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BLAST: A Far-Infrared Measurement of the History of Star Formation

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Truch
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We directly measure redshift evolution in the mean physical properties (far-infrared luminosity, temperature, and mass) of the galaxies that produce the cosmic infrared background (CIB), using measurements from the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Sub-millimeter Telescope (BLAST), and Spitzer which constrain the CIB emission peak. This sample is known to produce a surface brightness in the BLAST bands consistent with the full CIB, and photometric redshifts are identified for all of the objects. We find that most of the 70 micron background is generated at z <~ 1 and the 500 micron background generated at z >~ 1. A significant growth is observed in the mean luminosity from ~ 10^9 - 10^12 L_sun, and in the mean temperature by 10 K, from redshifts 0< z < 3. However, there is only weak positive evolution in the comoving dust mass in these galaxies across the same redshift range. We also measure the evolution of the far-infrared luminosity density, and the star-formation rate history for these objects, finding good agreement with other infrared studies up to z ~1, exceeding the contribution attributed to optically-selected galaxies.

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178 - D. Calzetti 2010
(Abridged) Spitzer data at 24, 70, and 160 micron and ground-based H-alpha images are analyzed for a sample of 189 nearby star-forming and starburst galaxies to investigate whether reliable star formation rate (SFR) indicators can be defined using th e monochromatic infrared dust emission centered at 70 and 160 micron. We compare recently published recipes for SFR measures using combinations of the 24 micron and observed H-alpha luminosities with those using 24 micron luminosity alone. From these comparisons, we derive a reference SFR indicator for use in our analysis. Linear correlations between SFR and the 70 and 160 micron luminosity are found for L(70)>=1.4x10^{42} erg/s and L(160)>=2x10^{42} erg/s, corresponding to SFR>=0.1-0.3 M_sun/yr. Below those two luminosity limits, the relation between SFR and 70 micron (160 micron) luminosity is non-linear and SFR calibrations become problematic. The dispersion of the data around the mean trend increases for increasing wavelength, becoming about 25% (factor ~2) larger at 70 (160) micron than at 24 micron. The increasing dispersion is likely an effect of the increasing contribution to the infrared emission of dust heated by stellar populations not associated with the current star formation. The non-linear relation between SFR and the 70 and 160 micron emission at faint galaxy luminosities suggests that the increasing transparency of the interstellar medium, decreasing effective dust temperature, and decreasing filling factor of star forming regions across the galaxy become important factors for decreasing luminosity. The SFR calibrations are provided for galaxies with oxygen abundance 12+Log(O/H)>8.1. At lower metallicity the infrared luminosity no longer reliably traces the SFR because galaxies are less dusty and more transparent.
We present a linear clustering model of cosmic infrared background (CIB) anisotropies at large scales that is used to measure the cosmic star formation rate density up to redshift 6, the effective bias of the CIB and the mass of dark-matter halos hos ting dusty star-forming galaxies. This is achieved using the Planck CIB auto- and cross-power spectra (between different frequencies) and CIBxCMB lensing cross-spectra measurements, as well as external constraints (e.g. on the CIB mean brightness). We recovered an obscured star formation history which agrees well with the values derived from infrared deep surveys and we confirm that the obscured star formation dominates the unobscured one up to at least z=4. The obscured and unobscured star formation rate densities are compatible at $1sigma$ at z=5. We also determined the evolution of the effective bias of the galaxies emitting the CIB and found a rapid increase from $sim$0.8 at z$=$0 to $sim$8 at z$=$4. At 2$<$z$<$4, this effective bias is similar to that of galaxies at the knee of the mass functions and submillimeter galaxies. This effective bias is the weighted average of the true bias with the corresponding emissivity of the galaxies. The halo mass corresponding to this bias is thus not exactly the mass contributing the most to the star formation density. Correcting for this, we obtained a value of log(M$_h$/M$_{odot}$)=12.77$_{-0.125}^{+0.128}$ for the mass of the typical dark matter halo contributing to the CIB at z=2. Finally, we also computed using a Fisher matrix analysis how the uncertainties on the cosmological parameters affect the recovered CIB model parameters and find that the effect is negligible.
