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Testing Ultrafast Two-Photon Spectral Amplitudes via Optical Fibres

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 نشر من قبل Marco Genovese
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We test two-dimensional TPSA of biphoton light emitted via ultrafast spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) using the effect of group-velocity dispersion in optical fibres. Further, we apply this technique to demonstrate the engineering of biphoton spectral properties by acting on the pump pulse shape.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present the first observation of two-photon polarization interference structure in the second-order Glaubers correlation function of two-photon light generated via type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion. In order to obtain this result, two -photon light is transmitted through an optical fibre and the coincidence distribution is analyzed by means of the START-STOP method. Beyond the experimental demonstration of an interesting effect in quantum optics, these results also have considerable relevance for quantum communications.
The generation of ultrafast laser pulses and the reconstruction of their electric fields is essential for many applications in modern optics. Quantum optical fields can also be generated on ultrafast time scales, however, the tools and methods availa ble for strong laser pulses are not appropriate for measuring the properties of weak, possibly entangled pulses. Here, we demonstrate a method to reconstruct the joint-spectral amplitude of a two-photon energy-time entangled state from joint measurements of the frequencies and arrival times of the photons, and the correlations between them. Our reconstruction method is based on a modified Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. Such techniques are essential to measure and control the shape of ultrafast entangled photon pulses.
We introduce a complete Bell measurement on atomic qubits based on two photon interactions with optical cavities and discrimination of coherent states of light. The dynamical system is described by the Dicke model for two three-level atoms interactin g in two-photon resonance with a single-mode of the radiation field, which is known to effectively generate a non-linear two-photon interaction between the field and two states of each atom. For initial coherent states with large mean photon number, the field state is well represented by two coherent states at half revival time. For certain product states of the atoms, we prove the coherent generation of GHZ states with two atomic qubits and two orthogonal Schrodinger cat states as a third qubit. For arbitrary atomic states, we show that discriminating the two states of the field corresponds to different operations in the Bell basis of the atoms. By repeating this process with a second cavity with a dephased coherent state, we demonstrate the implementation of a complete Bell measurement. Experimental feasibility of our protocols is discussed for cavity-QED, circuit-QED and trapped ions setups.
The ultrafast detection of single photons is currently restricted by the limited time resolution (a few picoseconds) of the available single-photon detectors. Optical gates offer a faster time resolution, but so far they have been mostly applied to e nsembles of emitters. Here, we demonstrate through a semi-analytical model that the ultrafast time-resolved detection of single quantum emitters can be possible using an optical-Kerr-shutter (OKS) at GHz rates under focused illumination. This technique provides sub-picosecond time resolution, while keeping a gate efficiency at around 85 %. These findings lay the ground for future experimental investigations on the ultrafast dynamics of single quantum emitters, with implications for quantum nanophotonics and molecular physics
We show that broadband biphoton wavepackets produced via Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) in crystals with linearly aperiodic poling can be easily compressed in time using the effect of group-velocity dispersion in optical fibres. This r esult could foster important developments in quantum metrology and lithography.
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