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Suzaku Observation of the Radio Halo Cluster Abell 2319: Gas Dynamics and Hard X-ray Properties

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 نشر من قبل Motokazu Takizawa
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the results of Suzaku observation of the radio halo cluster Abell 2319. The metal abundance in the central cool region is found to be higher than the surrounding region, which was not resolved in the former studies. We confirm that the line-of-sight velocities of the intracluster medium in the observed region are consistent with those of the member galaxies of entire A2319 and A2319A subgroup for the first time, though any velocity difference within the region is not detected. On the other hand, we do not find any signs of gas motion relevant to A2319B subgroup. Hard X-ray emission from the cluster is clearly detected, but its spectrum is likely thermal. Assuming a simple single temperature model for the thermal component, we find that the upper limit of the non-thermal inverse Compton component becomes $2.6 times 10^{-11}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the 10-40 keV band, which means that the lower limit of the magnetic field is 0.19 $mu$G with the radio spectral index 0.92. Although the results slightly depend on the detailed spectral modeling, it is robust that the upper limit of the power-law component flux and lower limit of the magnetic field strength become $sim 3 times 10^{-11}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ and $sim 0.2 mu$G, respectively. Considering the lack of a significant amount of very hot ($sim 20$ keV) gas and the strong bulk flow motion, it is more likely that the relativistic non-thermal electrons responsible for the radio halo are accelerated through the intracluster turbulence rather than the shocks.

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177 - Kazuhiro Nakazawa 2008
Wide-band Suzaku data on the merging cluster Abell 3667 were examined for hard X-ray emission in excess to the known thermal component. Suzaku detected X-ray signals in the wide energy band from 0.5 to 40 keV. The hard X-ray (> 10 keV) flux observed by the HXD around the cluster center cannot be explained by a simple extension of the thermal emission with average temperature of ~7 keV. The emission is most likely an emission from a very hot (kT > 13.2 keV) thermal component around the cluster center, produced via a strong heating process in the merger. In the north-west radio relic, no signature of non-thermal emission was observed. Using the HXD, the overall upper-limit flux within a 34x34 field-of-view around the relic is derived to be 5.3e-12 erg s-1 cm-2 in the 10-40 keV band, after subtracting the ICM contribution estimated using the XIS or the XMM-Newton spectra. Directly on the relic region, the upper limit is further tightened by the XIS data to be less than 7.3e-13 erg s-1 cm-2, when converted into the 10--40 keV band. The latter value suggest that the average magnetic field within the relic is higher than 1.6 uG. The non-thermal pressure due to magnetic fields and relativistic electrons may be as large as ~20% of the thermal pressure in the region.
We present an X-ray spectral analysis of the nearby double radio relic merging cluster Abell 3376 ($z$ = 0.046), observed with the $Suzaku$ XIS instrument. These deep ($sim$360 ks) observations cover the entire double relic region in the outskirts of the cluster. These diffuse radio structures are amongst the largest and arc-shaped relics observed in combination with large-scale X-ray shocks in a merging cluster. We confirm the presence of a stronger shock (${cal M}_{rm{W}}$ = 2.8 $pm~0.4$) in the western direction at $rsim26$, derived from a temperature and surface brightness discontinuity across the radio relic. In the East, we detect a weaker shock (${cal M}_{rm{E}}$ = 1.5 $pm~0.1$) at $rsim8$, possibly associated to the notch of eastern relic, and a cold front at $rsim3$. Based on the shock speed calculated from the Mach numbers, we estimate that the dynamical age of the shock front is $sim$0.6 Gyr after core passage, indicating that Abell 3376 is still an evolving merging cluster and that the merger is taking place close to the plane of the sky. These results are consistent with simulations and optical and weak lensing studies from the literature.
