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Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics: Structural Relaxation, Fictive temperature and Tool-Narayanaswamy phenomenology in Glasses

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 نشر من قبل Puru Gujrati
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف P. D. Gujrati

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Starting from the second law of thermodynamics applied to an isolated system consisting of the system surrounded by an extremely large medium, we formulate a general non-equilibrium thermodynamic description of the system when it is out of equilibrium. We then apply it to study the structural relaxation in glasses and establish the phenomenology behind the concept of the fictive temperature and of the empirical Tool-Narayanaswamy equation on firmer theoretical foundation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate numerically the time dependence of window overlaps in a three-dimensional Ising spin glass below its transition temperature after a rapid quench. Using an efficient GPU implementation, we are able to study large systems up to lateral l ength $L=128$ and up to long times of $t=10^8$ sweeps. We find that the data scales according to the ratio of the window size $W$ to the non-equilibrium coherence length $xi(t)$. We also show a substantial change in behavior if the system is run for long enough that it globally equilibrates, i.e. $xi(t) approx L/2$, where $L$ is the lattice size. This indicates that the local behavior of a spin glass depends on the spin configurations (and presumably also the bonds) far away. We compare with similar simulations for the Ising ferromagnet. Based on these results, we speculate on a connection between the non-equilibrium dynamics discussed here and averages computed theoretically using the metastate.
As shown by early studies on mean-field models of the glass transition, the geometrical features of the energy landscape provide fundamental information on the dynamical transition at the Mode-Coupling temperature $T_d$. We show that active particles can serve as a useful tool for gaining insight into the topological crossover in model glass-formers. In such systems the landmark of the minima-to-saddle transition in the potential energy landscape, taking place in the proximity of $T_d$, is the critical slowing down of dynamics. Nevertheless, the critical slowing down is a bottleneck for numerical simulations and the possibility to take advantage of the new smart algorithms capable to thermalize down in the glass phase is attractive. Our proposal is to consider configurations equilibrated below the threshold and study their dynamics in the presence of a small amount of self-propulsion. As exemplified here from the study of the p-spin model, the presence of self-propulsion gives rise to critical off-equilibrium equal-time correlations at the minima-to-saddles crossover, correlations which are not hindered by the sluggish glassy dynamics.
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We discuss temperature chaos in mean field and realistic 3D spin glasses. Our numerical simulations show no trace of a temperature chaotic behavior for the system sizes considered. We discuss the experimental and theoretical implications of these findings.
127 - Yagmur Kati 2021
The interplay of fluctuations, ergodicity, and disorder in many-body interacting systems has been striking attention for half a century, pivoted on two celebrated phenomena: Anderson localization predicted in disordered media, and Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Ts ingou (FPUT) recurrence observed in a nonlinear system. The destruction of Anderson localization by nonlinearity and the recovery of ergodicity after long enough computational times lead to more questions. This thesis is devoted to contributing to the insight of the nonlinear system dynamics in and out of equilibrium. Focusing mainly on the GP lattice, we investigated elementary fluctuations close to zero temperature, localization properties, the chaotic subdiffusive regimes, and the non-equipartition of energy in non-Gibbs regime. Initially, we probe equilibrium dynamics in the ordered GP lattice and report a weakly non-ergodic dynamics, and an ergodic part in the non-Gibbs phase that implies the Gibbs distribution should be modified. Next, we include disorder in GP lattice, and build analytical expressions for the thermodynamic properties of the ground state, and identify a Lifshits glass regime where disorder dominates over the interactions. In the opposite strong interaction regime, we investigate the elementary excitations above the ground state and found a dramatic increase of the localization length of Bogoliubov modes (BM) with increasing particle density. Finally, we study non-equilibrium dynamics with disordered GP lattice by performing novel energy and norm density resolved wave packet spreading. In particular, we observed strong chaos spreading over several decades, and identified a Lifshits phase which shows a significant slowing down of sub-diffusive spreading.
231 - A. Sarracino , A. Vulpiani 2019
We review generalized Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations which are valid under general conditions even in ``non-standard systems, e.g. out of equilibrium and/or without a Hamiltonian structure. The response functions can be expressed in terms of suita ble correlation functions computed in the unperperturbed dynamics. In these relations, typically one has nontrivial contributions due to the form of the stationary probability distribution; such terms take into account the interaction among the relevant degrees of freedom in the system. We illustrate the general formalism with some examples in non-standard cases, including driven granular media, systems with a multiscale structure, active matter and systems showing anomalous diffusion.
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