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Higher Order QED Calculation of Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Production of mu+ mu- Pairs

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 نشر من قبل Anthony Baltz
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. J. Baltz

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A higher order QED calculation of the ultraperipheral heavy ion cross section for mu+ mu- pair production at RHIC and LHC is carried out. The so-called Coulomb corrections lead to an even greater percentage decrease of mu+ mu- production from perturbation theory than the corresponding decrease for e+ e- pair production. Unlike the e+ e- case, the finite charge distribution of the ions (form factor) and the necessary subtraction of impact parameters with matter overlap are significant effects in calculation an observable ultraperipheral mu+ mu- total cross section.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

76 - Kai Hencken 2004
The STAR collaboration at RHIC is measuring the production of electron-positron pairs at small impact parameters, larger than but already close to the range, where the ions interact strongly with each other. We calculate the total cross section, as w ell as, differential distributions of the pair production process with the electromagnetic excitation of both ions in a semiclassical approach and within a lowest order QED calculation. We compare the distribution of electron and positron with the one coming from the cross section calculation without restriction on impact parameter. Finally we give an outlook of possible results at the LHC.
Lowest order and higher order QED calculations have been carried out for the RHIC high mass e+ e- pairs observed by PHENIX with single ZDC triggers. The lowest order QED results for the experimental acceptance are about two standard deviations larger than the PHENIX data. Corresponding higher order QED calculations are within one standard deviation of the data.
We discuss the implications of the eikonal amplitude on the pair production probability in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion transits. In this context the Weizsacker-Williams method is shown to be exact in the ultrarelativistic limit, irrespective of the p roduced particles mass. A new equivalent single-photon distribution is derived which correctly accounts for the Coulomb distortions. As an immediate application, consequences for unitarity violation in photo-dissociation processes in peripheral heavy-ion encounters are discussed.
151 - A. J. Baltz 2007
A new lowest order QED calculation for RHIC e+ e- pair production has been carried out with a phenomenological treatment of the Coulomb dissociation of the heavy ion nuclei observed in the STAR ZDC triggers. The lowest order QED result for the experi mental acceptance is nearly two standard deviations larger than the STAR data. A corresponding higher order QED calculation is consistent with the data.
The heavy ion total cross section for continuum e+ e- pair production has been calculated to all orders in Z alpha. The formula resulting from an exact solution of the semiclassical Dirac equation in the ultrarelativistic limit is evaluated numerical ly. An energy dependent spatial cutoff of the heavy ion potential is utilized, leading to an exact formula agreeing with the known perturbative formula in the ultrarelativistic, perturbative limit. Cross sections and sample momentum distributions are evaluated for heavy ion beams at SPS, RHIC, and LHC energies. e+ e- pair production probabilities are found to be reduced from perturbation theory with increasing charge of the colliding heavy ions and for all energy and momentum regions investigated.
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