ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
This paper reports some advances in the study of the symplectic blob algebra. We find a presentation for this algebra. We find a minimal poset for this as a quasi-hereditary algebra. We discuss how to reduce the number of parameters defining the algebra from 6 to 4 (or even 3) without loss of representation theoretic generality. We then find some non-semisimple specialisations by calculating Gram determinants for certain cell modules (or standard modules) using the good parametrisation defined. We finish by considering some quotients of specialisations of the symplectic blob algebra which are isomorphic to Temperley--Lieb algebras of type $A$.
Let $A$ be a split finite-dimensional associative unital algebra over a field. The first main result of this note shows that if the Ext-quiver of $A$ is a simple directed graph, then $HH^1(A)$ is a solvable Lie algebra. The second main result shows t
Let $L$ be a Lie algebra of Block type over $C$ with basis ${L_{alpha,i},|,alpha,iinZ}$ and brackets $[L_{alpha,i},L_{beta,j}]=(beta(i+1)-alpha(j+1))L_{alpha+beta,i+j}$. In this paper, we shall construct a formal distribution Lie algebra of $L$. Then
Let $Q$ be an acyclic quiver, it is classical that certain truncations of the translation quiver $mathbb Z Q$ appear in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of the path algebra $kQ$. We introduce the $n$-translation quiver $mathbb Z|_{n-1} Q$ as a generalizat
We show that the generic Hall algebra of nilpotent representations of an oriented cycle specialised at $q=0$ is isomorphic to the generic extension monoid in the sense of Reineke. This continues the work of Reineke.
In this paper we describe some Leibniz algebras whose corresponding Lie algebra is four-dimensional Diamond Lie algebra $mathfrak{D}$ and the ideal generated by the squares of elements (further denoted by $I$) is a right $mathfrak{D}$-module. Using d