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Single shot parameter estimation via continuous quantum measurement

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 نشر من قبل Bradley Chase
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present filtering equations for single shot parameter estimation using continuous quantum measurement. By embedding parameter estimation in the standard quantum filtering formalism, we derive the optimal Bayesian filter for cases when the parameter takes on a finite range of values. Leveraging recent convergence results [van Handel, arXiv:0709.2216 (2008)], we give a condition which determines the asymptotic convergence of the estimator. For cases when the parameter is continuous valued, we develop quantum particle filters as a practical computational method for quantum parameter estimation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We develop generalized bounds for quantum single-parameter estimation problems for which the coupling to the parameter is described by intrinsic multi-system interactions. For a Hamiltonian with $k$-system parameter-sensitive terms, the quantum limit scales as $1/N^k$ where $N$ is the number of systems. These quantum limits remain valid when the Hamiltonian is augmented by any parameter independent interaction among the systems and when adaptive measurements via parameter-independent coupling to ancillas are allowed.
Present protocols of criticality enhanced sensing with open quantum sensors assume direct measurement of the sensor and omit the radiation quanta emitted to the environment, thereby omitting potentially valuable information. Here we propose a protoco l for criticality enhanced sensing via continuous observation of the emitted radiation quanta. Under general assumptions, we establish a scaling theory for the global quantum Fisher information of the joint system and environment state at a dissipative critical point. We demonstrate that it obeys universal scaling laws featuring transient and long-time behavior governed by the underlying critical exponents. Importantly, such scaling laws exceed the standard quantum limit and can in principle satuarate the Heisenberg limit. To harness such advantageous scaling, we propose a practical sensing scheme based on continuous detection of the emitted quanta. In such a scheme a single interrogation corresponds to a (stochastic) quantum trajectory of the open system evolving under the non-unitary dynamics dependent on the parameter to be sensed and the back-action of the continuous measurement. Remarkably, we demonstrate that the associated precision scaling significantly exceeds that based on direct measurement of the critical steady state, thereby establishing the metrological value of detection of the emitted quanta at dissipative criticality. We illustrate our protocol via counting the photons emitted by the open Rabi model, a paradigmatic model for the study of dissipative phase transition with finite components. Our protocol is applicable to diverse open quantum sensors permitting continuous readout, and may find applications at the frontier of quantum sensing such as human-machine interface, magnetic diagnosis of heart disease and zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance.
162 - Olivier Pinel , Pu Jian 2013
We calculate the quantum Cramer--Rao bound for the sensitivity with which one or several parameters, encoded in a general single-mode Gaussian state, can be estimated. This includes in particular the interesting case of mixed Gaussian states. We appl y the formula to the problems of estimating phase, purity, loss, amplitude, and squeezing. In the case of the simultaneous measurement of several parameters, we provide the full quantum Fisher information matrix. Our results unify previously known partial results, and constitute a complete solution to the problem of knowing the best possible sensitivity of measurements based on a single-mode Gaussian state.
We demonstrate a fast, robust and non-destructive protocol for quantum state estimation based on continuous weak measurement in the presence of a controlled dynamical evolution. Our experiment uses optically probed atomic spins as a testbed, and succ essfully reconstructs a range of trial states with fidelities of ~90%. The procedure holds promise as a practical diagnostic tool for the study of complex quantum dynamics, the testing of quantum hardware, and as a starting point for new types of quantum feedback control.
The entropic uncertainty relation (EUR) is of significant importance in the security proof of continuous-variable quantum key distribution under coherent attacks. The parameter estimation in the EUR method contains the estimation of the covariance ma trix (CM), as well as the max-entropy. The discussions in previous works have not involved the effect of finite-size on estimating the CM, which will further affect the estimation of leakage information. In this work, we address this issue by adapting the parameter estimation technique to the EUR analysis method under composable security frameworks. We also use the double-data modulation method to improve the parameter estimation step, where all the states can be exploited for both parameter estimation and key generation; thus, the statistical fluctuation of estimating the max-entropy disappears. The result shows that the adapted method can effectively estimate parameters in EUR analysis. Moreover, the double-data modulation method can, to a large extent, save the key consumption, which further improves the performance in practical implementations of the EUR.
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