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The mass function of IC4665 revisited by the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey

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 نشر من قبل Nicolas Lodieu
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف N. Lodieu

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Knowledge of the mass function in open clusters constitutes one way to constrain the formation of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs as does the knowledge of the frequency of multiple systems and the properties of disks. The aim of the project is to determine the shape of the mass function in the low-mass and substellar regimes in the pre-main sequence (27 Myr) cluster IC4665, which is located at 350 pc from the Sun. We have cross-matched the near-infrared photometric data from the Eighth Data Release of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Galactic Clusters Survey with previous optical data obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii wide-field camera to improve the determination of the luminosity and mass functions in the low-mass and substellar regimes. The availability of i and z photometry taken with the CFH12K camera on the Canada France Hawaii Telescope added strong constraints to the UKIDSS photometric selection in this cluster, which is located in a dense region of our Galaxy. We have derived the luminosity and mass functions of the cluster down to J=18.5 mag, corresponding to masses of ~0.025 Msun at the distance and age of IC4665 according to theoretical models. In addition, we have extracted new candidate members down to ~20 Jupiter masses in a previously unstudied region of the cluster. We have derived the mass function over the 0.6-0.04 Msun mass range and found that it is best represented by a log-normal function with a peak at 0.25-0.16 Msun, consistent with the determination in the Pleiades.

