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Neutron scattering study of the long-range ordered state in CeRu2Al10

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 نشر من قبل Jean-Michel Mignot
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been performed on powder and single-crystal samples of orthorhombic CeRu2Al10. The order forming below T0 = 27 K was identified as a long-range antiferromagnetic state with the wave vector k = (1,0,0). The magnetic spectral response in the ordered phase, measured on powder, is characterized by a spin gap and a pronounced peak at 8 meV, whose Q dependence suggests a magnetic origin. Both features are suppressed when temperature is raised to T0, and a conventional relaxational behavior is observed at 40 K. This peculiar spin dynamics is discussed in connection with recent magnetization results for the same compound.

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We investigate the thermal and transport properties of CexLa1-xRu2Al10 to clarify the origin of the recently discovered mysterious phase below T0=27 K in CeRu2Al10 where a large magnetic entropy is released, however, the existence of an internal magn etic field is ruled out by 27Al-NQR measurement. We find that T0 decreases with decreasing x and disappears at x~0.45. T0 of CeRu2Al10 is suppressed down to 26 K under H=14.5 T along the a-axis. These results clearly indicate that the transition has a magnetic origin and is ascribed to the interaction between Ce ions. Considering the results of specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, thermal expansion, and electrical resistivity and also 27Al NQR, we propose that the transition originates from the singlet pair formation between Ce ions. Although its properties in a Ce dilute region is basically understood by the impurity Kondo effect, CeRu2Al10 shows a Kondo-semiconductor-like behavior. The phase transition at T0 may be characterized as a new type of phase transition that appears during the crossover from the dilute Kondo to the Kondo semiconductor.
The nature of the unconventional ordered phase occurring in CeRu2Al10 below T0 = 27 K was investigated by neutron scattering. Powder diffraction patterns show clear superstructure peaks corresponding to forbidden (h + k)-odd reflections of the Cmcm s pace group. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments further reveal a pronounced magnetic excitation developing in the ordered phase at an energy of 8 meV.
The $4f$-electron system YbAl$_3$C$_3$ with a non-magnetic spin-dimer ground state has been studied by neutron diffraction in an applied magnetic field. A long-range magnetic order involving both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic components has bee n revealed above the critical field H$_Csim $ 6T at temperature T=0.05K. The magnetic structure indicates that the geometrical frustration of the prototype hexagonal lattice is not fully relieved in the low-temperature orthorhombic phase. The suppression of magnetic ordering by the remanent frustration is the key factor stabilizing the non-magnetic singlet ground state in zero field. Temperature dependent measurements in the applied field H=12T revealed that the long-range ordering persists up to temperatures significantly higher than the spin gap indicating that this phase is not directly related to the singlet-triplet excitation. Combining our neutron diffraction results with the previously published phase diagram, we support the existence of an intermediate disordered phase as the first excitation from the non-magnetic singlet ground state. Based on our results, we propose YbAl$_3$C$_3$ as a new material for studying the quantum phase transitions of heavy-fermion metals under the influence of geometrical frustration.
132 - H. Nakao 2000
Charge ordering of V4+ and V5+ in NaV2O5 has been studied by an X-ray diffraction technique using anomalous scattering near a vanadium K-absorption edge to critically enhance a contrast between the two ions. A dramatic energy dependence of the superl attice intensities is observed below Tc=35 K. Consequently, the charge ordering pattern is the zigzag-type ladders with the unit cell 2a*2b*4c, but not the chain-type originally proposed for the spin-Peierls state. Charge disproportionation suggested in our model as the average valence V^{4.5+-delta_c/2} is observed below T_C, showing continuous variation of delta_c as a function of temperature.
147 - F. Strigari , T. Willers , Y. Muro 2012
We have succeeded in establishing the crystal-field ground state of CeRu2Al10, an orthorhombic intermetallic compound recently identified as a Kondo insulator. Using polarization dependent soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ce M4,5 edges, toge ther with input from inelastic neutron and magnetic susceptibility experiments, we were able to determine unambiguously the orbital occupation of the 4f shell and to explain quantitatively both the measured magnetic moment along the easy a axis and the small ordered moment along the c-axis. The results provide not only a platform for a realistic modeling of the spin and charge gap of CeRu2Al10, but demonstrate also the potential of soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy to obtain information not easily accessible by neutron techniques for the study of Kondo insulators in general.
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