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Faint high-redshift AGN in the Chandra Deep Field South: the evolution of the AGN luminosity function and black hole demography

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 نشر من قبل Fabrizio Fiore
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present detection and analysis of faint X-ray sources in the Chandra deep field south (CDFS) using the 4 Msec Chandra observation and adopting a new detection algorithm, based on a targeted search at the position of known high-z galaxies. This optimized technique results in the identification of 54 z>3 AGNs, 29 of which are new detections. Applying stringent completeness criteria, we derive AGN luminosity functions in the redshift bins 3-4, 4-5 and >5.8 and for 42.75<log L(2-10 keV)<44.5. We join this data with the luminous AGN luminosity functions from optical surveys and find that the evolution of the high-z, wide luminosity range luminosity function can be best modeled by pure luminosity evolution with L* decreasing from 6x10^44 ergs/s at z=3 to L*=2x10^44 ergs/s at z=6. We compare the high-z luminosity function with the prediction of theoretical models using galaxy interactions as AGN triggering mechanism. We find that these models are broadly able to reproduce the high-z AGN luminosity functions. A better agreement is found assuming a minimum Dark Matter halo mass for black hole formation and growth. We compare our AGN luminosity functions with galaxy mass functions to derive high-z AGN duty cycle using observed Eddington ratio distributions to derive black hole masses. We find that the duty cycle increases with galaxy stellar mass and redshift by a factor 10-30 from z=0.25 to z=4-5. We also report on the detection of a large fraction of highly obscured, Compton thick AGN at z>3 (18+17-10%). Their optical counterparts are not strongly reddened and we thus conclude that the size of the X-ray absorber is likely smaller than the dust sublimation radius. We finally report the discovery of a highly star-forming galaxy at z=3.47. If confirmed, this would be one of the farthest objects in which stellar sources are detected in X-rays.

