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A counter-argument to Hidden variable models for quantum theory cannot have any local part arXiv:0801.2218

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 نشر من قبل Sofia Wechsler
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Sofia Wechsler

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Colbeck and Renner [arXiv:0801.2218] analyzed a class of combined models for entanglements in which local and non-local hidden variables cooperate for producing the measurement results. They came to the conclusion that the measurement results are fully independent of the local components of the hidden variables. Their conclusion is based mainly on an assumption on the local hidden variables, assumption similar to the non-signaling property of probabilities of observables values. In the present text it is proved that hidden variables are not observables, so their distributions of probabilities do not necessarily possess the non-signaling property. Also, a counter-example is brought to the Colbeck and Renner assumption, showing that their type of models and conclusion are not general. The question whether hidden variables, local or non-local, exist or not, remains open.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

It was shown by Bell that no local hidden variable model is compatible with quantum mechanics. If, instead, one permits the hidden variables to be entirely non-local, then any quantum mechanical predictions can be recovered. In this paper, we conside r general hidden variable models which can have both local and non-local parts. We then show the existence of (experimentally verifiable) quantum correlations that are incompatible with any hidden variable model having a non-trivial local part, such as the model proposed by Leggett.
157 - Sofia Wechsler 2009
A recent article of Colbeck and Renner tackled the problem whether entanglements may be explained by combined models of local and non-local hidden variables. To the difference from previous works they considered models in which each pair of entangled particles behaves in the same way, and the particles in the pair are equivalent, i.e. each of them produces its response to a measurement according to both local and non-local hidden variables. Their article aimed at proving that the local hidden variable component in such models has no effect on the measurement results, i.e. only the non-local variables are relevant. However, their proof deals with a very restrictive case and assumes questionable constraints on the hidden variables. The present text studies the Colbeck and Renner class of models on a less restrictive case and under no constraints on the hidden variables. It is shown again that the local component cannot have any influence on the results. However, the Colbeck and Renner class of models is not the only one possible. A different class is described, and it admits local hidden variables by the side of the non-local influence. This class presents a couple of advantages.
It is well known that jointly measurable observables cannot lead to a violation of any Bell inequality - independent of the state and the measurements chosen at the other site. In this letter we prove the converse: every pair of incompatible quantum observables enables the violation of a Bell inequality and therefore must remain incompatible within any other no-signaling theory. While in the case of von Neumann measurements it is sufficient to use the same pair of observables at both sites, general measurements can require different choices. The main result is obtained by showing that for arbitrary dimension the CHSH inequality provides the Lagrangian dual of the characterization of joint measurability. This leads to a simple criterion for joint measurability beyond the known qubit case.
Constructing local hidden variable (LHV) models for entangled quantum states is challenging, as the model should reproduce quantum predictions for all possible local measurements. Here we present a simple method for building LHV models, applicable to general entangled states, which consists in verifying that the statistics resulting from a finite set of measurements is local, a much simpler problem. This leads to a sequence of tests which, in the limit, fully capture the set of quantum states admitting a LHV model. Similar methods are developed for constructing local hidden state models. We illustrate the practical relevance of these methods with several examples, and discuss further applications.
Entanglement allows for the nonlocality of quantum theory, which is the resource behind device-independent quantum information protocols. However, not all entangled quantum states display nonlocality, and a central question is to determine the precis e relation between entanglement and nonlocality. Here we present the first general test to decide whether a quantum state is local, and that can be implemented by semidefinite programming. This method can be applied to any given state and for the construction of new examples of states with local hidden-variable models for both projective and general measurements. As applications we provide a lower bound estimate of the fraction of two-qubit local entangled states and present new explicit examples of such states, including those which arise from physical noise models, Bell-diagonal states, and noisy GHZ and W states.
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