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Discrete Approximation of Quantum Stochastic Models

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 نشر من قبل Ramon Van Handel
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop a general technique for proving convergence of repeated quantum interactions to the solution of a quantum stochastic differential equation. The wide applicability of the method is illustrated in a variety of examples. Our main theorem, which is based on the Trotter-Kato theorem, is not restricted to a specific noise model and does not require boundedness of the limit coefficients.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We introduce the notion of perturbations of quantum stochastic models using the series product, and establish the asymptotic convergence of sequences of quantum stochastic models under the assumption that they are related via a right series product p erturbation. While the perturbing models converge to the trivial model, we allow that the individual sequences may be divergent corresponding to large model parameter regimes that frequently occur in physical applications. This allows us to introduce the concept of asymptotically equivalent models, and we provide several examples where we replace one sequence of models with an equivalent one tailored to capture specific features. These examples include: a series product formulation of the principle of virtual work; essential commutativity of the noise in strong squeezing models; the decoupling of polarization channels in scattering by Faraday rotation driven by a strong laser field; and an application to quantum local asymptotic normality.
We consider a physical system with a coupling to bosonic reservoirs via a quantum stochastic differential equation. We study the limit of this model as the coupling strength tends to infinity. We show that in this limit the solution to the quantum st ochastic differential equation converges strongly to the solution of a limit quantum stochastic differential equation. In the limiting dynamics the excited states are removed and the ground states couple directly to the reservoirs.
235 - Luc Bouten 2017
In this paper we study quantum stochastic differential equations (QSDEs) that are driven by strongly squeezed vacuum noise. We show that for strong squeezing such a QSDE can be approximated (via a limit in the strong sense) by a QSDE that is driven b y a single commuting noise process. We find that the approximation has an additional Hamiltonian term.
We strengthen a result of two of us on the existence of effective interactions for discretised continuous-spin models. We also point out that such an interaction cannot exist at very low temperatures. Moreover, we compare two ways of discretising con tinuous-spin models, and show that, except for very low temperatures, they behave similarly in two dimensions. We also discuss some possibilities in higher dimensions.
We explore the connections between the theories of stochastic analysis and discrete quantum mechanical systems. Naturally these connections include the Feynman-Kac formula, and the Cameron-Martin-Girsanov theorem. More precisely, the notion of the qu antum canonical transformation is employed for computing the time propagator, in the case of generic dynamical diffusion coefficients. Explicit computation of the path integral leads to a universal expression for the associated measure regardless of the form of the diffusion coefficient and the drift. This computation also reveals that the drift plays the role of a super potential in the usual super-symmetric quantum mechanics sense. Some simple illustrative examples such as the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and the multidimensional Black-Scholes model are also discussed. Basic examples of quantum integrable systems such as the quantum discrete non-linear hierarchy (DNLS) and the XXZ spin chain are presented providing specific connections between quantum (integrable) systems and stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The continuum limits of the SDEs for the first two members of the NLS hierarchy turn out to be the stochastic transport and the stochastic heat equations respectively. The quantum Darboux matrix for the discrete NLS is also computed as a defect matrix and the relevant SDEs are derived.
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