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Let $(E, lVert . rVert)$ be a two-dimensional real normed space with unit sphere $S = {x in E, lVert x rVert = 1}$. The main result of this paper is the following: Consider an affine regular hexagon with vertex set $H = {pm v_1, pm v_2, pm v_3} subseteq S$ inscribed to $S$. Then we have $$min_i max_{x in S}{lVert x - v_i rVert + lVert x + v_i rVert} leq 3.$$ From this result we obtain $$min_{y in S} max_{x in S}{lVert x - y rVert + lVert x + y rVert} leq 3,$$ and equality if and only if $S$ is a parallelogram or an affine regular hexagon.
Let $(Omega,{mathcal F},P)$ be a probability space and $L^0({mathcal F})$ the algebra of equivalence classes of real-valued random variables defined on $(Omega,{mathcal F},P)$. A left module $M$ over the algebra $L^0({mathcal F})$(briefly, an $L^0({m
For $alpha,z>0$ with $alpha e1$, motivated by comparison between different kinds of Renyi divergences in quantum information, we consider log-majorization between the matrix functions begin{align*} P_alpha(A,B)&:=B^{1/2}(B^{-1/2}AB^{-1/2})^alpha B^{1
We survey some classical norm inequalities of Hardy, Kallman, Kato, Kolmogorov, Landau, Littlewood, and Rota of the type [ |A f|_{mathcal{X}}^2 leq C |f|_{mathcal{X}} big|A^2 fbig|_{mathcal{X}}, quad f in dombig(A^2big), ] and recall that under excee
Yuan and Leng (2007) gave a generalization of Ky Fans determinantal inequality, which is a celebrated refinement of the fundamental Brunn-Minkowski inequality $(det (A+B))^{1/n} ge (det A)^{1/n} +(det B)^{1/n}$, where $A$ and $B$ are positive semidef
We prove that for $alpha in (d-1,d]$, one has the trace inequality begin{align*} int_{mathbb{R}^d} |I_alpha F| ;d u leq C |F|(mathbb{R}^d)| u|_{mathcal{M}^{d-alpha}(mathbb{R}^d)} end{align*} for all solenoidal vector measures $F$, i.e., $Fin M_b(math