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اقرأ أيضاً

137 - F. Vito , C. Vignali (1 2012
We present results from a spectral analysis of a sample of high-redshift (z>3) X-ray selected AGN in the 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S), the deepest X-ray survey to date. The sample is selected using the most recent spectroscopic and photometr ic information available in this field. It consists of 34 sources with median redshift z=3.7, 80 median net counts in the 0.5-7 keV band and median rest-frame absorption-corrected luminosity $L_{2-10 rmn{keV}}approx1.5times10^{44}rmn{erg} rmn{s^{-1}}$. Spectral analysis for the full sample is presented and the intrinsic column density distribution, corrected for observational biases using spectral simulations, is compared with the expectations of X-ray background (XRB) synthesis models. We find that $approx57$ per cent of the sources are highly obscured ($N_H>10^{23}rmn{cm^{-2}}$). Source number counts in the $0.5-2rmn{keV}$ band down to flux $F_{0.5-2 rmn{keV}}approx4times10^{-17}rmn{erg} rmn{s^{-1}cm^{-2}}$ are also presented. Our results are consistent with a decline of the AGN space density at z>3 and suggest that, at those redshifts, the AGN obscured fraction is in agreement with the expectations of XRB synthesis models.
136 - M. Brusa , F. Fiore , P. Santini 2009
The co-evolution of host galaxies and the active black holes which reside in their centre is one of the most important topics in modern observational cosmology. Here we present a study of the properties of obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) detect ed in the CDFS 1Ms observation and their host galaxies. We limited the analysis to the MUSIC area, for which deep K-band observations obtained with ISAAC@VLT are available, ensuring accurate identifications of the counterparts of the X-ray sources as well as reliable determination of photometric redshifts and galaxy parameters, such as stellar masses and star formation rates. In particular, we: 1) refined the X-ray/infrared/optical association of 179 sources in the MUSIC area detected in the Chandra observation; 2) studied the host galaxies observed and rest frame colors and properties. We found that X-ray selected (L_X>10^{42} erg s^{-1}) AGN show Spitzer colors consistent with both AGN and starburst dominated infrared continuum; the latter would not have been selected as AGN from infrared diagnostics. The host galaxies of X-ray selected obscured AGN are all massive (M_*>10^{10} M_sun) and, in 50% of the cases, are also actively forming stars (1/SSFR<t_{Hubble}) in dusty environments. The median L/LEdd value of the active nucleus is between 2% and 10% depending on the assumed M_{BH}/M_{*} ratio. Finally, we found that the X-ray selected AGN fraction increases with the stellar mass up to a value of ~30% at z>1 and M_*>3x10^{11} M_sun, a fraction significantly higher than in the local Universe for AGN of similar luminosities.
Population synthesis models of actively accreting super-massive black holes (or active galactic nuclei -- AGN) predict a large fraction that must grow behind dense, obscuring screens of gas and dust. Deep X-ray surveys are thought to have provided th e most complete and unbiased samples of AGN, but there is strong observational evidence that a portion of the population of obscured AGN is being missed. In this paper we use a sample of AGN derived from the deepest X-ray survey to date, the Chandra 7Ms GOODS-South Survey, to investigate the nature of low flux X-ray sources. We make full use of the extensive multi-wavelength coverage of the GOODS-South field, and cross-match our objects with wavelengths from the Radio to the IR. We find the low X-ray flux AGN in our sample have X-ray luminosities that indicate low-luminosity AGN classification, while their radio, infrared and optical counterparts indicate moderate to powerful AGN classification. We find the predicted column densities is on average an order of magnitude higher than the calculated column densities via X-ray detections for X-ray faint sources. We interpret our results as evidence of obscured AGN disguising as low-luminosity AGN via their X-ray luminosities. When we compare the estimation of the obscured AGN space density with and without these objects, we find a difference of 40% in the lowest X-ray luminosity regime probed by our sample.
144 - Girish Kulkarni , 2018
Determinations of the UV luminosity function of AGN at high redshifts are important for constraining the AGN contribution to reionization and understanding the growth of supermassive black holes. Recent inferences of the luminosity function suffer fr om inconsistencies arising from inhomogeneous selection and analysis of AGN data. We address this problem by constructing a sample of more than 80,000 colour-selected AGN from redshift z=0 to 7.5. While this sample is composed of multiple data sets with spectroscopic redshifts and completeness estimates, we homogenise these data sets to identical cosmologies, intrinsic AGN spectra, and magnitude systems. Using this sample, we derive the AGN UV luminosity function from redshift z=0 to 7.5. The luminosity function has a double power law form at all redshifts. The break magnitude $M_*$ of the AGN luminosity function shows a steep brightening from $M_*sim -24$ at z=0.7 to $M_*sim -29$ at z=6. The faint-end slope $beta$ significantly steepens from $-1.7$ at $z<2.2$ to $-2.4$ at $zsimeq 6$. In spite of this steepening, the contribution of AGN to the hydrogen photoionization rate at $zsim 6$ is subdominant (< 3%), although it can be non-negligible (~10%) if these luminosity functions hold down to $M_{1450}=-18$. Under reasonable assumptions, AGN can reionize HeII by redshift z=2.9. At low redshifts (z<0.5), AGN can produce about half of the hydrogen photoionization rate inferred from the statistics of HI absorption lines in the IGM. Our global analysis of the luminosity function also reveals important systematic errors in the data, particularly at z=2.2--3.5, which need to be addressed and incorporated in the AGN selection function in future in order to improve our results. We make various fitting functions, luminosity function analysis codes, and homogenised AGN data publicly available.
220 - P. Padovani 2011
We present the evolutionary properties and luminosity functions of the radio sources belonging to the Chandra Deep Field South VLA survey, which reaches a flux density limit at 1.4 GHz of 43 microJy at the field center and redshift ~5, and which incl udes the first radio-selected complete sample of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGN). We use a new, comprehensive classification scheme based on radio, far- and near-IR, optical, and X-ray data to disentangle star-forming galaxies from AGN and radio-quiet from radio-loud AGN. We confirm our previous result that star-forming galaxies become dominant only below 0.1 mJy. The sub-mJy radio sky turns out to be a complex mix of star-forming galaxies and radio-quiet AGN evolving at a similar, strong rate; non-evolving low-luminosity radio galaxies; and declining radio powerful (P > 3 10^24 W/Hz) AGN. Our results suggest that radio emission from radio-quiet AGN is closely related to star formation. The detection of compact, high brightness temperature cores in several nearby radio-quiet AGN can be explained by the co-existence of two components, one non-evolving and AGN-related and one evolving and star-formation-related. Radio-quiet AGN are an important class of sub-mJy sources, accounting for ~30% of the sample and ~60% of all AGN, and outnumbering radio-loud AGN at < 0.1 mJy. This implies that future, large area sub-mJy surveys, given the appropriate ancillary multi-wavelength data, have the potential of being able to assemble vast samples of radio-quiet AGN by-passing the problems of obscuration, which plague the optical and soft X-ray bands.
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