We start from any small strict monoidal braided Ab-category and extend it to a monoidal nonstrict braided Ab-category which contains braided bialgebras. The objects of the original category turn out to be modules for these bialgebras
We show how to construct a Gamma-bicategory from a symmetric monoidal bicategory, and use that to show that the classifying space is an infinite loop space upon group completion. We also show a way to relate this construction to the classic Gamma-cat
egory construction for a bipermutative category. As an example, we use this machinery to construct a delooping of the K-theory of a bimonoidal category as defined by Baas-Dundas-Rognes.
We present a homotopy theory for a weak version of modular operads whose compositions and contractions are only defined up to homotopy. This homotopy theory takes the form of a Quillen model structure on the collection of simplicial presheaves for a
certain category of undirected graphs. This new category of undirected graphs, denoted $mathbf{U}$, plays a similar role for modular operads that the dendroidal category $Omega$ plays for operads. We carefully study properties of $mathbf{U}$, including the existence of certain factorization systems. Related structures, such as cyclic operads and stable modular operads, can be similarly treated using categories derived from $mathbf{U}$.
We introduce a category of locally constant $n$-operads which can be considered as the category of higher braided operads. For $n=1,2,infty$ the homotopy category of locally constant $n$-operads is equivalent to the homotopy category of classical non
symmetric, braided and symmetric operads correspondingly.
We develop foundations for the category theory of $infty$-categories parametrized by a base $infty$-category. Our main contribution is a theory of indexed homotopy limits and colimits, which specializes to a theory of $G$-colimits for $G$ a finite gr
oup when the base is chosen to be the orbit category of $G$. We apply this theory to show that the $G$-$infty$-category of $G$-spaces is freely generated under $G$-colimits by the contractible $G$-space, thereby affirming a conjecture of Mike Hill.
Starting with a k-linear or DG category admitting a (homotopy) Serre functor, we construct a k-linear or DG 2-category categorifying the Heisenberg algebra of the numerical K-group of the original category. We also define a 2-categorical analogue of
the Fock space representation of the Heisenberg algebra. Our construction generalises and unifies various categorical Heisenberg algebra actions appearing in the literature. In particular, we give a full categorical enhancement of the action on derived categories of symmetric quotient stacks introduced by Krug, which itself categorifies a Heisenberg algebra action proposed by Grojnowski.