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Analysis of angular distributions in gamma N to pi0 eta N

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 نشر من قبل Alexander Fix
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Angular distributions in the final state of pi0-eta photoproduction on nucleons are considered. As a formal base the familiar isobar model is used in which the (pi0 eta N) state is a product of the resonance decay into eta-Delta(1232) and pi-S_{11}(1535) channels. One of the principal assumptions used is that in the actual energy region the reaction is dominated by a single resonance state. The developed formalism can serve as a tool for testing spin and parity of that resonance.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The production of eta mesons in photon- and hadron-induced reactions has been revisited in view of the recent additions of high-precision data to the world data base. Based on an effective Lagrangian approach, we have performed a combined analysis of the free and quasi-free gamma N -> eta N, N N -> N N eta, and pi N -> eta N reactions. Considering spin-1/2 and -3/2 resonances, we found that a set of above-threshold resonances {S_{11}, P_{11}, P_{13}}, with fitted mass values of about M_R=1925, 2130, and 2050 MeV, respectively, and the four-star sub-threshold P_{13}(1720) resonance reproduce best all existing data for the eta production processes in the resonance-energy region considered in this work. All three above-threshold resonances found in the present analysis are essential and indispensable for the good quality of the present fits.
Observation of a narrow structure at $Wsim 1.68$ GeV in the excitation functions of some photon- and pion-induced reactions may signal a new narrow isospin-1/2 $N(1685)$ resonance. New data on the $gamma N to pi eta N$ reactions from GRAAL seems to r eveal the signals of both $N^+(1685)$ and $N^0(1685)$ resonances.
118 - B. C. Hunt , D. M. Manley 2018
This paper presents results from partial-wave analyses of the photoproduction reactions $gamma p rightarrow eta p$ and $gamma n rightarrow eta n$. World data for the observables DSG, $Sigma$, $T$, $P$, $F$, and $E$ were analyzed as part of this work. The dominant amplitude in the fitting range from threshold to a c.m. energy of 1900 MeV was found to be $S_{11}$ in both reactions, consistent with results of other groups. At c.m. energies above 1600 MeV, our solution deviates from published results, with this work finding higher-order partial waves becoming significant. Data off the proton suggest that the higher-order terms contributing to the reaction include $P_{11}$, $P_{13}$, and $F_{15}$. The final results also hint that $F_{17}$ is needed to fit double-polarization observables above 1900 MeV. Data off the neutron show a contribution from $P_{13}$, as well as strong contributions from $D_{13}$ and $D_{15}$.
A study of the partial-wave content of the $gamma pto eta^prime p$ reaction in the fourth resonance region is presented, which has been prompted by new measurements of polarization observables for that process. Using the Bonn-Gatchina partial-wave fo rmalism, the incorporation of new data indicates that the $N(1895)1/2^-$, $N(1900)3/2^+$, $N(2100)1/2^+$, and $N(2120)3/2^-$ are the most significant contributors to the photoproduction process. New results for the branching ratios of the decays of these more prominent resonances to $Neta^prime$ final states are provided; such branches have not been indicated in the most recent edition of the Review of Particle Properties. Based on the analysis performed here, predictions for the helicity asymmetry $E$ for the $gamma pto eta^prime p$ reaction are presented.
127 - Xiong-Hui Cao 2021
We use a dispersion representation based on unitarity and analyticity to study the low energy $gamma^* Nrightarrow pi N$ process in the $S_{11}$ channel. Final state interactions among the $pi N$ system are critical to this analysis. The left-hand pa rt of the partial wave amplitude is imported from $mathcal{O}(p^2)$ chiral perturbation theory result. On the right-hand part, the final state interaction is calculated through Omn`es formula in $S$ wave. It is found that a good numerical fit can be achieved with only one subtraction parameter, and the eletroproduction experimental data of multipole amplitudes $E_{0+}, S_{0+}$ in the energy region below $Delta(1232)$ are well described when the photon virtuality $Q^2 leq 0.1 mathrm{GeV}^2$.
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