We investigate the correlation between far-infrared (FIR) and radio luminosities in distant galaxies, a lynchpin of modern astronomy. We use data from the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimetre Telescope (BLAST), Spitzer, the Large Apex BOlometer CamerA (LABOCA), the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). For a catalogue of BLAST 250-micron-selected galaxies, we re-measure the 70--870-micron flux densities at the positions of their most likely 24-micron counterparts, which have a median [interquartile] redshift of 0.74 [0.25, 1.57]. From these, we determine the monochromatic flux density ratio, q_250 = log_10 (S_250micron / S_1400MHz), and the bolometric equivalent, q_IR. At z ~= 0.6, where our 250-micron filter probes rest-frame 160-micron emission, we find no evolution relative to q_160 for local galaxies. We also stack the FIR and submm images at the positions of 24-micron- and radio-selected galaxies. The difference between q_IR seen for 250-micron- and radio-selected galaxies suggests star formation provides most of the IR luminosity in ~< 100-uJy radio galaxies, but rather less for those in the mJy regime. For the 24-micron sample, the radio spectral index is constant across 0 < z < 3, but q_IR exhibits tentative evidence of a steady decline such that q_IR is proportional to (1+z)^(-0.15 +/- 0.03) - significant evolution, spanning the epoch of galaxy formation, with major implications for techniques that rely on the FIR/radio correlation. We compare with model predictions and speculate that we may be seeing the increase in radio activity that gives rise to the radio background.
We constrain the evolution of the rest-frame far-infrared (FIR) luminosity function out to high redshift, by combining several pieces of complementary information provided by the deep Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope surveys at 25 0, 350 and 500 micron, as well as other FIR and millimetre data. Unlike most other phenomenological models, we characterise the uncertainties in our fitted parameters using Monte Carlo Markov Chains. We use a bivariate local luminosity function that depends only on FIR luminosity and 60-to-100 micron colour, along with a single library of galaxy spectral energy distributions indexed by colour, and apply simple luminosity and density evolution. We use the surface density of sources, Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) measurements and redshift distributions of bright sources, for which identifications have been made, to constrain this model. The precise evolution of the FIR luminosity function across this crucial range has eluded studies at longer wavelengths (e.g., using SCUBA and MAMBO) and at shorter wavelengths (e.g., Spitzer), and should provide a key piece of information required for the study of galaxy evolution. Our adoption of Monte Carlo methods enables us not only to find the best-fit evolution model, but also to explore correlations between the fitted parameters. Our model-fitting approach allows us to focus on sources of tension coming from the combination of data-sets. We specifically find that our choice of parameterisation has difficulty fitting the combination of CIB measurements and redshift distribution of sources near 1 mm. Existing and future data sets will be able to dramatically improve the fits, as well as break strong degeneracies among the models. [abridged]
We use deep HST ACS/HRC observations of a field within M32 (F1) and an M31 background field (F2) to determine the star formation history (SFH) of M32 from its resolved stellar population. We find that 2-5Gyr old stars contribute som40%+/- 17% of M32s mass, while 55%+/-21% of M32s mass comes from stars older than 5 Gyr. The mass-weighted mean age and metallicity of M32 at F1 are <Age>=6.8+/-1.5 Gyr and <[M/H]>=-0.01+/-0.08 dex. The SFH additionally indicates the presence of young (<2 Gyr old), metal-poor ([M/H]sim-0.7) stars, suggesting that blue straggler stars contribute ~2% of the mass at F1; the remaining sim3% of the mass is in young metal-rich stars. Line-strength indices computed from the SFH imply a light-weighted mean age and metallicity of 4.9 Gyr and [M/H] = -0.12 dex, and single-stellar-population-equivalent parameters of 2.9+/-0.2 Gyr and [M/H]=0.02+/-0.01 dex at F1 (~2.7 re). This contradicts spectroscopic studies that show a steep age gradient from M32s center to 1re. The inferred SFH of the M31 background field F2 reveals that the majority of its stars are old, with sim95% of its mass already acquired 5-14 Gyr ago. It is composed of two dominant populations; sim30%+/-7.5% of its mass is in a 5-8 Gyr old population, and sim65%+/-9% of the mass is in a 8-14 Gyr old population. The mass-weighted mean age and metallicity of F2 are <Age>=9.2+/-1.2 Gyr and <[M/H]>=-0.10+/-0.10 dex, respectively. Our results suggest that the inner disk and spheroid populations of M31 are indistinguishable from those of the outer disk and spheroid. Assuming the mean age of M31s disk at F2 (sim1 disk scale length) to be 5-9 Gyr, our results agree with an inside-out disk formation scenario for M31s disk.
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