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Covariant Hamiltonian Field Theory

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 نشر من قبل J\\\"urgen Struckmeier
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A consistent, local coordinate formulation of covariant Hamiltonian field theory is presented. Whereas the covariant canonical field equations are equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange field equations, the covariant canonical transformation theory offers more general means for defining mappings that preserve the form of the field equations than the usual Lagrangian description. It is proved that Poisson brackets, Lagrange brackets, and canonical 2-forms exist that are invariant under canonical transformations of the fields. The technique to derive transformation rules for the fields from generating functions is demonstrated by means of various examples. In particular, it is shown that the infinitesimal canonical transformation furnishes the most general form of Noethers theorem. We furthermore specify the generating function of an infinitesimal space-time step that conforms to the field equations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

127 - G. Sardanashvily 2015
Applied to field theory, the familiar symplectic technique leads to instantaneous Hamiltonian formalism on an infinite-dimensional phase space. A true Hamiltonian partner of first order Lagrangian theory on fibre bundles $Yto X$ is covariant Hamilton ian formalism in different variants, where momenta correspond to derivatives of fields relative to all coordinates on $X$. We follow polysymplectic (PS) Hamiltonian formalism on a Legendre bundle over $Y$ provided with a polysymplectic $TX$-valued form. If $X=mathbb R$, this is a case of time-dependent non-relativistic mechanics. PS Hamiltonian formalism is equivalent to the Lagrangian one if Lagrangians are hyperregular. A non-regular Lagrangian however leads to constraints and requires a set of associated Hamiltonians. We state comprehensive relations between Lagrangian and PS Hamiltonian theories in a case of semiregular and almost regular Lagrangians. Quadratic Lagrangian and PS Hamiltonian systems, e.g. Yang - Mills gauge theory are studied in detail. Quantum PS Hamiltonian field theory can be developed in the frameworks both of familiar functional integral quantization and quantization of the PS bracket.
We show that Hamiltonian monodromy of an integrable two degrees of freedom system with a global circle action can be computed by applying Morse theory to the Hamiltonian of the system. Our proof is based on Takenss index theorem, which specifies how the energy-h Chern number changes when h passes a non-degenerate critical value, and a choice of admissible cycles in Fomenko-Zieschang theory. Connections of our result to some of the existing approaches to monodromy are discussed.
This work continues the study of the thermal Hamiltonian, initially proposed by J. M. Luttinger in 1964 as a model for the conduction of thermal currents in solids. The previous work [DL] contains a complete study of the free model in one spatial dim ension along with a preliminary scattering result for convolution-type perturbations. This work complements the results obtained in [DL] by providing a detailed analysis of the perturbation theory for the one-dimensional thermal Hamiltonian. In more detail the following result are established: the regularity and decay properties for elements in the domain of the unperturbed thermal Hamiltonian; the determination of a class of self-adjoint and relatively compact perturbations of the thermal Hamiltonian; the proof of the existence and completeness of wave operators for a subclass of such potentials.
Recently we found that canonical gauge-natural superpotentials are obtained as global sections of the {em reduced} $(n-2)$-degree and $(2s-1)$-order quotient sheaf on the fibered manifold $bY_{zet} times_{bX} mathfrak{K}$, where $mathfrak{K}$ is an a ppropriate subbundle of the vector bundle of (prolongations of) infinitesimal right-invariant automorphisms $bar{Xi}$. In this paper, we provide an alternative proof of the fact that the naturality property $cL_{j_{s}bar{Xi}_{H}}omega (lambda, mathfrak{K})=0$ holds true for the {em new} Lagrangian $omega (lambda, mathfrak{K})$ obtained contracting the Euler--Lagrange form of the original Lagrangian with $bar{Xi}_{V}in mathfrak{K}$. We use as fundamental tools an invariant decomposition formula of vertical morphisms due to Kolav{r} and the theory of iterated Lie derivatives of sections of fibered bundles. As a consequence, we recover the existence of a canonical generalized energy--momentum conserved tensor density associated with $omega (lambda, mathfrak{K})$.
This paper explores a class of non-linear constitutive relations for materials with memory in the framework of covariant macroscopic Maxwell theory. Based on earlier models for the response of hysteretic ferromagnetic materials to prescribed slowly v arying magnetic background fields, generalized models are explored that are applicable to accelerating hysteretic magneto-electric substances coupled self-consistently to Maxwell fields. Using a parameterized model consistent with experimental data for a particular material that exhibits purely ferroelectric hysteresis when at rest in a slowly varying electric field, a constitutive model is constructed that permits a numerical analysis of its response to a driven harmonic electromagnetic field in a rectangular cavity. This response is then contrasted with its predicted response when set in uniform rotary motion in the cavity.
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