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Radiative and Semileptonic B Decays Involving Higher K-Resonances in the Final States

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 نشر من قبل Hisaki Hatanaka
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the radiative and semileptonic B decays involving a spin-$J$ resonant $K_J^{(*)}$ with parity $(-1)^J$ for $K_J^*$ and $(-1)^{J+1}$ for $K_J$ in the final state. Using the large energy effective theory (LEET) techniques, we formulate $B to K_J^{(*)}$ transition form factors in the large recoil region in terms of two independent LEET functions $zeta_perp^{K_J^{(*)}}$ and $zeta_parallel^{K_J^{(*)}}$, the values of which at zero momentum transfer are estimated in the BSW model. According to the QCD counting rules, $zeta_{perp,parallel}^{K_J^{(*)}}$ exhibit a dipole dependence in $q^2$. We predict the decay rates for $B to K_J^{(*)} gamma$, $B to K_J^{(*)} ell^+ ell^-$ and $B to K_J^{(*)} u bar{ u}$. The branching fractions for these decays with higher $K$-resonances in the final state are suppressed due to the smaller phase spaces and the smaller values of $zeta^{K_J^{(*)}}_{perp,parallel}$. Furthermore, if the spin of $K_J^{(*)}$ becomes larger, the branching fractions will be further suppressed due to the smaller Clebsch-Gordan coefficients defined by the polarization tensors of the $K_J^{(*)}$. We also calculate the forward backward asymmetry of the $B to K_J^{(*)} ell^+ ell^-$ decay, for which the zero is highly insensitive to the $K$-resonances in the LEET parametrization.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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184 - Chien-Yeah Seng 2021
We review some recent progress in the theory of electroweak radiative corrections in semileptonic decay processes. The resurrection of the so-called Sirlins representation based on current algebra relations permits a clear separation between the pert urbatively-calculable and incalculable pieces in the $mathcal{O}(G_Falpha)$ radiative corrections. The latter are expressed as compact hadronic matrix elements that allow systematic non-perturbative analysis such as dispersion relation and lattice QCD. This brings substantial improvements to the precision of the electroweak radiative corrections in semileptonic decays of pion, kaon, free neutron and $J^P=0^+$ nuclei that are important theory inputs in precision tests of the Standard Model. Unresolved issues and future prospects are discussed.
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