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Electric field effects, Mott insulator, Surface patterning, Scanning tunneling microscopy, Transition metal chalcogenides

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 نشر من قبل Vincent Dubost
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Vincent Dubost

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We report the first experimental evidence for a strong electromechanical coupling in the Mott insulator GaTa4Se8 allowing a highly reproducible nano-writing with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM). The local electric field across the STM junction is observed to have a threshold value above which the clean (100) surface of GaTa4Se8 becomes mechanically instable: At voltage biases V > 1.1V the surface suddenly inflates and comes in contact with the STM tip, resulting in nanometer size craters. The formed pattern can be indestructibly read by STM at lower voltage bias, thus allowing a 5 Tdots/inch2 dense writing/reading at room temperature. The discovery of the electromechanical coupling in GaTa4Se8 might give new clues in the understanding of the Electric Pulse Induced Resistive Switching recently observed in this stoechiometric Mott insulator.

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Ni2MnGa(100) surface has been investigated in the premartensite and martensite phase by using scanning tunneling microscopy. The presence of twined morphology is observed in the premartensite phase for Mn excess surface which exhibit non-equispaced p arallel bands in one side of the twin boundary. Moreover, in the flat region of the surface two domains of non-periodic parallel bands corresponding to the incommensurate CDW is observed. Although, stoichiometric surface also exhibit twining but the parallel bands are equispaced and have equal corrugation. Most interestingly, coexistence of twined morphology and the CDW pattern is observed in the premartensite phase for Ni excess surface which was not reported till date. In the martensite phase for Mn excess surface, incommensurate CDW is transformed to commensurate CDW corresponding to the equispaced parallel bands. In stark contrast, stoichiometric surface exhibit parallel bands that have different periodicity in different regions. Both the voltage dependent STM and STS measurement establishes that this morphology is also related to the CDW.
A simple, reliable method for preparation of bulk Cr tips for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) is proposed and its potentialities in performing high-quality and high-resolution STM and Spin Polarized-STM (SP-STM) are investigated. Cr tips show ato mic resolution on ordered surfaces. Contrary to what happens with conventional W tips, rest atoms of the Si(111)-7x7 reconstruction can be routinely observed, probably due to a different electronic structure of the tip apex. SP-STM measurements of the Cr(001) surface showing magnetic contrast are reported. Our results reveal that the peculiar properties of these tips can be suited in a number of STM experimental situations.
132 - D. Babich , J. Tranchant , C. Adda 2021
Since the beginnings of the electronic age, a quest for ever faster and smaller switches has been initiated, since this element is ubiquitous and foundational in any electronic circuit to regulate the flow of current. Mott insulators are promising ca ndidates to meet this need as they undergo extremely fast resistive switching under electric field. However the mechanism of this transition is still under debate. Our spatially-resolved {mu}-XRD imaging experiments carried out on the prototypal Mott insulator (V0.95Cr0.05)2O3 show that the resistive switching is associated with the creation of a conducting filamentary path consisting in an isostructural compressed phase without any chemical nor symmetry change. This clearly evidences that the resistive switching mechanism is inherited from the bandwidth-controlled Mott transition. This discovery might hence ease the development of a new branch of electronics dubbed Mottronics.
We compare STM investigations on two hexaboride compounds, SmB$_6$ and EuB$_6$, in an effort to provide a comprehensive picture of their surface structural properties. The latter is of particular importance for studying the nature of the surface stat es in SmB$_6$ by surface-sensitive tools. Beyond the often encountered atomically rough surface topographies of {it in situ}, low-temperature cleaved samples, differently reconstructed as well as B-terminated and, more rarely, rare-earth terminated areas could be found. With all the different surface topographies observed on both hexaborides, a reliable assignment of the surface terminations can be brought forward.
We have performed the most realistic simulation to date of the operation of a scanning tunneling microscope. Probe-sample distances from beyond tunneling to actual surface contact are covered. We simultaneously calculate forces, atomic displacements, and tunneling currents, allowing quantitative comparison with experimental values. A distance regime below which the probe becomes unstable is identified. It is shown that the real distance differs substantially from previous estimates because of large atomic displacements on the surface and at the probe-tip.
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