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Zero and First Order Lamb and SH Waves Propagation in Langasite Single Crystal Plates under the Influence of dc Electric Field

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 نشر من قبل Sergey Burkov I
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Paper is presented the results of computer simulation. Effect of the homogeneous dc electric field influence on the propagation of zero and first order Lamb and SH waves in piezoelectric langasite single crystal plates for a lot of cuts and directions have been calculated. Crystalline directions and cuts with maximal and minimal influence of dc electric field have indicated. Effect of hybridization of plate modes has been discussed.

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Paper is presented the results of computer simulation. Effect of the dc electric field influence on the propagation of Lamb and SH waves and its temperature coefficients of delay in piezoelectric langasite crystal plate for a lot of cuts and directio ns have been calculated. There were found the cuts possessing the thermostability and sufficient electromechanical coupling.
Anisotropy of dc electric field influence on the different types of acoustic waves in piezoelectric plate has been investigated by means of computer simulation. Detail calculations have made for bismuth germanium oxide crystals.
We have investigated the spin fluctuations in the langasite compound Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 in both the ordered state and as a function of temperature. The low temperature magnetic structure is defined by a spiral phase characterized by magnetic Bragg peaks at q=(0,0,tau ~ 1/7) onset at TN=27 K as previously reported by Marty et al. The nature of the fluctuations and temperature dependence of the order parameter is consistent with a classical second order phase transition for a two dimensional triangular antiferromagnet. We will show that the physical properties and energy scales including the ordering wavevector, Curie-Weiss temperature, and the spin-waves can be explained through the use of only symmetric exchange constants without the need for the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This is accomplished through a set of ``helical exchange pathways along the c direction imposed by the chiral crystal structure and naturally explains the magnetic diffuse scattering which displays a strong vector chirality up to high temperatures well above the ordering temperature. This illustrates a strong coupling between magnetic and crystalline chirality in this compound.
The interaction between electromagnetic microwaves (40-200 GHz) and superfluid helium in a stationary electric field has been investigated experimentally. It is found that the narrow line of resonance absorption at the roton frequency is split in the electric field into two symmetric lines. The splitting magnitude increases almost linearly with the electric field, which suggests a linear Stark effect. The results obtained point of orientational polarizability and dipole moment (10^(-34)C*m) in HeII. It is shown that the spectral line profile consists of two parts - a narrow line of resonance absorption (or induced radiation when superfluid stream are generated) and a broad background. The background with agrees well with the latest neutron data for the roton line.
Different from conventional electroactive polymers, here we firstly present a new facile actuator made from aluminum alloy. The high-frequency electrically induced flapping motion was characterized under varied physical factors. This electroactuation results from alternative processes of charge induction and discharge, which is confirmed by the existence of periodical pulse current in the circuit. The metal actuator is of great stability and can maintain several days if not for any structural fatigue. Easy fabrication, high tunable frequency and durability make it potential for implementation of actuators for sensors, microelectromechanical systems and robotics.
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