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A Two-Dimensional Lattice Ion Trap for Quantum Simulation

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 نشر من قبل Robert Clark
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum simulations of spin systems could enable the solution of problems which otherwise require infeasible classical resources. Such a simulation may be implemented using a well-controlled system of effective spins, such as a two-dimensional lattice of locally interacting ions. We propose here a layered planar rf trap design that can be used to create arbitrary two-dimensional lattices of ions. The design also leads naturally to ease of microfabrication. As a first experimental demonstration, we confine strontium-88 ions in a mm-scale lattice trap and verify numerical models of the trap by measuring the motional frequencies. We also confine 440 nm diameter charged microspheres and observe ion-ion repulsion between ions in neighboring lattice sites. Our design, when scaled to smaller ion-ion distances, is appropriate for quantum simulation schemes, e.g. that of Porras and Cirac (PRL 92 207901 (2004)). We note, however, that in practical realizations of the trap, an increase in the secular frequency with decreasing ion spacing may make a coupling rate that is large relative to the decoherence rate in such a trap difficult to achieve.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The optimisation of two-dimensional (2D) lattice ion trap geometries for trapped ion quantum simulation is investigated. The geometry is optimised for the highest ratio of ion-ion interaction rate to decoherence rate. To calculate the electric field of such array geometries a numerical simulation based on a Biot-Savart like law method is used. In this article we will focus on square, hexagonal and centre rectangular lattices for optimisation. A method for maximising the homogeneity of trapping site properties over an array is presented for arrays of a range of sizes. We show how both the polygon radii and separations scale to optimise the ratio between the interaction and decoherence rate. The optimal polygon radius and separation for a 2D lattice is found to be a function of the ratio between rf voltage and drive frequency applied to the array. We then provide a case study for 171Yb+ ions to show how a two-dimensional quantum simulator array could be designed.
Microfabricated ion traps are a major advancement towards scalable quantum computing with trapped ions. The development of more versatile ion-trap designs, in which tailored arrays of ions are positioned in two dimensions above a microfabricated surf ace, would lead to applications in fields as varied as quantum simulation, metrology and atom-ion interactions. Current surface ion traps often have low trap depths and high heating rates, due to the size of the voltages that can be applied to them, limiting the fidelity of quantum gates. Here we report on a fabrication process that allows for the application of very high voltages to microfabricated devices in general and use this advance to fabricate a 2D ion trap lattice on a microchip. Our microfabricated architecture allows for reliable trapping of 2D ion lattices, long ion lifetimes, rudimentary shuttling between lattice sites and the ability to deterministically introduce defects into the ion lattice.
Two-dimensional crystals of trapped ions are a promising system with which to implement quantum simulations of challenging problems such as spin frustration. Here, we present a design for a surface-electrode elliptical ion trap which produces a 2-D i on crystal and is amenable to microfabrication, which would enable higher simulated coupling rates, as well as interactions based on magnetic forces generated by on-chip currents. Working in an 11 K cryogenic environment, we experimentally verify to within 5% a numerical model of the structure of ion crystals in the trap. We also explore the possibility of implementing quantum simulation using magnetic forces, and calculate J-coupling rates on the order of 10^3 / s for an ion crystal height of 10 microns, using a current of 1 A.
Quantum mechanics dominates various effects in modern research from miniaturizing electronics, up to potentially ruling solid-state physics, quantum chemistry and biology. To study these effects experimental quantum systems may provide the only effec tive access. Seminal progress has been achieved in a variety of physical platforms, highlighted by recent applications. Atomic ions are known for their unique controllability and are identical by nature, as evidenced, e.g., by performing among the most precise atomic clocks and providing the basis for one-dimensional simulators. However, controllable, scalable systems of more than one dimension are required to address problems of interest and to reach beyond classical numerics with its powerful approximative methods. Here we show, tunable, coherent couplings and interference in a two-dimensional ion microtrap array, completing the toolbox for a reconfigurable quantum simulator. Previously, couplings and entangling interactions between sites in one-dimensional traps have been realized, while coupling remained elusive in microtrap approaches. Our architecture is based on well isolatable ions as identical quantum entities hovering above scalable CMOS chips. In contrast to other multi-dimensional approaches, it allows individual control in arbitrary, even non-periodic, lattice structures. Embedded control structures can exploit the long-range Coulomb interaction to configure synthetic, fully connected many-body systems to address multi-dimensional problems.
Scaling quantum information processors is a challenging task, requiring manipulation of a large number of qubits with high fidelity and a high degree of connectivity. For trapped ions, this could be realized in a two-dimensional array of interconnect ed traps in which ions are separated, transported and recombined to carry out quantum operations on small subsets of ions. Here, we use a junction connecting orthogonal linear segments in a two-dimensional (2D) trap array to reorder a two-ion crystal. The secular motion of the ions experiences low energy gain and the internal qubit levels maintain coherence during the reordering process, therefore demonstrating a promising method for providing all-to-all connectivity in a large-scale, two- or three-dimensional trapped-ion quantum information processor.
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