We present the results from Suzaku observations of the hottest Abell galaxy cluster A2163 at $z=0.2$. To study the physics of gas heating in cluster mergers, we investigated hard X-ray emission from the merging cluster A2163, which hosts the brightes t synchrotron radio halo. We analyzed hard X-ray spectra accumulated from two-pointed Suzaku observations. Non-thermal hard X-ray emission should result from the inverse Compton (IC) scattering of relativistic electrons by the CMB photons. To measure this emission, the dominant thermal emission in the hard X-ray band must be modeled in detail. To this end, we analyzed the combined broad-band X-ray data of A2163 collected by Suzaku and XMM-Newton, assuming single- and multi-temperature models for thermal emission and the power-law model for non-thermal emission. From the Suzaku data, we detected significant hard X-ray emission from A2163 in the 12-60 keV band at the $28sigma$ level (or at the $5.5sigma$ level if a systematic error is considered). The Suzaku HXD spectrum alone is consistent with the single-T thermal model of gas temperature $kT=14$ keV. From the XMM data, we constructed a multi-T model including a very hot ($kT=18$ keV) component in the NE region. Incorporating the multi-T and the power-law models into a two-component model with a radio-band photon index, the 12-60 keV energy flux of non-thermal emission is constrained within $5.3 pm 0.9 (pm 3.8)times 10^{-12}~{rm erg, s^{-1} cm^{-2}}$. The 90% upper limit of detected IC emission is marginal ($< 1.2times 10^{-11}~{rm erg, s^{-1} cm^{-2}}$ in the 12-60 keV). The estimated magnetic field in A2163 is $B > 0.098~{rm mu G}$. While the present results represent a three-fold increase in the accuracy of the broad band spectral model of A2163, more sensitive hard X-ray observations are needed to decisively test for the presence of hard X-ray emission due to IC emission.
Radio halos and radio relics are diffuse synchrotron sources that extend over Mpc-scales and are found in a number of merger galaxy clusters. They are believed to form as a consequence of the energy that is dissipated by turbulence and shocks in the intra-cluster medium (ICM). However, the precise physical processes that generate these steep synchrotron spectrum sources are still poorly constrained. We present a new LOFAR observation of the double galaxy cluster Abell 1758. This system is composed of A1758N, a massive cluster hosting a known giant radio halo, and A1758S, which is a less massive cluster whose diffuse radio emission is confirmed here for the first time. Our observations have revealed a radio halo and a candidate radio relic in A1758S, and a suggestion of emission along the bridge connecting the two systems which deserves confirmation. We combined the LOFAR data with archival VLA and GMRT observations to constrain the spectral properties of the diffuse emission. We also analyzed a deep archival Chandra observation and used this to provide evidence that A1758N and A1758S are in a pre-merger phase. The ICM temperature across the bridge that connects the two systems shows a jump which might indicate the presence of a transversal shock generated in the initial stage of the merger.
The brightest cluster radio halo known resides in the Coma cluster of galaxies. The relativistic electrons producing this diffuse synchrotron emission should also produce inverse Compton emission that becomes competitive with thermal emission from th e ICM at hard X-ray energies. Thus far, claimed detections of this emission in Coma are controversial (Fusco-Femiano et al. 2004; Rossetti & Molendi 2004). We present a Suzaku HXD-PIN observation of the Coma cluster in order to nail down its non-thermal hard X-ray content. The contribution of thermal emission to the HXD-PIN spectrum is constrained by simultaneously fitting thermal and non-thermal models to it and a spatially equivalent spectrum derived from an XMM-Newton mosaic of the Coma field (Schuecker et al. 2004). We fail to find statistically significant evidence for non-thermal emission in the spectra, which are better described by only a single or multi-temperature model for the ICM. Including systematic uncertainties, we derive a 90% upper limit on the flux of non-thermal emission of 6.0x10^-12 erg/s/cm^2 (20-80 keV, for photon index of 2.0), which implies a lower limit on the cluster-averaged magnetic field of B>0.15 microG. Our flux upper limit is 2.5x lower than the detected non-thermal flux from RXTE (Rephaeli & Gruber 2002) and BeppoSAX (Fusco-Femiano et al. 2004). However, if the non-thermal hard X-ray emission in Coma is more spatially extended than the observed radio halo, the Suzaku HXD-PIN may miss some fraction of the emission. A detailed investigation indicates that ~50-67% of the emission might go undetected, which could make our limit consistent with these detections. The thermal interpretation of the hard Coma spectrum is consistent with recent analyses of INTEGRAL (Eckert et al. 2007) and Swift (Ajello et al. 2009) data.
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