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Over the past decades open clusters have been the subject of many studies. Such studies are crucial considering that the universality of the Initial Mass Function is still a subject of current investigations. Praesepe is an interesting open cluster f or the study of the stellar and substellar mass function (MF), considering its intermediate age and its nearby distance. Here we present the results of a wide field, near-infrared study of Praesepe using the Data Release 9 (DR9) of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS). We obtained cluster candidates of Praesepe based on a 3sigma astrometric and 5 band photometric selection. We derived a binary frequency for Praesepe of 25.6+/-3.0% in the 0.2-0.45Msol mass range, 19.6+/-3.0% for 0.1-0.2Msol, and 23.2+/-5.6% for 0.07-0.1Msol. We also studied the variability of the cluster candidates of Praesepe and we conclude that seven objects could be variable. We inferred the luminosity function of Praesepe in the Z- and J- bands and derived its MF. We observe that our determination of the MF of Praesepe differs from previous studies: while previous MFs present an increase from 0.6 to 0.1Msol, our MF shows a decrease. We looked at the MF of Praesepe in two different regions of the cluster, i.e. within and beyond 1.25deg, and we observed that both regions present a MF which decrease to lower masses. We compared our results with the Hyades, the Pleiades and alpha Per MF in the mass range of 0.072-0.6Msol and showed that the Praesepe MF is more similar to alpha Per although they are respectively aged ~85 and ~600Myr. Even though of similar age, the Praesepe remains different than the Hyades, with a decrease in the MF of only ~0.2 dex from 0.6 down to 0.1Msol, compared to ~1 dex for the Hyades.
The UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (GPS) is one of the five near infrared Public Legacy Surveys that are being undertaken by the UKIDSS consortium, using the Wide Field Camera on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. It is surveying 1868 sq.deg. of th e northern and equatorial Galactic plane at Galactic latitudes -5<b<5 in the J, H and K filters and a ~200 sq.deg. area of the Taurus-Auriga-Perseus molecular cloud complex in these three filters and the 2.12 um (1-0) H_2 filter. It will provide data on ~2 billion sources. Here we describe the properties of the dataset and provide a users guide for its exploitation. We also present brief Demonstration Science results from DR2 and from the Science Verification programme. These results illustrate how GPS data will frequently be combined with data taken in other wavebands to produce scientific results. The Demonstration Science includes studies of: (i) the star formation region G28.983-0.603, cross matching with Spitzer-GLIMPSE data to identify YSOs; (ii) the M17 nebula; (iii) H_2 emission in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud; (iv) X-ray sources in the Galactic Centre; (v) external galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance; (vi) IPHAS-GPS optical-infrared spectrophotometric typing. (abridged).
440 - Aleks Scholz 2013
The abundance of brown dwarfs (BDs) in young clusters is a diagnostic of star formation theory. Here we revisit the issue of determining the substellar initial mass function (IMF), based on a comparison between NGC1333 and IC348, two clusters in the Perseus star-forming region. We derive their mass distributions for a range of model isochrones, varying distances, extinction laws and ages, with comprehensive assessments of the uncertainties. We find that the choice of isochrone and other parameters have significant effects on the results, thus we caution against comparing IMFs obtained using different approaches. For NGC1333, we find that the star/BD ratio R is between 1.9 and 2.4, for all plausible scenarios, consistent with our previous work. For IC348, R is between 2.9 and 4.0, suggesting that previous studies have overestimated this value. Thus, the star forming process generates about 2.5-5 substellar objects per 10 stars. The derived star/BD ratios correspond to a slope of the power-law mass function of alpha=0.7-1.0 for the 0.03-1.0Msol mass range. The median mass in these clusters - the typical stellar mass - is between 0.13-0.30Msol. Assuming that NGC1333 is at a shorter distance than IC348, we find a significant difference in the cumulative distribution of masses between the two clusters, resulting from an overabundance of very low mass objects in NGC1333. Gaia astrometry will constrain the cluster distances better and will lead to a more definitive conclusion. Furthermore, ratio R is somewhat larger in IC348 compared with NGC1333, although this difference is still within the margins of error. Our results indicate that environments with higher object density may produce a larger fraction of very low mass objects, in line with predictions for brown dwarf formation through gravitational fragmentation of filaments falling into a cluster potential.
275 - N. Lodieu 2008
We present the discovery of two new late-T dwarfs identified in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) Data Release 2 (DR2). These T dwarfs are nearby old T dwarfs along the line of sight to star-forming regions an d open clusters targeted by the UKIDSS GCS. They are found towards the Alpha Per cluster and Orion complex, respectively, from a search in 54 square degrees surveyed in five filters. Photometric candidates were picked up in two-colour diagrams, in a very similar manner to candidates extracted from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey (LAS) but taking advantage of the Z filter employed by the GCS. Both candidates exhibit near-infrared J-band spectra with strong methane and water absorption bands characteristic of late-T dwarfs. We derive spectral types of T6.5+/-0.5 and T7+/-1 and estimate photometric distances less than 50 pc for UGCS J030013.86+490142.5 and UGCS J053022.52-052447.4, respectively. The space density of T dwarfs found in the GCS seems consistent with discoveries in the larger areal coverage of the UKIDSS Large Area Survey, indicating one T dwarf in 6-11 square degrees. The final area surveyed by the GCS, 1000 square degrees in five passbands, will allow expansion of the LAS search area by 25%, increase the probability of finding ultracool brown dwarfs, and provide optimal estimates of contamination by old field brown dwarfs in deep surveys to identify such objects in open clusters and star-forming regions.
We present the results of the analysis of deep photometric data of 32 Galactic globular clusters. We analysed 69 parallel field images observed with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys of the Hubble Space Telescope which complem ented the already available photometry from the globular cluster treasury project covering the central regions of these clusters. This unprecedented data set has been used to calculate the relative fraction of stars at different masses (i.e. the present-day mass function) in these clusters by comparing the observed distribution of stars along the cluster main sequence and across the analysed field of view with the prediction of multimass dynamical models. For a subsample of 31 clusters, we were able to obtain also the half-mass radii, mass-to-light ratios and the mass fraction of dark remnants using available radial velocity information. We found that the majority of globular clusters have single power law mass functions $F(m) propto m^alpha$ with slopes $alpha>-1$ in the mass range $0.2<m/text{M}_{odot}<0.8$. By exploring the correlations between the structural/dynamical and orbital parameters, we confirm the tight anticorrelation between the mass function slopes and the half-mass relaxation times already reported in previous works, and possible second-order dependence on the cluster metallicity. This might indicate the relative importance of both initial conditions and evolutionary effects on the present-day shape of the mass function.
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