding sub-$G$-modules of a given irreducible $hat{G}$-module. In the case where $G$ is diagonally embedded in $hat{G}=Gtimes G$, S. Kumar and O. Mathieu found some of them, proving the PRV conjecture. Recently, the authors generalized the PRV conjecture on the one hand to the case where $hat{G}/G$ is spherical of minimal rank, and on the other hand giving more sub-$G$-modules in the classical case $Gsubset Gtimes G$. In this paper, these two recent generalizations are combined in a same more general result.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Let H be any reductive p-adic group. We introduce a notion of cuspidality for enhanced Langlands parameters for H, which conjecturally puts supercuspidal H-representations in bijection with such L-parameters. We also define a cuspidal support map and Bernstein components for enhanced L-parameters, in analogy with Bernsteins theory of representations of p-adic groups. We check that for several well-known reductive groups these analogies are actually precise. Furthermore we reveal a new structure in the space of enhanced L-parameters for H, that of a disjoint union of twisted extended quotients. This is an analogue of the ABPS conjecture (about irreducible H-representations) on the Galois side of the local Langlands correspondence. Only, on the Galois side it is no longer conjectural. These results will be useful to reduce the problem of finding a local Langlands correspondence for H-representations to the corresponding problem for supercuspidal representations of Levi subgroups of H. The main machinery behind this comes from perverse sheaves on algebraic groups. We extend Lusztigs generalized Springer correspondence to disconnected complex reductive groups G. It provides a bijection between, on the one hand, pairs consisting of a unipotent element u in G and an irreducible representation of the component group of the centralizer of u in G, and, on the other hand, irreducible representations of a set of twisted group algebras of certain finite groups. Each of these twisted group algebras contains the group algebra of a Weyl group, which comes from the neutral component of G.
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