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Nature of the Mott transition in Ca2RuO4

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 نشر من قبل Eva Pavarini
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the origin of the temperature-induced Mott transition in Ca2RuO4. As a method we use the local-density approximation+dynamical mean-field theory. We show the following. (i) The Mott transition is driven by the change in structure from long to short c-axis layered perovskite (L-Pbca to S-Pbca); it occurs together with orbital order, which follows, rather than produces, the structural transition. (ii) In the metallic L-Pbca phase the orbital polarization is ~0. (iii) In the insulating S-Pbca phase the lower energy orbital, ~xy, is full. (iv) The spin-flip and pair-hopping Coulomb terms reduce the effective masses in the metallic phase. Our results indicate that a similar scenario applies to Ca_{2-x}Sr_xRuO_4 (x<0.2). In the metallic x< 0.5 structures electrons are progressively transferred to the xz/yz bands with increasing x, however we find no orbital-selective Mott transition down to ~300 K.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We analyze the nature of Mott metal-insulator transition in multiorbital systems using dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The auxiliary multiorbital quantum impurity problem is solved using continuous time quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC) and the rotatio nally invariant slave-boson (RISB) mean field approximation. We focus our analysis on the Kanamori Hamiltonian and find that there are two markedly different regimes determined by the nature of the lowest energy excitations of the atomic Hamiltonian. The RISB results at $Tto0$ suggest the following rule of thumb for the order of the transition at zero temperature: a second order transition is to be expected if the lowest lying excitations of the atomic Hamiltonian are charge excitations, while the transition tends to be first order if the lowest lying excitations are in the same charge sector as the atomic ground state. At finite temperatures the transition is first order and its strength, as measured e.g. by the jump in the quasiparticle weight at the transition, is stronger in the parameter regime where the RISB method predicts a first order transition at zero temperature. Interestingly, these results seem to apply to a wide variety of models and parameter regimes.
We have investigated the in-plane uniaxial pressure effect on the antiferromagnetic Mott insulator Ca2RuO4 from resistivity and magnetization measurements. We succeeded in inducing the ferromagnetic metallic phase at lower critical pressure than by h ydrostatic pressure, indicating that the flattening distortion of the RuO6 octahedra is more easily released under in-plane uniaxial pressure. We also found a striking in-plane anisotropy in the pressure responses of various magnetic phases: Although the magnetization increases monotonically with pressure diagonal to the orthorhombic principal axes, the magnetization exhibits peculiar dependence on pressure along the in-plane orthorhombic principal axes. This peculiar dependence can be explained by a qualitative difference between the uniaxial pressure effects along the orthorhombic a and b axes, as well as by the presence of twin domain structures.
The combination of bandstructure theory in the local density approximation with dynamical mean field theory was recently successfully applied to V$_2$O$_3$ -- a material which undergoes the f amous Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition upon Cr dopi ng. The aim of this sh ort paper is to emphasize two aspects of our recent results: (i) the filling of the Mott-Hubbard gap with increasing temperature, and (ii) the peculiarities of the Mott-Hubbard transition in this system which is not characterized by a diver gence of the effective mass for the $a_{1g}$-orbital.
The metal-insulator transition in correlated electron systems, where electron states transform from itinerant to localized, has been one of the central themes of condensed matter physics for more than half a century. The persistence of this question has been a consequence both of the intricacy of the fundamental issues and the growing recognition of the complexities that arise in real materials, even when strong repulsive interactions play the primary role. The initial concept of Mott was based on the relative importance of kinetic hopping (measured by the bandwidth) and on-site repulsion of electrons. Real materials, however, have many additional degrees of freedom that, as is recently attracting note, give rise to a rich variety of scenarios for a ``Mott transition. Here we report results for the classic correlated insulator MnO which reproduce a simultaneous moment collapse, volume collapse, and metallization transition near the observed pressure, and identify the mechanism as collapse of the magnetic moment due to increase of crystal field splitting, rather than to variation in the bandwidth.
We explore the coexistence region in the vicinity of the Mott critical end point employing a compressible cell spin-$1/2$ Ising-like model. We analyze the case for the spin-liquid candidate $kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$Cu$_2$(CN)$_3$, where close to the Mot t critical end point metallic puddles coexist with an insulating ferroelectric phase. Our results are fourfold: $i$) a universal divergent-like behavior of the Gruneisen parameter upon crossing the first-order transition line; $ii$) based on scaling arguments, we show that within the coexistence region, for $any$ system close to the critical point, the relaxation time is entropy-dependent; $iii$) we propose the electric Gruneisen parameter $Gamma_E$, which quantifies the electrocaloric effect; $iv$) we identify the metallic/insulating coexistence region as an electronic Griffiths-like phase. Our findings suggest that $Gamma_E$ governs the dielectric response close to the critical point and that an electronic Griffiths-like phase emerges in the coexistence region.
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