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Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Lifshitz transition in bilayer graphene

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 نشر من قبل Igor Aleiner
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We derive the renormalization group equations describing all the short-range interactions in bilayer graphene allowed by symmetry and the long range Coulomb interaction. For certain range of parameters, we predict the first order phase transition to the uniaxially deformed gapless state accompanied by the change of the topology of the electron spectrum.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Motivated by recent low-temperature magnetoresistance measurements in twisted bilayer graphene aligned with hexagonal Boron Nitride substrate, we perform a systematic study of possible symmetry breaking orders in this device at a filling of two elect rons per Moire unit cell. We find that the surprising non-monotonic dependence of the resistance on an out-of-plane magnetic field is difficult to reconcile with particle-hole charge carriers from the low-energy bands in symmetry broken phases. We invoke the non-zero Chern numbers of the twisted bilayer graphene flat bands to argue that skyrmion textures provide an alternative for the dominant charge carriers. Via an effective field-theory for the spin degrees of freedom, we show that the effect of spin Zeeman splitting on the skyrmion excitations provides a possible explanation for the non-monotonic magnetoresistance. We suggest several experimental tests, including the functional dependence of the activation gap on the magnetic field, for our proposed correlated insulating states at different integer fillings. We also discuss possible exotic phases and quantum phase transitions that can arise via skyrmion-pairing on doping such an insulator.
It is shown theoretically that the renormalization of the electron energy spectrum of bilayer graphene with a strong high-frequency electromagnetic field (dressing field) results in the Lifshitz transition - the abrupt change in the topology of the F ermi surface near the band edge. This effect substantially depends on the polarization of the field: The linearly polarized dressing field induces the Lifshitz transition from the quadruply-connected Fermi surface to the doubly-connected one, whereas the circularly polarized field induces the multicritical point, where the four different Fermi topologies may coexist. As a consequence, the discussed phenomenon creates physical basis to control the electronic properties of bilayer graphene with light.
281 - A. Hamma , S. M. Giampaolo , 2015
We show that the metastable, symmetry-breaking ground states of quantum many-body Hamiltonians have vanishing quantum mutual information between macroscopically separated regions, and are thus the most classical ones among all possible quantum ground states. This statement is obvious only when the symmetry-breaking ground states are simple product states, e.g. at the factorization point. On the other hand, symmetry-breaking states are in general entangled along the entire ordered phase, and to show that they actually feature the least macroscopic correlations compared to their symmetric superpositions is highly non trivial. We prove this result in general, by considering the quantum mutual information based on the $2-$Renyi entanglement entropy and using a locality result stemming from quasi-adiabatic continuation. Moreover, in the paradigmatic case of the exactly solvable one-dimensional quantum $XY$ model, we further verify the general result by considering also the quantum mutual information based on the von Neumann entanglement entropy.
We show that Jastrow-Slater wave functions, in which a density-density Jastrow factor is applied onto an uncorrelated fermionic state, may possess long-range order even when all symmetries are preserved in the wave function. This fact is mainly relat ed to the presence of a sufficiently strong Jastrow term (also including the case of full Gutzwiller projection, suitable for describing spin models). Selected examples are reported, including the spawning of Neel order and dimerization in spin systems, and the stabilization of charge and orbital order in itinerant electronic systems.
In the triangular layered magnet PdCrO2 the intralayer magnetic interactions are strong, however the lattice structure frustrates interlayer interactions. In spite of this, long-range, 120$^circ$ antiferromagnetic order condenses at $T_N = 38$~K. We show here through neutron scattering measurements under in-plane uniaxial stress and in-plane magnetic field that this occurs through a spontaneous lifting of the three-fold rotational symmetry of the nonmagnetic lattice, which relieves the interlayer frustration. We also show through resistivity measurements that uniaxial stress can suppress thermal magnetic disorder within the antiferromagnetic phase.
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