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Critical fermi surfaces and non-fermi liquid metals

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 نشر من قبل T. Senthil
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف T. Senthil

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At certain quantum critical points in metals an entire Fermi surface may disappear. A crucial question is the nature of the electronic excitations at the critical point. Here we provide arguments showing that at such quantum critical points the Fermi surface remains sharply defined even though the Landau quasiparticle is absent. The presence of such a critical Fermi surface has a number of consequences for the universal phenomena near the quantum critical point which are discussed. In particular the structure of scaling of the universal critical singularities can be significantly modified from more familiar criticality. Scaling hypotheses appropriate to a critical fermi surface are proposed. Implications for experiments on heavy fermion critical points are discussed. Various phenomena in the normal state of the cuprates are also examined from this perspective. We suggest that a phase transition that involves a dramatic reconstruction of the Fermi surface might underlie a number of strange observations in the metallic states above the superconducting dome.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We construct examples of translationally invariant solvable models of strongly-correlated metals, composed of lattices of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev dots with identical local interactions. These models display crossovers as a function of temperature into regi mes with local quantum criticality and marginal-Fermi liquid behavior. In the marginal Fermi liquid regime, the dc resistivity increases linearly with temperature over a broad range of temperatures. By generalizing the form of interactions, we also construct examples of non-Fermi liquids with critical Fermi-surfaces. The self energy has a singular frequency dependence, but lacks momentum dependence, reminiscent of a dynamical mean field theory-like behavior but in dimensions $d<infty$. In the low temperature and strong-coupling limit, a heavy Fermi liquid is formed. The critical Fermi-surface in the non-Fermi liquid regime gives rise to quantum oscillations in the magnetization as a function of an external magnetic field in the absence of quasiparticle excitations. We discuss the implications of these results for local quantum criticality and for fundamental bounds on relaxation rates. Drawing on the lessons from these models, we formulate conjectures on coarse grained descriptions of a class of intermediate scale non-fermi liquid behavior in generic correlated metals.
64 - T. Senthil 2006
Heavy electron metals on the verge of a quantum phase transition to magnetism show a number of unusual non-fermi liquid properties which are poorly understood. This article discusses in a general way various theoretical aspects of this phase transiti on with an eye toward understanding the non-fermi liquid phenomena. We suggest that the non-Fermi liquid quantum critical state may have a sharp Fermi surface with power law quasiparticles but with a volume not set by the usual Luttinger rule. We also discuss the possibility that the electronic structure change associated with the possible Fermi surface reconstruction may diverge at a different time/length scale from that associated with magnetic phenomena.
We study the emergence of non-Fermi liquid on heterostructure interfaces where there exists an infinite number of critical boson modes in two spatial dimensions for the magnetic fluctuations. At the interface, the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya in teraction naturally emerges in the magnetic interactions due to the absence of the inversion symmetry. The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction gives rise to a degenerate contour for the low-energy bosonic modes in the momentum space, which simultaneously becomes critical approaching the magnetic phase transition. The presence of the critical boson contour leads to a divergence in the dynamical magnetic susceptibility. The itinerant electrons are scattered by the critical boson contour and develop non-Fermi liquid behaviors. With a self-consistent renormalization calculation, we uncover a prominent non-Fermi liquid behavior in the resistivity with a characteristic temperature scaling power. These results set another possibility for the boson-fermion coupled problems and the fermion criticality.
Significant effort has been devoted to the study of non-Fermi liquid (NFL) metals: gapless conducting systems that lack a quasiparticle description. One class of NFL metals involves a finite density of fermions interacting with soft order parameter f luctuations near a quantum critical point. The problem has been extensively studied in a large N limit (N corresponding to the number of fermion flavors) where universal behavior can be obtained by solving a set of coupled saddle-point equations. However a remarkable study by S.-S.~Lee revealed the breakdown of such approximations in two spatial dimensions. We show that an alternate approach, in which the fermions belong to the fundamental representation of a global SU(N) flavor symmetry, while the order parameter fields transform under the adjoint representation (a matrix large N theory), yields a tractable large N limit. At low energies, the system consists of an overdamped boson with dynamical exponent $z=3$ coupled to a non-Fermi liquid with self energy $Sigma(omega) sim omega^{2/3}$, consistent with previous studies.
Using determinantal quantum Monte Carlo, we compute the properties of a lattice model with spin $frac 1 2$ itinerant electrons tuned through a quantum phase transition to an Ising nematic phase. The nematic fluctuations induce superconductivity with a broad dome in the superconducting $T_c$ enclosing the nematic quantum critical point. For temperatures above $T_c$, we see strikingly non-Fermi liquid behavior, including a nodal - anti nodal dichotomy reminiscent of that seen in several transition metal oxides. In addition, the critical fluctuations have a strong effect on the low frequency optical conductivity, resulting in behavior consistent with bad metal phenomenology.
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