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Localization and Mobility Gap in Topological Anderson Insulator

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 نشر من قبل Yanyang Zhang Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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It has been proposed that disorder may lead to a new type of topological insulator, called topological Anderson insulator (TAI). Here we examine the physical origin of this phenomenon. We calculate the topological invariants and density of states of disordered model in a super-cell of 2-dimensional HgTe/CdTe quantum well. The topologically non-trivial phase is triggered by a band touching as the disorder strength increases. The TAI is protected by a mobility gap, in contrast to the band gap in conventional quantum spin Hall systems. The mobility gap in the TAI consists of a cluster of non-trivial subgaps separated by almost flat and localized bands.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Although topological Anderson insulator has been predicted in 2009, the lasting investigations of this disorder established nontrivial state results in only two experimental observations in cold atoms [Science, {bf 362 },929 (2018)] and in photonic c rystals [Nature, {bf 560}, 461 (2018)] recently. In this paper, we study the topological Anderson transition in electric circuits. By arranging capacitor and inductor network, we construct a disordered Haldane model. Specially, the disorder is introduced by the grounding inductors with random inductance. Based on non-commutative geometry method and transport calculation, we confirm that the disorder in circuits can drive a transition from normal insulator to topological Anderson insulator. We also find the random inductance induced disorder possessing unique characters rather than Anderson disorder, therefore it leads to distinguishable features of topological Anderson transition in circuits. Different from other systems, the topological Anderson insulator in circuits can be detected by measuring the corresponding quantized transmission coefficient and edge state wavefunction due to mature microelectronic technology.
Many-body localization (MBL) is an example of a dynamical phase of matter that avoids thermalization. While the MBL phase is robust to weak local perturbations, the fate of an MBL system coupled to a thermalizing quantum system that represents a heat bath is an open question that is actively investigated theoretically and experimentally. In this work we consider the stability of an Anderson insulator with a finite density of particles interacting with a single mobile impurity -- a small quantum bath. We give perturbative arguments that support the stability of localization in the strong interaction regime. Large scale tensor network simulations of dynamics are employed to corroborate the presence of the localized phase and give quantitative predictions in the thermodynamic limit. We develop a phenomenological description of the dynamics in the strong interaction regime, and demonstrate that the impurity effectively turns the Anderson insulator into an MBL phase, giving rise to non-trivial entanglement dynamics well captured by our phenomenology.
The realization of the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect without magnetic doping attracts intensive interest since magnetically doped topological insulators usually possess inhomogeneity of ferromagnetic order. Here, we propose a different strategy to realize intriguing QAH states arising from the interplay of light and non-magnetic disorder in two-dimensional topologically trivial systems. By combining the Born approximation and Floquet theory, we show that a time-reversal invariant disorder-induced topological insulator, known as the topological Anderson insulator (TAI), would evolve into a time-reversal broken TAI and then into a QAH insulator by shining circularly polarized light. We utilize spin and charge Hall conductivities, which can be measured in experiments directly, to distinguish these three different topological phases. This work not only offers an exciting opportunity to realize the high-temperature QAH effect without magnetic orders, but also is important for applications of topological states to spintronics.
We study the characterization and realization of higher-order topological Anderson insulator (HOTAI) in non-Hermitian systems, where the non-Hermitian mechanism ensures extra symmetries as well as gain and loss disorder.We illuminate that the quadrup ole moment $Q_{xy}$ can be used as the real space topological invariant of non-Hermitian higher-order topological insulator (HOTI). Based on the biorthogonal bases and non-Hermitian symmetries, we prove that $Q_{xy}$ can be quantized to $0$ or $0.5$. Considering the disorder effect, we find the disorder-induced phase transition from normal insulator to non-Hermitian HOTAI. Furthermore, we elucidate that the real space topological invariant $Q_{xy}$ is also applicable for systems with the non-Hermitian skin effect. Our work enlightens the study of the combination of disorder and non-Hermitian HOTI.
172 - Giovanni Modugno 2010
The understanding of disordered quantum systems is still far from being complete, despite many decades of research on a variety of physical systems. In this review we discuss how Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atoms in disordered potentials h ave opened a new window for studying fundamental phenomena related to disorder. In particular, we point our attention to recent experimental studies on Anderson localization and on the interplay of disorder and weak interactions. These realize a very promising starting point for a deeper understanding of the complex behaviour of interacting, disordered systems.
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