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A new Planetary Nebula in the outer reaches of the Galaxy

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 نشر من قبل Kerttu Viironen
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A proper determination of the abundance gradient in the Milky Way requires the observation of objects at large galactiocentric distances. With this aim, we are exploring the planetary nebula population towards the Galactic Anticentre. In this article, the discovery and physico-chemical study of a new planetary nebula towards the Anticentre direction, IPHASX J052531.19+281945.1 (PNG 178.1-04.0), is presented. The planetary nebula was discovered from the IPHAS survey. Long-slit follow-up spectroscopy was carried out to confirm its planetary nebula nature and to calculate its physical and chemical characteristics. The newly discovered planetary nebula turned out to be located at a very large galactocentric distance (D_GC=20.8+-3.8 kpc), larger than any previously known planetary nebula with measured abundances. Its relatively high oxygen abundance (12+log(O/H) = 8.36+-0.03) supports a flattening of the Galactic abundance gradient at large galactocentric distances rather than a linearly decreasing gradient.

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We present the discovery of a very faint stellar system, SMASH 1, that is potentially a satellite of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Found within the Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History (SMASH), SMASH 1 is a compact ($r_h = 9.1^{+5.9}_{-3.4}$ pc) an d very low luminosity (M_V = -1.0 +/- 0.9, $L_V=10^{2.3 +/- 0.4}$ Lsun) stellar system that is revealed by its sparsely populated main sequence and a handful of red-giant-branch candidate member stars. The photometric properties of these stars are compatible with a metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-2.2) and old (13 Gyr) isochrone located at a distance modulus of ~18.8, i.e. a distance of ~57 kpc. Situated at 11.3$^circ$ from the LMC in projection, its 3-dimensional distance from the Cloud is ~13 kpc, consistent with a connection to the LMC, whose tidal radius is at least 16 kpc. Although the nature of SMASH 1 remains uncertain, its compactness favors it being a stellar cluster and hence dark-matter free. If this is the case, its dynamical tidal radius is only <19 pc at this distance from the LMC, and smaller than the systems extent on the sky. Its low luminosity and apparent high ellipticity ($epsilon=0.62^{+0.17}_{-0.21}$) with its major axis pointing toward the LMC may well be the tell-tale sign of its imminent tidal demise.
Once classified as an emission line source, the planetary nebula (PN) nature of the source Kn 26 has been only recently recognized in digital sky surveys. To investigate the spectral properties and spatio-kinematical structure of Kn 26, we have obtai ned high spatial-resolution optical and near-IR narrow-band images, high-dispersion long-slit echelle spectra, and intermediate-resolution spectroscopic observations. The new data reveal an hourglass morphology typical of bipolar PNe. A detailed analysis of its morphology and kinematics discloses the presence of a second pair of bipolar lobes, making Kn 26 a new member of the subclass of quadrupolar PNe. The time-lap between the ejection of the two pairs of bipolar lobes is much smaller than their dynamical ages, implying a rapid change of the preferential direction of the central engine. The chemical composition of Kn 26 is particularly unusual among PNe, with a low N/O ratio (as of type II PNe) and a high helium abundance (as of type I PNe), although not atypical among symbiotic stars. Such an anomalous chemical composition may have resulted from the curtail of the time in the Asymptotic Giant Branch by the evolution of the progenitor star through a common envelope phase.
The main goal of this work is to a have a new neutral hydrogen HI supershell candidates catalog to analyze their spatial distribution in the Galaxy and to carry out a statistical study of their main properties.}{This catalog was carried out making us e of the Leiden-Argentine-Bonn (LAB) survey. The supershell candidates were identified using a combination of two techniques: a visual inspection plus an automatic searching algorithm. Our automatic algorithm is able to detect both closed and open structures. A total of 566 supershell candidates were identified. Most of them (347) are located in the second Galactic quadrant, while 219 were found in the third one. About $98 , %$ of a subset of 190 structures (used to derive the statistical properties of the supershell candidates) are elliptical with a mean weighted eccentricity of $0.8 pm 0.1$, and $sim 70 ,%$ have their major axes parallel to the Galactic plane. The weighted mean value of the effective radius of the structures is $sim$ 160 pc. Owing to the ability of our automatic algorithm to detect open structures, we have also identified some galactic chimney candidates. We find an asymmetry between the second and third Galactic quadrants in the sense that in the second one we detect structures as far as 32 kpc, while for the 3rd one the farthest structure is detected at 17 kpc. The supershell surface density in the solar neighborhood is $sim$ 8 kpc$^{-2}$, and decreases as we move farther away form the Galactic center. We have also compared our catalog with those by other authors.
Star-formation in the outer Galaxy is thought to be different from the inner Galaxy, as it is subject to different environmental parameters such as metallicity, interstellar radiation field, or mass surface density that all change with Galactocentric radius. We therefore aimed at getting a more detailed view on the structure of the outer Galaxy, determining physical properties for a large number of star forming clumps and understanding star-formation outside the Solar circle. We use pointed $^{12}$CO(2-1) observations conducted with the APEX telescope to determine the velocity components towards 830 dust clumps identified from 250 $mu$m Herschel/Hi-GAL SPIRE emission maps in the outer Galaxy between $225deg<ell<260deg$. We determined kinematic distances from the velocity components, in order to analyze the structure of the outer Galaxy and to estimate physical properties such as dust temperatures, bolometric luminosities, clump masses, and H2 column densities for 611 clumps. We find the CO clouds to be strongly correlated with the highest column density parts of the Hi emission distribution, spanning a web of bridges, spurs and blobs of star forming regions between the larger complexes, unveiling the complex three-dimensional structure of the outer Galaxy in unprecedented detail. Using the physical properties of the clumps, we find an upper limit of 6% (40 sources) to be able to form high-mass stars. This is supported by the fact that only 2 methanol Class II masers or 34 known or candidate Hii regions are found in the whole survey area, indicating an even lower fraction to be able to form high-mass stars in the outer Galaxy. We fail to find any correlation of the physical parameters of the identified (potential) star forming regions with the expanding supershell, indicating that although the shell organizes the interstellar material into clumps, their properties are unaffected.
The emission nebula around the subdwarf B (sdB) star PHL 932 is currently classified as a planetary nebula (PN) in the literature. Based on a large body of multi-wavelength data, both new and previously published, we show here that this low-excitatio n nebula is in fact a small Stromgren sphere (HII region) in the interstellar medium around this star. We summarise the properties of the nebula and its ionizing star, and discuss its evolutionary status. We find no compelling evidence for close binarity, arguing that PHL 932 is an ordinary sdB star. We also find that the emission nebulae around the hot DO stars PG 0108+101 and PG 0109+111 are also Stromgren spheres in the ISM, and along with PHL 932, are probably associated with the same extensive region of high-latitude molecular gas in Pisces-Pegasus.
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