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Defect Branes

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 نشر من قبل Tomas Ortin
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss some general properties of defect branes, i.e. branes of co-dimension two, in (toroidally compactified) IIA/IIB string theory. In particular, we give a full classification of the supersymmetric defect branes in dimensions 2 < D < 11 as well as their higher-dimensionalstring and M-theory origin as branes and a set of generalized Kaluza-Klein monopoles. We point out a relation between the generalized Kaluza-Klein monopole solutions and a particular type of mixed-symmetry tensors. These mixed-symmetry tensors can be defined at the linearized level as duals of the supergravity potentials that describe propagating degrees of freedom. It is noted that the number of supersymmetric defect branes is always twice the number of corresponding central charges in the supersymmetry algebra.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider black $p$-brane solutions of the low energy string action, computing scalar perturbations. Using standard methods, we derive the wave equations obeyed by the perturbations and treat them analytically and numerically. We have found that te nsorial perturbations obtained via a gauge-invariant formalism leads to the same results as scalar perturbations. No instability has been found. Asymptotically, these solutions typically reduce to a $AdS_{(p+2)}times S^{(8-p)}$ space, which, in the framework of Maldacenas conjecture, can be regarded as a gravitational dual to a conformal field theory defined in a $(p+1)$-dimensional flat space-time. The results presented open the possibility of a better understanding the AdS/CFT correspondence, as originally formulated in terms of the relation among brane structures and gauge theories.
We study correlation functions of D-branes and a supergravity mode in AdS, which are dual to structure constants of two sub-determinant operators with large charge and a BPS single-trace operator. Our approach is inspired by the large charge expansio n of CFT and resolves puzzles and confusions in the literature on the holographic computation of correlation functions of heavy operators. In particular, we point out two important effects which are often missed in the literature; the first one is an average over classical configurations of the heavy state, which physically amounts to projecting the state to an eigenstate of quantum numbers. The second one is the contribution from wave functions of the heavy state. To demonstrate the power of the method, we first analyze the three-point functions in $mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills and reproduce the results in field theory from holography, including the cases for which the previous holographic computation gives incorrect answers. We then apply it to ABJM theory and make solid predictions at strong coupling. Finally we comment on possible applications to states dual to black holes and fuzzballs.
We construct the most general supersymmetric configuration of D2-branes and D6-branes on a 6-torus. It contains arbitrary numbers of branes at relative U(3) angles. The corresponding supergravity solutions are constructed and expressed in a remarkabl y simple form, using the complex geometry of the compact space. The spacetime supersymmetry of the configuration is verified explicitly, by solution of the Killing spinor equations. Our configurations can be interpreted as a 16-parameter family of regular extremal black holes in four dimensions. Their entropy is interpreted microscopically by counting the degeneracy of bound states of D-branes. Our result agrees in detail with the prediction for the degeneracy of BPS states in terms of the quartic invariant of the E(7,7) duality group.
We investigate a two scalar fields split braneworld model which leads to a possible approach to the hierarchy problem within the thick brane scenario. The model exhibits a resulting asymmetric warp factor suitable for this purpose. The solution is ob tained by means of the orbit equation approach for a specific value of one of the parameters. Besides, we analyze the model qualitative behaviour for arbitrary parameters by inspecting the underlying dynamical system defined by the equations which give rise to the braneworld model. We finalize commenting on the metric fluctuation and stability issues.
In this work, we review and extend the so-called consistency conditions for the existence of a braneworld scenario in arbitrary dimensions in the Brans-Dicke (BD) gravitational theory. After that, we consider the particular case of a five-dimensional scenario which seems to have phenomenological interesting implications. We show that, in the BD framework, it is possible to achieve necessary conditions pointing to the possibility of accommodating branes with positive tensions in an AdS bulk by the presence of the additional BD scalar field, avoiding in this way the necessity of including unstable objects in the compactification scheme. Furthermore, in the context of time variable brane tension, it is shown that the brane tension may change its sign, following the bulk cosmological constant sign.
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